Why do Americans want a WW3?

Being a lefty, i used to make the mistake of blaming the (in many cases) blameless

If you take a global view and get your head out of 'the west' perspective you'll find a common trait throughout history

The haves control the have nots

^^^^complete meltdown

that old chestnut.

we've all been on here long enough to recognise your (boring) repeated tactics.

I usually ignore you...and will go back to doing so.

You (and any of your cronies) can call it a meltdown as it will help you with the hurt.

Everyone else can read and make up their own minds
Sorry mate, IWW?
International Workers of the World--operated about 100 years ago. An attempt to unionize everyone into one big union regardless of skill type, class, or race. They were hounded out of existence, internationally.

Derisively called "wobblies," and was the cornerstone of lots of black activism in the U.S.
that old chestnut.

we've all been on here long enough to recognise your (boring) repeated tactics.

I usually ignore you...and will go back to doing so.

You (and any of your cronies) can call it a meltdown as it will help you with the hurt.

Everyone else can read and make up their own minds

another long boring shift at the gas station?
So the whites you refer to...they weren't the elite then?

Average white Joe from Europe was able to raise army, invade, change laws, oppress?

Focus on race if you like but in doing so you miss the root cause...same then as it is now

The elites make decisions...whatever colour their skin is...the rest of us are lied to and used to suit their agenda
The elite whites stayed behind, the avg white farmer joe went to these lands. I dont remember any kings or queens of europe moving to africa and staying for generations.
The elite whites stayed behind, the avg white farmer joe went to these lands. I dont remember any kings or queens of europe moving to africa and staying for generations.

So, in your attempt to back up your stance rather than consider mine you've just

absolved King Leopold 2 of genocide

nice work
International Workers of the World--operated about 100 years ago. An attempt to unionize everyone into one big union regardless of skill type, class, or race. They were hounded out of existence, internationally.

Derisively called "wobblies," and was the cornerstone of lots of black activism in the U.S.

thank you for taking the time to enlighten me
Rizlared, all of your posts made me think of the IWW. It's what they were arguing 100 years ago. The famous John Reed Ten Days that Shook the World was a member.