What did you accomplish today?

The absolute best part about growing weed is sharing it. You're use to the smoke. You can't really tell how the crop went. "It's ok"

Then you give about two grams to friends. It's not even cured yet. 7 days in dry. I smoke it and can't tell a shit about it. I wanted to test my crop...

They rolled two blunts. Now folks can't walk straight. Swaying to the rhythm of music off the car radio. Blood red eyes and happy.

Fuck, I love growing weed.
The absolute best part about growing weed is sharing it. You're use to the smoke. You can't really tell how the crop went. "It's ok"

Then you give about two grams to friends. It's not even cured yet. 7 days in dry. I smoke it and can't tell a shit about it. I wanted to test my crop...

They rolled two blunts. Now folks can't walk straight. Swaying to the rhythm of music off the car radio. Blood red eyes and happy.

Fuck, I love growing weed.

You are a walking abortion.
The absolute best part about growing weed is sharing it. You're use to the smoke. You can't really tell how the crop went. "It's ok"

Then you give about two grams to friends. It's not even cured yet. 7 days in dry. I smoke it and can't tell a shit about it. I wanted to test my crop...

They rolled two blunts. Now folks can't walk straight. Swaying to the rhythm of music off the car radio. Blood red eyes and happy.

Fuck, I love growing weed.

You're the swimming pool, on an August day. And you're the perfect thing to say.
Indas story time..8===D

So me and my five year old were out in the yard doing many important things. When all of the sudden we here our dog barking and a strange noise....we went walking out to the front of the property and we see a quite old lady pushing a shopping cart ((we live in the cuts)) so were both kinda in shock to see such an old lady pushing a cart this far out of town....first question out of little indas mouth was ((is it a boogie man helper)) I told him no I'm pretty sure it's just an old grandma....just as soon as I say this the old lady sees us watching her ....she pushes her mostly empty cart over and asks if I want a cigarette ...I politely decline her offer and she says are you sure....I say yes I have my own but thanks anyway....she then asks if she could have one of mine ((while holding her own pack)) I was puzzled but said sure and gave her a cigarette.....she then asks if I had an extra soda because I happen to be drinking one ....puzzled again I told my boy to go grab a cold soda for her (((so he does)) ....while he's gone she begins swaying back and fourth looking up at the sky ((awkward)) and that's when I realize for sure she's off in the mental aspect of things....so my boy comes back and I hand her the soda and tell her to have a nice day ....keep in mind my boy is standing behind me peaking around the whole time LOL....she says thank you for the smoke and the soda and as she's leaving tells me she's a recovering drug addict .....((random)) but I say oh congratulations knowing full well she's high as fuck ATM....I said drugs are very bad ((mostly so little Inda hears that)) and once again say have a nice day ......we walk away and she slowly pushes her cart off drinking her soda.....me and my boy continue messing around in the yard and then went to Home Depot for a while to grab some things......so about 3 or so hours later were back home kicking the ball around ....when the dog starts to bark again .....yep you guessed it ,,here she comes .....immediately my boy says dad the boogie mans helper is back ....we both slowly peak around the corner and there she is .....rambling to herself looking straight up in the sky swaying back and fourth ((full tweaker mode now))....so me and my boy were watching her through the holes in our 10 ft brick wall....she busts open a pack of cookies and begins eating em ....my boy says ((see dad,,she's a boogie man helper and she's guna try to give me a candy))...LMAO...he was so serious it was quite amusing....after about 10 min of watching her eat cookies at an incredible rate we decide to go out behind the house and clean up some piles((away from her)).....after were done we come back out and she appears to be gone ....so we get some water so little Inda can water his pumpkins out front.....as we start watering she pops out from behind my bushes and surprises/startles both of us LOL...my boy backs up and she immediately offers us a cookie LOL....you guys should have seen my boys face ....he's now sure it's the boogie man just by the look on his face .....I once again said no thank you and tried to stay on task watering pumpkins with my boy .......Well ,,,out of the blue she screams ...WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!!!....my boy takes off LOL....I said excuse me ....she repeats it again ((yelling mind you))....so I'm in full on WTF mode with a grin on my face in disbelief ......I then said ,,I didn't say anything to you ....she then says ,,,yes you did you called me crazy ....and crazies not my name ((still yelling))...she yells some more shit I couldn't understand and I'm all done being polite now .....she scares little Inda off and now she thinks she's guna go full tweaker on yours truly .....so the switch inside my head flips and I interrupt her as loud as possible ...saying ((SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR A MINUTE)).....she did ......then I lowered my voice somewhat and basically told her .....I give you a smoke a cold soda and don't say anything about you standing on my property eating your cookies making my dogs bark ....and you have the nerve to yell and scare my little boy ....I then said you should probably ease up on whatever drugs your taking because I didn't say a fucking thing to you and have been nothing but polite to you .....now you can take your happy ass down the road ......and WALLA she's calm again ....she goes OH.....I'm sorry and I can see your not a mean one o_O and I love you .....offers me another cookie ....I decline ....she then gets religious and apologetic while rambling.....at this time momma comes out with little Inda to see why I was screaming at a senior citizen ....luckily my boy filled her in .....I then said it's best if you move along or il call the sheriff because your acting very strange .....she says ....k I love you and straight hussles away with her cart ....

