a mediocre shroom garden thread

do You have a recipe ? what temperature do You use ?
That was 17g fresh picked. I bring the water to a boil and then add shrooms, bring it down to a light bubble or just simmer around medium heat for an hour, add water as needed. I like to have only a little half cup to drink. Second teas from them are ok but not as strong.

I had thought I over cooked them in this instance because I forgot to turn the stove off and went out for 30-40 minutes. When I got back there was no water left but a golden grime on the pan and the diced shrooms still a little moist. I added a little water and stirred to get the sludge dissolved. There appeared to be no loss in potency. I had a great time and went on a few long bike rides to help my nerves and stress . I later made a second tea the same way using 3 g of dried shrooms and consumed that. Very pleasant and had no body stone but a nice liberating state of mind with great metalicized visuals
Please excuse my ignorance, but do youz cook that, is it like a soup then?
Yes indeed, it removes the stomach discomfort later when you examine yourself. Psychedelics have a very manageable effect when you have minimal discomforts. It becomes like a second sobriety of increased confidence and will provide a renewal of the body. You don't need to eat the chopped shrooms if you brew your tea long enough, I do an hour or a few 20 minute teas that add up to around an hour. It has more a lsd effect with tea. It has more of a cannabis edibles times two when you just eat the shrooms. All liberating none the less
What a bummer! The psilocybe cyanescens spore syringe I sourced from an ebay vendor had trichoderma spores! What a waste of money! Bastard.... Out to the worm bin with you...
Not knockin it, but monotubs is much better, I did brf also as suggested my first run , but if your conscious of contams and how to prevent spreading them, its no harder spawning grain to bulk subtrate, I use coir. Maybe I'll start a thread, I got a few tubs to spawn soon
Maybe using pan cyans, I dont want manure in these grows. Im going to knock up a jars of grass coffee and vermin. If it performs ill possibly attempt bulk but I really dont need that many shrooms. It would just slow down the harvest frequency. I am going to start LC and agar spawning.
Maybe using pan cyans, I dont want manure in these grows. Im going to knock up a jars of grass coffee and vermin. If it performs ill possibly attempt bulk but I really dont need that many shrooms. It would just slow down the harvest frequency. I am going to start LC and agar spawning.
I use straight coir no manure,
I get my spawn bags and bulk sub today. What strains are you running? I think I'm going to run the Maz first. My bulk sub is primarily pasteurized manure; horse, I believe?
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I get my spawn bags and bulk sub today. What strains ar
e you running? I think I'm going to run the Maz first. My bulk sub is primarily pasteurized manure; horse, I believe?
im working on fruiting psilocybe cubensis treasure coast and shiitake right now. next in line is more treasure coast and shiitake.

the shiitake is growing on BRF and bamboo. I dont know if it will fruit.

then cubensis huatla, which are on BRF and most have germinated since last weekend.

then panaeolus cyanescens goliath on dried scissor-chopped grass, coffee grind/peat bokashi, and vermiculite, with a dash of azomite and BRF. i just knocked up this substrate today, ill see how it is going next week.

i am trying to salvage a syringe of psilocybe cyanescens. I used more than half of the syringe knocking up brf and oak chips but either the syringe was contaminated being that it is from an ebay vendor or the PC didnt sterilize the wood chips very well. i discarded 4 out of seven of those jars into the worm bin and the three that are left dont seem to want to germinate. So, im going to make an LC and agar plate of what is left in the syringe. If the agar gets contaminated ill try isolating it by transfers in my glove box. if the LC get contaminated, idk ill just discard it into some wood and buy from sporeworks like i should have originally.

im running out of jars and when the shiitake WBS spawn is ready i will begin experimenting with black morels
shiitake grain spawn from G2G, i do see some sketchy spots but i think it is the grey of cracked seeds, ill be more sure pretty soon. none the less, shiitake seems to fight contamination pretty well CIMG4171.JPG
i really pressed these "grass/coffee/peat/verm/brf" cakes in the jar so it resembled the consistency of manure a little better. this should be pan cyan soonish
CIMG4177.JPG treasure coasts of various ages
CIMG4178.JPG and kombucha
oh and huatla germ
Im sure I could get better flushes with ammending, but I do believe the coir has something in it to feed the myc, it is organic matter.
Fascinating you just inspired me to try this soon. I guess after my agar spawn gets up and running I mind as well experiment with monotubs. Thanks!
im working on fruiting psilocybe cubensis treasure coast and shiitake right now. next in line is more treasure coast and shiitake.

the shiitake is growing on BRF and bamboo. I dont know if it will fruit.

