What did you accomplish today?

Seriously appreciate the comment - I didn't figure it out until we had the new puppy for a couple of weeks but the new boy was born the same day my big buddy passed.
That's gotta be some kind of sign.
I had just lost my boy Louie, a ridgeback, and my EX just had a bunch of Bordeaux pups. I took the last two out of a 14 pup litter. The two unwanted ones.
Had i fucking known that French mastiffs didn't last long, ah never mind
Isn't it though? So obvious yet it took me this long to figure it out :dunce:

Hey bro, so I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna pay for a guide up on that big lake by you first to help me know what I'm doing with them macs. Then take the boat up there. I've never trolled there and it's fuckin big. Whatcha think? Wanna do it? So much easier than hauling the boat up there for a recon mission.
You down?
I am 110% down. If you wanna crash with me I have a room for you no bullshit. Let's do this!
I am 110% down. If you wanna crash with me I have a room for you no bullshit. Let's do this!
I'm stressing on leaving for the upcoming memorial weekend bro. I'm gonna have to come home half way into the teip to take care of shit. Its bullshit. But i ain't kidding bout the guide trip up there this summer. Def gonna take you up on the bed bro.
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Any of you guys reuse/build soil ?

I wana try building my own soil with the dump truck loads of used ffof I have at the ranch ....I bought several DTE products but I have no fucking clue how much soil this is and how much of each powder to add.

If any of you guys have any tips((not penis)) actual tips PM me

I grow organic, I've always grown our vegetables organic. I did however went no till on my vegetable garden.

What amaendme ts you working with?
We only got to have 7 years with him before we lost our first Boerboel.

btw, FUCK CANCER!!!!!!

Ahh man! It's thought loosing a pet, I know it's only a dog & all but they're like a member of the family.
I think of my dogs higher than one of my own brothers.
I've two German shepherds myself, now that the Mrs is expecting our first she suggested they sleep outside....I was ready for a divorce there & then!

A neighbor poisoned their dad, Jäger four years ago this year, I served nine months & lost my rifles over it.
Literally broke my fucking heart watching jäger die in pain.
broke ground on my shop

no more jerry rigging ....no more half ass fixes ..........i am spending 100k on it land building gear a shop just to grow weed and run my crazy ass soil and feed experiments to share out to everyone to up the weed game

by the time i die i want to see weed in the 50% range ........i am sick and tried of all these shitty ass growers wrecking the biz it is time to step up or get out
really i am seeing 25 30 gallon pots with plants 3 4 feet high and this guy just dumping money in feeds and sprays for the plants....if my plants looked like that i kill them off or grind just for oil for editable

wahooooooooo 5 million dollars in the next 13 years is the goal then i will pass on every thing i know to ppl
now to bed as i have to wake up at 8 am
Got up early to order a 135 watt Quantum board kit from HLG... Now I have to wait 3-4 weeks to get it..
Kind of a bummer.. but it is what it is.. More LST, gonna flip on Sun.. growing a couple inches a day..
Love my LEDs..
My last best friend Jackson passed a year and a half ago.. This was the third
time I had to say goodbye.. Each passed at 12 years 3 months.. Not sure I can do it again..
But I miss not having a companion..
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