a mediocre shroom garden thread

popped a dozen of these black dyed agar jars in the PC a moment ago. Tomorrow i will try out various spores and maybe try and salvage this last ps cyanescens that just showed a neon looking contaminant. or maybe ill just take the piece of wood that is cultured and do a nonsterile transfer outside for a few months and just use the left over syringe. idk. when tomorrow comes i'll have decided.

all i did to dye this was add a drop of food coloring to each jar after i added the hot agar solution. i stirred it around. it was a last minute decision and it would have been easier to just add the dye to the boiling agar prior to placing in jars. the purpose of the dye is to highlight the growing culture and make any contamination more obvious. Im not thrilled with the visibility of the agar surface through the jars though. i just bought them today but i may end up getting a different size without the decorative lines on them. So, those squarer short ball jars would work. 8$ a dozen its easy to get more
Black? For contrast to the growing bodies and also to contrast a contaminant at a younger stage if found. The mycelium shouldn't color
You are a sacred genius. You have been taught well.

how long have You been cultivating mushrooms ?
pan cyans ? You are a pro to Me.
You are a sacred genius. You have been taught well.

how long have You been cultivating mushrooms ?
pan cyans ? You are a pro to Me.
Not long. Off and on for a few years. I had formal training 5 or so years back with culinary mushrooms. I mostly hunted for strains to add to my compost pile. Not much success there and was discouraged until recently.
Some cheese makers showed me dextrose agar techniques and I practiced some formal farm scale culinary mushroom cultivation as an intern. I only recently learned of agar dying. Thought I would give it a whirl.
Shiitake mycelium will indeed grow on old dry bamboo. The bamboo pieces were stuffed in a non sterile garden pot outdoors with some sterile cultured grain spawn. It took over the bamboo in less than a week. good stuff. i just broke it up into a bin of a local hardwood i havent identified and some more bamboo pieces.
si.... im just saying why isnt a fungus that grows out of the ground legal around the world ?
Amen. And the effects are so manageable that when you realize what it is allowing your mind to do, it's like a second sobriety. Everyone has won imagination all day every day. When you're comfortable, you're comfortable. Unfortunately, the uncertainanty of what an inexperienced user should expect makes the first feel trips a little intense. For me, I enjoy exercise and activities that my ego normally prevents me from undergoing because "I have more important things to do" like mathematics and electronics. But for a healthy mind and healthy body I to believe in the washing of the ego.
Well, the shrooms were also legal till quite recently, but some 17 year old died on the stuff, and then everything went to hell in a handbasket.