bernie sanders: regressive

Deny it all you want; he did extremely well for a third party candidate.

And he remains THE most popular politician in national office today, and the only one with a net favorable approval rating. Mrs Warren is number two, with a 48% approval rating.

Why are you stuck in the past to the exclusion of the present- nevermind the future- and what are you sooooooo afraid of about leftist liberal leadership in this country?

It's not the left that's afraid.

How many Trump votes would have switched to Sanders had he been nominated?

That's a 180° opposite vote from people who cheered when Trump called him a communist daily, in every speech during the primaries.

The right doesn't like Bernie. Congress would have obstructed his every move.

The country is far to the right of center, but some people think Bernie alone could pull it to the left.

I don't see how with all the resistance he'd face. How much did centrist Obama get accomplished his last 6 years?

I supported Bernie in the primary here, knowing full well that without a few seats in the senate and house it would be an obstructed term wire to wire.

Of course, he'd be better with SCOTUS, the environment, cabinet heads, weed and a variety of other things.

But his signature ideas, free college, free health care? With an ever eroding middle class tax base? I just don't see it. Not now, not for 20-50 years.
Deny it all you want; he did extremely well for a third party candidate.

And he remains THE most popular politician in national office today, and the only one with a net favorable approval rating. Mrs Warren is number two, with a 48% approval rating.

Why are you stuck in the past to the exclusion of the present- nevermind the future- and what are you sooooooo afraid of about leftist liberal leadership in this country?
They won't become leadership at all if the "shock to the system" is too hard and too sudden.

And read back, I'm not the one who keeps bringing her up...
It's not the left that's afraid.

How many Trump votes would have switched to Sanders had he been nominated?

That's a 180° opposite vote from people who cheered when Trump called him a communist daily, in every speech during the primaries.

The right doesn't like Bernie. Congress would have obstructed his every move.

The country is far to the right of center, but some people think Bernie alone could pull it to the left.

I don't see how with all the resistance he'd face. How much did centrist Obama get accomplished his last 6 years?

I supported Bernie in the primary here, knowing full well that without a few seats in the senate and house it would be an obstructed term wire to wire.

Of course, he'd be better with SCOTUS, the environment, cabinet heads, weed and a variety of other things.

But his signature ideas, free college, free health care? With an ever eroding middle class tax base? I just don't see it. Not now, not for 20-50 years.
I think the argument that Sanders would have been opposed is weak. Obama was opposed, too. So what?

Sanders would not have been afraid to shame the fuck out of them and that would have led to more support as people caught on to who was actually looking out for THEM.

And that realization right there is exactly what the right wing is most terrified of, as it would have spelled the end of their influence.
I think the argument that Sanders would have been opposed is weak. Obama was opposed, too. So what?

Sanders would not have been afraid to shame the fuck out of them and that would have led to more support as people caught on to who was actually looking out for THEM.

And that realization right there is exactly what the right wing is most terrified of, as it would have spelled the end of their influence.

So lonely you are.
I think the argument that Sanders would have been opposed is weak. Obama was opposed, too. So what?

Sanders would not have been afraid to shame the fuck out of them and that would have led to more support as people caught on to who was actually looking out for THEM.

And that realization right there is exactly what the right wing is most terrified of, as it would have spelled the end of their influence.
Establishment Democrats can't use the best weapons available to them against Republicans because they take corporate bribes, too. Sanders would have gone for the fucking jugular on that point and stolen Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

The fact that establishment Democrats would rather have someone like Trump win than to put support behind an actual progressive tells you all you need to know. They're banking on the fact that Trump is going to do such a shitty job being president that Americans aren't going to have another option. They're going to run a candidate in 2020 on "Look how bad Trump is, guys!" and that's it. Justice Democrats are going to pick up seats in 2018 and more in 2020. I'm looking at a 2024 run for an actual progressive, after many of these people are voted out of office and more Berniecrats win elections.

The Democratic party, as we know it, is dead
Establishment Democrats can't use the best weapons available to them against Republicans because they take corporate bribes, too. Sanders would have gone for the fucking jugular on that point and stolen Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

The fact that establishment Democrats would rather have someone like Trump win than to put support behind an actual progressive tells you all you need to know. They're banking on the fact that Trump is going to do such a shitty job being president that Americans aren't going to have another option. They're going to run a candidate in 2020 on "Look how bad Trump is, guys!" and that's it. Justice Democrats are going to pick up seats in 2018 and more in 2020. I'm looking at a 2024 run for an actual progressive, after many of these people are voted out of office and more Berniecrats win elections.

The Democratic party, as we know it, is dead

Another installment to your fantasy story. It's not good but I respect your doggedness to keep on with it. When do people start taking of their clothes?
Establishment Democrats can't use the best weapons available to them against Republicans because they take corporate bribes, too. Sanders would have gone for the fucking jugular on that point and stolen Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

The fact that establishment Democrats would rather have someone like Trump win than to put support behind an actual progressive tells you all you need to know. They're banking on the fact that Trump is going to do such a shitty job being president that Americans aren't going to have another option. They're going to run a candidate in 2020 on "Look how bad Trump is, guys!" and that's it. Justice Democrats are going to pick up seats in 2018 and more in 2020. I'm looking at a 2024 run for an actual progressive, after many of these people are voted out of office and more Berniecrats win elections.