I'm standing there watching her hussle away and my boy walks up and says .....DAD!! I told you she was a crazy old boogie helper ....you didn't eat a cookie from her did you dad?? ((LOL))

No buddy I didn't . LOL

THE END 8=====D
Indas story time..8===D

So me and my five year old were out in the yard doing many important things. When all of the sudden we here our dog barking and a strange noise....we went walking out to the front of the property and we see a quite old lady pushing a shopping cart ((we live in the cuts)) so were both kinda in shock to see such an old lady pushing a cart this far out of town....first question out of little indas mouth was ((is it a boogie man helper)) I told him no I'm pretty sure it's just an old grandma....just as soon as I say this the old lady sees us watching her ....she pushes her mostly empty cart over and asks if I want a cigarette ...I politely decline her offer and she says are you sure....I say yes I have my own but thanks anyway....she then asks if she could have one of mine ((while holding her own pack)) I was puzzled but said sure and gave her a cigarette.....she then asks if I had an extra soda because I happen to be drinking one ....puzzled again I told my boy to go grab a cold soda for her (((so he does)) ....while he's gone she begins swaying back and fourth looking up at the sky ((awkward)) and that's when I realize for sure she's off in the mental aspect of things....so my boy comes back and I hand her the soda and tell her to have a nice day ....keep in mind my boy is standing behind me peaking around the whole time LOL....she says thank you for the smoke and the soda and as she's leaving tells me she's a recovering drug addict .....((random)) but I say oh congratulations knowing full well she's high as fuck ATM....I said drugs are very bad ((mostly so little Inda hears that)) and once again say have a nice day ......we walk away and she slowly pushes her cart off drinking her soda.....me and my boy continue messing around in the yard and then went to Home Depot for a while to grab some things......so about 3 or so hours later were back home kicking the ball around ....when the dog starts to bark again .....yep you guessed it ,,here she comes .....immediately my boy says dad the boogie mans helper is back ....we both slowly peak around the corner and there she is .....rambling to herself looking straight up in the sky swaying back and fourth ((full tweaker mode now))....so me and my boy were watching her through the holes in our 10 ft brick wall....she busts open a pack of cookies and begins eating em ....my boy says ((see dad,,she's a boogie man helper and she's guna try to give me a candy))...LMAO...he was so serious it was quite amusing....after about 10 min of watching her eat cookies at an incredible rate we decide to go out behind the house and clean up some piles((away from her)).....after were done we come back out and she appears to be gone ....so we get some water so little Inda can water his pumpkins out front.....as we start watering she pops out from behind my bushes and surprises/startles both of us LOL...my boy backs up and she immediately offers us a cookie LOL....you guys should have seen my boys face ....he's now sure it's the boogie man just by the look on his face .....I once again said no thank you and tried to stay on task watering pumpkins with my boy .......Well ,,,out of the blue she screams ...WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!!!....my boy takes off LOL....I said excuse me ....she repeats it again ((yelling mind you))....so I'm in full on WTF mode with a grin on my face in disbelief ......I then said ,,I didn't say anything to you ....she then says ,,,yes you did you called me crazy ....and crazies not my name ((still yelling))...she yells some more shit I couldn't understand and I'm all done being polite now .....she scares little Inda off and now she thinks she's guna go full tweaker on yours truly .....so the switch inside my head flips and I interrupt her as loud as possible ...saying ((SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR A MINUTE)).....she did ......then I lowered my voice somewhat and basically told her .....I give you a smoke a cold soda and don't say anything about you standing on my property eating your cookies making my dogs bark ....and you have the nerve to yell and scare my little boy ....I then said you should probably ease up on whatever drugs your taking because I didn't say a fucking thing to you and have been nothing but polite to you .....now you can take your happy ass down the road ......and WALLA she's calm again ....she goes OH.....I'm sorry and I can see your not a mean one o_O and I love you .....offers me another cookie ....I decline ....she then gets religious and apologetic while rambling.....at this time momma comes out with little Inda to see why I was screaming at a senior citizen ....luckily my boy filled her in .....I then said it's best if you move along or il call the sheriff because your acting very strange .....she says ....k I love you and straight hussles away with her cart ....

I'm standing there watching her hussle away and my boy walks up and says .....DAD!! I told you she was a crazy old boogie helper ....you didn't eat a cookie from her did you dad?? ((LOL))

No buddy I didn't . LOL

THE END 8=====D