which brand of soil from lowes or depot

walmart had some cool organic bag soils i noticed. they had a hummus rich blend or 5 going for them. id just pick up one of those and add some EWC and call it a day. add ass much EWC as you want as long as you get drainage lol. you can start fucking lettuce in EWC ... slow release forever

edit: the soils were found in the parking lot "isle"

EWC is that a slow release fert?
I prefer not to use slow release salt fertilizers
EWC is earth worm castings

you'll see EWC thrown around a metric shit ton in the organics section should you start browsing around tharrrrrrr

hope you do!
I will be eventually

I got the hydro bit down, I figure I should learn something new to keep it fun and slowly work my way into organics possibly
A buddy uses it and plants like it .... Supposedly OMRI certified organic.
It costs like $12 bucks.
that's considerably less expensive but still only
saves about $3.50 per plant in a 5 gallon container

I suppose I would need to have a bigger garden to really see the savings... I never really priced the soils out... I guess I just expected the FF brand was a rip off like all the rest of the hydro store gear
but its really not that much more for a small garden

if I was looking to fill a huge raised bed id certainly be going with the less expensive stuff thou

thanks brothers
Recipes for Success: Building Your Own Organic Potting Soil https://www.maximumyield.com/recipes-for-success-building-your-own-organic-potting-soil/2/1006 sorry

yes i always mix a bunch of stoff in to my pro mix like

subcool super soil
25-50 lbs- WORM CASTINGS
5 lbs- BLOOD MEAL (12-0-0)
5 lbs- BAT GUANO(0-4-0)
2.5 lbs- BONE MEAL (3-15-0)
3 cups- KELP MEAL
2 cups- AZOMITE
3/4 cup- EPSOM SALT
Mix thoroughly and I mean very thoroughly, breaking up any large clumps and chunks, making sure all ingredients become completely mixed. Then store the soil mixture in 3 large plastic covered garbage cans. Water the mixture thoroughly but do not drench or over water, be sure all soil is moist. Cover and allow to sit 6-12 weeks. As far as we know the soil does not have an expiration date, however we have always used ours within a year. The soil mixture needs to be above freezing but doesn't necessarily need to 'cook' as Sub had originally said. Do not become alarmed if you get white webbing, also on the same note, do not become alarmed if you do not get webbing. Lack of webbing could be the cause of the sun hitting the cans and burning the webbing off, it will not disrupt the process of your soil if it does not get webs due to sun. Best case scenario is to store at approximately 78 degrees out of the direct sunlight.


how many cubic ft of soil is this subcool soil amendment recipe for?

it doesn't really specify ... it says trash cans but doesn't say what size

a 35 gallon trash can should hold about 4.5 cubic ft /or 33 gallons of soil...
thanks dr who

another question;

currently I have a dtw drip set up using rockwool

I use dosatron injectors to mix my fertilizers... the injectors have a nob that allows them to be disengaged if I want to switch between plain water feeds or nutrient solution feeds

https://www.qcsupply.com/120602-dosatron-dm11f-diaphram-injector.html?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=QC Supply Products(BSC)&utm_term=1100310941987&utm_content=Products Ad Group

im fazing the rockwool out and watering the new soil plants by hand

eventually I want to automate the watering/nutrient feed system for the soil

the system that's currently in place uses drip emitters that are rated at 2 gallons per hour

so to put one gallon of water into a 5 gallon pot itll take about 30 minutes if I get max pressure

if that's to long or to slow I can add 2 or even 3 stakes per pot

2 stakes would be 15 minutes to get 1 gallon and 3 stakes maybe only 10 min

or is there a better way?

It Really shouldn't matter on how long it takes to deliver your watering.....lights on, watering.....all good.
You may have to look into how much the media will absorb safely for overall delivery over an extended time.

Never tried it.
Recipes for Success: Building Your Own Organic Potting Soil https://www.maximumyield.com/recipes-for-success-building-your-own-organic-potting-soil/2/1006 sorry

yes i always mix a bunch of stoff in to my pro mix like

subcool super soil
25-50 lbs- WORM CASTINGS
5 lbs- BLOOD MEAL (12-0-0)
5 lbs- BAT GUANO(0-4-0)
2.5 lbs- BONE MEAL (3-15-0)
3 cups- KELP MEAL
2 cups- AZOMITE
3/4 cup- EPSOM SALT
Mix thoroughly and I mean very thoroughly, breaking up any large clumps and chunks, making sure all ingredients become completely mixed. Then store the soil mixture in 3 large plastic covered garbage cans. Water the mixture thoroughly but do not drench or over water, be sure all soil is moist. Cover and allow to sit 6-12 weeks. As far as we know the soil does not have an expiration date, however we have always used ours within a year. The soil mixture needs to be above freezing but doesn't necessarily need to 'cook' as Sub had originally said. Do not become alarmed if you get white webbing, also on the same note, do not become alarmed if you do not get webbing. Lack of webbing could be the cause of the sun hitting the cans and burning the webbing off, it will not disrupt the process of your soil if it does not get webs due to sun. Best case scenario is to store at approximately 78 degrees out of the direct sunlight.