The Democratic party, as we know it, is dead

that, and cool2bum is gonna open up a dispensary.
Another installment to your fantasy story. It's not good but I respect your doggedness to keep on with it. When do people start taking of their clothes?
I can simply see the forest for the trees. Perez is filling the DNC with neoliberals and has removed the provisions the Obama administration put on them in regards to accepting corporate bribes. They will pick someone like TIm Kaine to run in 2020 and lose again to Donald Trump while running on a message of opposition against him, but provide nothing that moves actual poll numbers. Meanwhile, establishment Democrats will lose a lot of their seats and be replaced by actual progressives who support things like single payer healthcare and raising the minimum wage to a living wage. Many of them will beat Republicans in traditionally GOP held districts.

Moderates have to either come to the progressive side or progressives have to come to the moderates side for Democrats to hope to win. Moderates, the Clinton/Obama wing, neoliberals, have had control of the party since 1992. That's 24 years of data. Where are we at today? 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, 8 people own as much wealth as 3.6 billion, 50% of the country makes less than $30,000/year, and Democrats have been decimated at all stages of government. So how long do you want this experiment to continue? If you're right, why have Democrats performed so badly? Why would you wish to continue using this losing strategy?

Your side is wrong, my side is right. I'm not coming to your side because we won't win. So unless you come to my side, Republicans will continue to win until my side takes over your side. You are simply prolonging the inevitable to feed your own ego. Every day Republicans hold power it harms people.
I think the argument that Sanders would have been opposed is weak. Obama was opposed, too. So what?

Sanders would not have been afraid to shame the fuck out of them and that would have led to more support as people caught on to who was actually looking out for THEM.

And that realization right there is exactly what the right wing is most terrified of, as it would have spelled the end of their influence.
Sanders drew 3 million fewer votes than Clinton in the primary. Trump drew 3 million fewer votes than Clinton. Is this what you are getting at?
I can simply see the forest for the trees. Perez is filling the DNC with neoliberals and has removed the provisions the Obama administration put on them in regards to accepting corporate bribes. They will pick someone like TIm Kaine to run in 2020 and lose again to Donald Trump while running on a message of opposition against him, but provide nothing that moves actual poll numbers. Meanwhile, establishment Democrats will lose a lot of their seats and be replaced by actual progressives who support things like single payer healthcare and raising the minimum wage to a living wage. Many of them will beat Republicans in traditionally GOP held districts.

Moderates have to either come to the progressive side or progressives have to come to the moderates side for Democrats to hope to win. Moderates, the Clinton/Obama wing, neoliberals, have had control of the party since 1992. That's 24 years of data. Where are we at today? 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, 8 people own as much wealth as 3.6 billion, 50% of the country makes less than $30,000/year, and Democrats have been decimated at all stages of government. So how long do you want this experiment to continue? If you're right, why have Democrats performed so badly? Why would you wish to continue using this losing strategy?

Your side is wrong, my side is right. I'm not coming to your side because we won't win. So unless you come to my side, Republicans will continue to win until my side takes over your side. You are simply prolonging the inevitable to feed your own ego. Every day Republicans hold power it harms people.
What I see in your writing is a whole lot of make-believe about what people are thinking and planning to do. As if you knew. It's childish, really.

You still haven't explained how the vast majority of this country are liberals yet the majority of the states in this country vote in right wing representatives who very clearly tell their electorate they are planning to do the opposite of what Sanders is campaigning for.

Your fiction is improving. Keep up the good work.
Sanders drew 3 million fewer votes than Clinton in the primary. Trump drew 3 million fewer votes than Clinton. Is this what you are getting at?
Right, Clinton received 3 million more votes than Sanders in a rigged primary. Had Donna Brazile handed Sanders debate questions, had the DNC shamed Clinton for her religious views, accosted mainstream media organizations for treating Sanders "negatively" or if Sanders had his own online troll organization pushing propaganda, he probably would have received more votes than Clinton, too..

Sanders was polling, on average, 10 points higher than Trump on election day while Clinton was within the margin of error.

No more excuses.
What I see in your writing is a whole lot of make-believe about what people are thinking and planning to do. As if you knew. It's childish, really.
I'm making a prediction 3 years in advance. It's OK if you think it's childish
You still haven't explained how the vast majority of this country are liberals yet the majority of the states in this country vote in right wing representatives who very clearly tell their electorate they are planning to do the opposite of what Sanders is campaigning for.
People who voted for Trump were fooled by fake right wing populism. Trump told them he would bring back their jobs, he would get rid of illegal people who shouldn't be here who are lowering their wages, he'd get rid of ISIS and "drain the swamp". Bernie Sanders offered actual left wing populism. The things people actually support when polled. Hillary Clinton didn't offer these people anything except more of the same and they already hated Obama. Republicans will feel the same about both Sanders and Clinton simply because they had a 'D' behind their name. But if one is offering legitimate policy solutions to their economic problems and the other one is offering bullshit like "Stronger together!" and "Breaking down the barriers!", the one actually offering something will do better.
Any of you guys care to address that though? 24 years of control, abysmal results and now Republicans have total control of the government..

If the bullshit you believe and obviously want to continue is so good/right/successful, why have we achieved these results?

If the party I support had 24 years of control, Americans would be earning a living wage, corporations would be paying their fair share, there would be no drug war, no record breaking prison population, no wage gap between genders, no medical bankruptcies, no student loan debt...

You have nothing to show for yourselves but failure. Why the fuck should anyone support that?
obama apologized for jeremiah wright saying "goddamn america" for its racist history.

just take your ball and go home.
Why did Donna Brazile apologize for giving Clinton a debate question? Why did she say she will forever regret it?

Would you have supported Fox News giving Trump debate questions ahead of time against Clinton?

Of course not, especially since he won the election.