then cubensis huatla, which are on BRF and most have germinated since last weekend.

then panaeolus cyanescens goliath on dried scissor-chopped grass, coffee grind/peat bokashi, and vermiculite, with a dash of azomite and BRF. i just knocked up this substrate today, ill see how it is going next week.

i am trying to salvage a syringe of psilocybe cyanescens. I used more than half of the syringe knocking up brf and oak chips but either the syringe was contaminated being that it is from an ebay vendor or the PC didnt sterilize the wood chips very well. i discarded 4 out of seven of those jars into the worm bin and the three that are left dont seem to want to germinate. So, im going to make an LC and agar plate of what is left in the syringe. If the agar gets contaminated ill try isolating it by transfers in my glove box. if the LC get contaminated, idk ill just discard it into some wood and buy from sporeworks like i should have originally.

im running out of jars and when the shiitake WBS spawn is ready i will begin experimenting with black morels
View attachment 3929438
shiitake grain spawn from G2G, i do see some sketchy spots but i think it is the grey of cracked seeds, ill be more sure pretty soon. none the less, shiitake seems to fight contamination pretty well View attachment 3929439
i really pressed these "grass/coffee/peat/verm/brf" cakes in the jar so it resembled the consistency of manure a little better. this should be pan cyan soonish
View attachment 3929453 treasure coasts of various ages
View attachment 3929455 and kombucha
View attachment 3929456
oh and huatla germ
View attachment 3929447
Damn.. I have to step up my shroom game. Haha!
i will begin experimenting with black morels
Dont expect much on that one, I have tried 3 kinds of morels and couldnt unlock it's secret, I gave up . that would be fucking awesome though if you could get them to fruit , it would be a million dollar process if it was repeatable. I could get yellows to friut but it was not repeatable with the same outcomes each time ,. but at the same time you would take my mid april to mid may job of finding them to sell to people for outrageous prices, lol
Dont expect much on that one, I have tried 3 kinds of morels and couldnt unlock it's secret, I gave up . that would be fucking awesome though if you could get them to fruit , it would be a million dollar process if it was repeatable. I could get yellows to friut but it was not repeatable with the same outcomes each time ,. but at the same time you would take my mid april to mid may job of finding them to sell to people for outrageous prices, lol
It really seems like they require a season, I was thinking of using a minifridge with a 8.5w led bulb placed inside for fruiting. Same with ps. Cyans. Its require daily fanning and misting. A buddy recommended I tap through the shell on the minifridge and run an air pump though. Id need to caulk the hole up nicely and use a brewing air lock on the exhaust. But it is a doable design. Will it work? I have no clue.
It really seems like they require a season, I was thinking of using a minifridge with a 8.5w led bulb placed inside for fruiting. Same with ps. Cyans. Its require daily fanning and misting. A buddy recommended I tap through the shell on the minifridge and run an air pump though. Id need to caulk the hole up nicely and use a brewing air lock on the exhaust. But it is a doable design. Will it work? I have no clue.
I got close with yellows, it took a substrate of soil from under an elm tree that had been killed by dutch elm disease, there is some sort of bond there between either the elm and the morel or the disease and the morel , it came to me when i realized that most of the yellow/whites i found were under the dead elms, i used a kiddie pool in the basement , it worked but it didnt , i would get them to pop and then they would die and never mature , it was interesting but my passion is cannabis :)
I got close with yellows, it took a substrate of soil from under an elm tree that had been killed by dutch elm disease, there is some sort of bond there between either the elm and the morel or the disease and the morel , it came to me when i realized that most of the yellow/whites i found were under the dead elms, i used a kiddie pool in the basement , it worked but it didnt , i would get them to pop and then they would die and never mature , it was interesting but my passion is cannabis :)
I may try some pretty unorthodox experiments to boost rhizomorphic mycelium and hopefully in turn, higher fruit probablility. I had recently read about a high voltage shock in agar stage to reform tomentose into rhizomorphic. I made a flyback circuit that would deliver one 10Mhz pulse of around 40kV. I theorize that the morels mycelium is tapping into the dead trees root system via bacteria and mycorrhiza. It doubtfully turns the roots on but would tap into a generous source of nutrition. I think it would be easiest if the growing geometry was more electrical in shape.. Sounds like a doosey but I said way more words about theory versus the actual process. Its just a single zap, the writer noted it doubled yield of shiitake fruits.

There is currently at least one repeatable process of morel cultivation using leaf compost substrate. Its posted a page back I think. Ill drag it up again later when I start spawn
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