bernie sanders: regressive

I'm making a prediction 3 years in advance.

Me too.

Anybody will beat Trump in 2020.

It will be the same as 2008 when anybody could have beaten Bush. (of course Bush wasn't eligible, but anybody would have beat him).

If Trump can't get to 40% except when he launches tomahawks, he's doomed.

Nobody likes him except his dwindling base. Any Democrat will beat him.

Watch and see. He's fucking toast.
nothing but failure as i smoke this weed at my gay friends' wedding.
Legal marijuana (at the state level) and gay marriage, both social issues

Why don't all Democrats support legal marijuana? You think Manchin or McCaskill support it? LOL! Gay marriage? Why don't all Democrats support single payer? Universal college? Raising the minimum wage to a living wage?

Legal marijuana and gay marriage simply aren't enough to people who don't smoke marijuana or know anyone gay or care about gay marriage. What can you offer these people economically? Democrats support the same things Republicans do when it comes to economics. That's why wages have been falling since 1968, unions have been weakening since 1948 and workers rights and protections have been non existent since the Reagan administration. Both parties are bought by special interests, corporate interests supercede workers interests. That's why the poor and middle class get fucked and nobody adequately represents them.

So enjoy your weed at your gay friends wedding while middle class people all over the country continue to suffer under neoliberal economic policies pushed by both sides of government. Because that's what's most important...
Any of you guys care to address that though? 24 years of control, abysmal results and now Republicans have total control of the government..

If the bullshit you believe and obviously want to continue is so good/right/successful, why have we achieved these results?

If the party I support had 24 years of control, Americans would be earning a living wage, corporations would be paying their fair share, there would be no drug war, no record breaking prison population, no wage gap between genders, no medical bankruptcies, no student loan debt...

You have nothing to show for yourselves but failure. Why the fuck should anyone support that?
I think the rural and rust belt states are pretty conservative and have voted for the people they want to represent their views.
she didn't though. they discussed possible debate topics.


19 states and the District of Columbia have banned the death penalty. 31
states, including Ohio, still have the death penalty. According to the
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, since 1973, 156 people
have been on death row and later set free. Since 1976, 1,414 people have
been executed in the U.S. That’s 11% of Americans who were sentenced to
die, but later exonerated and freed. Should Ohio and the 30 other states
join the current list and abolish the death penalty?"


That was the actual question that Brazile sent to the Clinton campaign in an email titled "From time to time I get the questions in advance". Doesn't much look to me like they were just "discussing possible debate topics". It looks like Brazile was giving the Clinton campaign another slight edge to add to the growing list..
they did, and never once did i cry for a year straight.
Where's the evidence?
Me too.

Anybody will beat Trump in 2020.

It will be the same as 2008 when anybody could have beaten Bush. (of course Bush wasn't eligible, but anybody would have beat him).

If Trump can't get to 40% except when he launches tomahawks, he's doomed.

Nobody likes him except his dwindling base. Any Democrat will beat him.

Watch and see. He's fucking toast.
Do you think Clinton would beat Trump in 2020 if she ran again?
Legal marijuana (at the state level) and gay marriage, both social issues

Why don't all Democrats support legal marijuana? You think Manchin or McCaskill support it? LOL! Gay marriage? Why don't all Democrats support single payer? Universal college? Raising the minimum wage to a living wage?

Legal marijuana and gay marriage simply aren't enough to people who don't smoke marijuana or know anyone gay or care about gay marriage. What can you offer these people economically? Democrats support the same things Republicans do when it comes to economics. That's why wages have been falling since 1968, unions have been weakening since 1948 and workers rights and protections have been non existent since the Reagan administration. Both parties are bought by special interests, corporate interests supercede workers interests. That's why the poor and middle class get fucked and nobody adequately represents them.

So enjoy your weed at your gay friends wedding while middle class people all over the country continue to suffer under neoliberal economic policies pushed by both sides of government. Because that's what's most important...

i suppose gay rights are just a social issue, as long as you completely ignore all the economic issues intertwined with not havng equal rights.


19 states and the District of Columbia have banned the death penalty. 31
states, including Ohio, still have the death penalty. According to the
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, since 1973, 156 people
have been on death row and later set free. Since 1976, 1,414 people have
been executed in the U.S. That’s 11% of Americans who were sentenced to
die, but later exonerated and freed. Should Ohio and the 30 other states
join the current list and abolish the death penalty?"


That was the actual question that Brazile sent to the Clinton campaign in an email titled "From time to time I get the questions in advance". Doesn't much look to me like they were just "discussing possible debate topics". It looks like Brazile was giving the Clinton campaign another slight edge to add to the growing list..

Where's the evidence?

Do you think Clinton would beat Trump in 2020 if she ran again?

no way she could have an answer to a question about the death penalty. she spent decades in public service totally ignoring that one. oh, and you left out pretty much everything else.

The American public is fed up and has been for over 24 years. I put more stock in a sudden shocking change than I do in 'more of the same' indefinitely.

The only question is how much further to the right can this country actually go before it happens?
no way she could have an answer to a question about the death penalty. she spent decades in public service totally ignoring that one. oh, and you left out pretty much everything else.

If she had such an amazing answer, why did Brazile feel the need to leak the question to her campaign? Why aren't you pissed at Brazile for compromising the legitimacy of the Democratic primary when she already had it in the bag, apparently? Why continue to defend her and say she didn't do anything wrong when she, herself, already admitted she did something wrong?

Why continue to deny she broke DNC bylaws by leaking a debate question to one party?

Because you are a political shill not to be taken seriously by anyone

you're never right about anything anymore, so ok.
No look it up for yourself. Manchin, the senator you support from West Virginia, hates gay people. He voted against the repeal of DADT and supported the Defense of Marriage Act.

McCaskill sucks too
They're figuring out that it isn't working for them. I agree it's taken awhile.

How can you say YOU know what "they" are thinking?

I'm beginning to think that the only way universal healthcare and advancements in public education are going to happen is if the populous blue states start to collaborate and leave the red states to rot. Let them have crappy worker's rights and shitty schools. Cut federal dollars to them to at least the level that it's not state-welfare. Assist people if they want to move out of the red shit holes.

How can you say YOU know what "they" are thinking?

I'm beginning to think that the only way universal healthcare and advancements in public education are going to happen is if the populous blue states start to collaborate and leave the red states to rot. