What did you accomplish today?

"Out at the lake at City Park today, police arrested a one armed man who was bothering the other boaters by continuously rowing in a circle."

~George Carlin~

Luckily it's her back leg ....but when she swims she sticks it straight out like a rudder ,,quite amusing

She lost her leg because my nephew was playing fetch with her before a pheasant Hunt one morning. He was tossing a tennis ball and it bounced into the bed of the truck. Well she jumped up and got the ball, but when she went to leap out of the back,, there was a plastic shopping bag tied rite near the tail gate for empty cans.....her back leg somehow got caught and it literally stopped her mid flight and of course broke her leg.....took her to the vet ASAP and they set and castes her with no foreseeable issues...Long story short we took her back several times because her paw looked pretty swollen. They said it's normal ...In the end the cast was put on way to tight and her skin/paw literally melted off ((rotted)) .....there excuse was the guy was new .....So they amputated and the infection almost killed her as well ....The owners of the Vet said don't worry about the bill.....you could imagine my response GW....I remember the day I picked her up she literally shit and pissed all over there waiting room on the way out ....I just watched and said good girl ....She still hunts and can run like crazy ....
Luckily it's her back leg ....but when she swims she sticks it straight out like a rudder ,,quite amusing

She lost her leg because my nephew was playing fetch with her before a pheasant Hunt one morning. He was tossing a tennis ball and it bounced into the bed of the truck. Well she jumped up and got the ball, but when she went to leap out of the back,, there was a plastic shopping bag tied rite near the tail gate for empty cans.....her back leg somehow got caught and it literally stopped her mid flight and of course broke her leg.....took her to the vet ASAP and they set and castes her with no foreseeable issues...Long story short we took her back several times because her paw looked pretty swollen. They said it's normal ...In the end the cast was put on way to tight and her skin/paw literally melted off ((rotted)) .....there excuse was the guy was new .....So they amputated and the infection almost killed her as well ....The owners of the Vet said don't worry about the bill.....you could imagine my response GW....I remember the day I picked her up she literally shit and pissed all over there waiting room on the way out ....I just watched and said good girl ....She still hunts and can run like crazy ....

Inda - I didn't like you post because I "Like" it, the only redeeming quality of that whole situation is that they didn't kill her for you.

Incompetent Idiots!
I don't drive a 2005 Imapla with cheap 22's, bald tires. Ratty base speakers with a floor board full of empty White Owl packages and an half empty bottle of Steel Reserve. $10 bottle of cologne in the console.

You're off.

Inda - I didn't like you post because I "Like" it, the only redeeming quality of that whole situation is that they didn't kill her for you.

Incompetent Idiots!

The like button can be a tricky thing.

Knowing you as an outdoorsman I would have took the "like" as a sign you read my ramble.

Forgot to mention the poor dog was shitting huge pieces of cast for about a week after bringing her home...incompetent is a compliment for those assholes.
Oh no, the tears are welling up........ hold on..... got to .. push back the feels,,,, one sec.... ok now swallow the sadness , and we are back.
Back to being a man.

Well I was feeling smug again but after that story I don't know.
Anyway I figured out a way to dump a ton of humidity into my room by simply adding a relay that acts ass a ac fan shut off bypass. I hooked it up to my day-time humidistat so any time the room is under 70% the fan kicks in blowing in sweet, sweet dampness from the soaking wet coil. Nothing like 6 bucks in parts you have kicking around solving a 500$ problem.

Back to dogs, my pup came back from his granmas this weekend , man I sure did miss him. Oh right and the wife came back too. JK love the wife
Luckily it's her back leg ....but when she swims she sticks it straight out like a rudder ,,quite amusing

She lost her leg because my nephew was playing fetch with her before a pheasant Hunt one morning. He was tossing a tennis ball and it bounced into the bed of the truck. Well she jumped up and got the ball, but when she went to leap out of the back,, there was a plastic shopping bag tied rite near the tail gate for empty cans.....her back leg somehow got caught and it literally stopped her mid flight and of course broke her leg.....took her to the vet ASAP and they set and castes her with no foreseeable issues...Long story short we took her back several times because her paw looked pretty swollen. They said it's normal ...In the end the cast was put on way to tight and her skin/paw literally melted off ((rotted)) .....there excuse was the guy was new .....So they amputated and the infection almost killed her as well ....The owners of the Vet said don't worry about the bill.....you could imagine my response GW....I remember the day I picked her up she literally shit and pissed all over there waiting room on the way out ....I just watched and said good girl ....She still hunts and can run like crazy ....
That really sucks to hear about the vets incompetence causing the eventual amputation. :evil:
My poor dog dug under our fence and escaped late one night and was hit and run by somebody in the neighborhood. He lied in the gutter for a few hours in the pouring rain until my cop neighbor down the street found him while coming home from his shift.
I had to take the dog into an emergency vet at 3 a.m.. He was suffering from hypothermia and was in shock, but he pulled through. Unfortunately, the impact from the car had damaged the main nerve that ran down his front leg. The vet had me wait and see if the leg would repair itself. It didn't and because he was dragging it around it had to go.

I never stopped doing the things I always did with him like scouting out potential guerrilla sites in the off season. I don't think he could really comprehend the fact that he was a 3 legged dog. He got around pretty good but occasionally I'd have to help him over or around big obstacles in the woods.
The funniest things he would do is go and hike his leg up to pee on something and fall right over or start running and come to a stop only to fall over and skid to a stop.