Well-Known Member
"Out at the lake at City Park today, police arrested a one armed man who was bothering the other boaters by continuously rowing in a circle."
~George Carlin~
Luckily it's her back leg ....but when she swims she sticks it straight out like a rudder ,,quite amusing
She lost her leg because my nephew was playing fetch with her before a pheasant Hunt one morning. He was tossing a tennis ball and it bounced into the bed of the truck. Well she jumped up and got the ball, but when she went to leap out of the back,, there was a plastic shopping bag tied rite near the tail gate for empty cans.....her back leg somehow got caught and it literally stopped her mid flight and of course broke her leg.....took her to the vet ASAP and they set and castes her with no foreseeable issues...Long story short we took her back several times because her paw looked pretty swollen. They said it's normal ...In the end the cast was put on way to tight and her skin/paw literally melted off ((rotted)) .....there excuse was the guy was new .....So they amputated and the infection almost killed her as well ....The owners of the Vet said don't worry about the could imagine my response GW....I remember the day I picked her up she literally shit and pissed all over there waiting room on the way out ....I just watched and said good girl ....She still hunts and can run like crazy ....