What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Good night my Riu peeps ....gotta be up bright and early for another full day .....full days are finally starting back up for me and will continue until the end of November .....so little sleep and lots of work begins ....hope you all have a good evening and morning as well ......don't forget to share the word penis with a stranger ....double points if there the super religious type .....and be sure to do lots of ((drugs)) with your significant other before bed .......K penises all around fist bumps and chili dogs ....hug for Annie and a mini ninja bow for Neo..

Ga Nite guys/gals


Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Tilapia are the ideal farmed fish from an economic standpoint- they grow fast, and will live in fetid conditions

I don't eat tilapia