You might consider some good solid well composted Steer or Cow manure to that also.
Brings in different spectrum of Fungals and bacteria's that really add to the soil biome.....Cannabis likes it anyway.
so the fox farm is potting soil so i would mix them 50 50

potting soil and pro mix

as this is what i do i just dont buy fox i buy composted manure from a local farmer for 20 dollars a scoop from the tractor. about 2 fills my pickup truck. then i add all the other stuff i said back their.

so do you use fox with perlite in stead of pro mix

AH! I "see" the manure now!
Although i have been using StaGreen potting and garden mix ... Another pretty good soil is Dr. Earth. Available at Home Depot .

View attachment 3912822


Did you know this one was the old "POTting soil"?
Built for cannabis cultivation....They changed the label after complaints about it.
It's now stated like this from the companies web site...
Ideal for:
Indoor & Outdoor Organic Medicine & Herb Gardens for maximum production

This is good stuff!


how many cubic ft of soil is this subcool soil amendment recipe for?

it doesn't really specify ... it says trash cans but doesn't say what size

a 35 gallon trash can should hold about 4.5 cubic ft /or 33 gallons of soil...

That's a pretty hot soil mix......You had better have some left over promix or Sunshine #4 to use as layering is used by Sub and Rev to temper their soils......

A good place to start building and learning organic water "only" soils is covered here.


Subtool's and Rev's are kinda advanced.

Sub had a section of "his" gear that was actually (several) someone else's working strain's, taken back by them!!.....Home Grown Natural Wonders is one - Their Mickey and Quantum kush (among others), destroy Sub's work with them... They got pissed and pulled their gear from him. That's where those "missing' strains he used to have for a long time went!
If you can find the Dr Earth Homegrown premium in the black bag give it a try.It is made for growing cannabis.I had very good luck,the best I have used.

BEAT ME TO IT! didn't see that till the last page......Nice choice!


Did you know this one was the old "POTting soil"?
Built for cannabis cultivation....They changed the label after complaints about it.
It's now stated like this from the companies web site...
Ideal for:
Indoor & Outdoor Organic Medicine & Herb Gardens for maximum production

This is good stuff!

That's a pretty hot soil mix......You had better have some left over promix or Sunshine #4 to use as layering is used by Sub and Rev to temper their soils......

A good place to start building and learning organic water "only" soils is covered here.


Subtool's and Rev's are kinda advanced.

Sub had a section of "his" gear that was actually (several) someone else's working strain's, taken back by them!!.....Home Grown Natural Wonders is one - Their Mickey and Quantum kush (among others), destroy Sub's work with them... They got pissed and pulled their gear from him. That's where those "missing' strains he used to have for a long time went!
sorry i left that part out
14 cubic ft- SOIL(9- 1.5 cubic feet bags)
(Roots, Down to Earth- Pro Organics, any high quality local potting soil)
That's where those "missing' strains he used to have for a long time went! i know and its a shame i love tga i have grown agent orange, kaboom, space jill, i just got dr who and cheese quake. i wanted 9 lb hammer but as far as i can tell it gone.

so ive been looking at this link hard

please let correct me if I have misunderstood

to make new soil
15 gallons total in a 30 gallon trash can

5 gallons peat moss (pro-mix)
2.5 gallons cow manure
2.5 gallons warm castings
5 gallons perlite
1.5 cups dry inorganic fertilizer
2 cups lime
8 cups rock dust
1 cup kelp meal
1/2 cup crab meal
1/2 cup alfa alfa meal
1/2 cup neem meal

let it cook 4 weeks min

to re-amend soil
21 gallons in 30 gallon trash can

16 gallons previously amended soil
2 gallons manure
2 gallons EWC
1 gallon perlite
1/2 cup dry organic fert
1/2 cup lime
2 cup rock dust
3/4 cup kelp meal
1/4 cup alf alfa meal
1/4 cup neem meal

let it cook for 4 weeks
I noticed these aren't used in the above amendment example
how does the use of additives like

amino acids, fulvic acids, humic acid fall into play when amending

and how would the addition of these items change this example?
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kelp meal vs water soluble kelp powder or liquid kelp fertilizers

if I use water soluble kelp powder vs kelp meal or both

advantages, disadvantages and dosage differences