a mediocre shroom garden thread

So, i went out of town for a few days with pins already forming. When i got back i accidentally ASSUMED something was a contaminant when in actuality it was a huge poof of mycelium. Well, this is normally onset by super high humidity levels. I figured it out too late when i was already handling the cake in a mop bucket. i know right? wtf are you doin? o_O. ok, well that went outside after i decided to cut my losses and not re-enter it into the chamber. (thats what she said)

ok, well the pins took a fascinating explosions of fattening up during this high-humidity- lack-of-attention spell and i appear to have slowed it down by fanning it when i got home. I suppose it is worth investigating the next set of cakes performed this way and just assume that my automatic fruiting chamber is truly automatic and tuned??!? could it be? idk..bongsmilie

also, i made a ps cyan transplant on to wood. The brf cake/oak jar was infected 50:50 trich and desirable mycelium The ps cyan mycelium wins the fight on wood 10/10 times so any infected brf cake that made it to the wood jar is now negligible. I now understand how there can be a market for outdoor printed psilocybe cyanescens. Once they get a hold of the wood substrate, no contaminant (or just very rare) will be capable of competing. So, the print or syringe itself could be far from sterile on this variety.
-This is on wild bamboo i made shanks from, crammed in this little jar, and soaked for a few days. i think maybe 3-4 days.. i was popping in and out and losing track of time.CIMG4316.JPG CIMG4317.JPG

last flush before it got cleaned and eatenCIMG4310.JPG
I got a bigger one. I am going to put the smaller one in the bigger one with the little one's lid off.

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interesting. i've contemplated trays in chambers, it would wor. i have seen smaller ones in a bin with holes and micropore tape over the holes. guy had a cereal bowl sized metal dish with sub and a casing. i assume he misted in it but i would be worried about it building up water on the bottom. ill dig up the link real quick
interesting. i've contemplated trays in chambers, it would wor. i have seen smaller ones in a bin with holes and micropore tape over the holes. guy had a cereal bowl sized metal dish with sub and a casing. i assume he misted in it but i would be worried about it building up water on the bottom. ill dig up the link real quick
Appreciated, bro.
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this was found in my search for a pan cyan substrate that was purely grass and thatch. and indeed it was possible according to a member at a different forum. what astonished me was the half assed fruiting chamber.
That's fucking beautiful. I'm using 2 pounds of grain spawn and 5 pounds of mushroom compost. Bet each flush explodes after I colonize the bulk sub, what do you think?
You are a sacred G, friend. Psilocybe city.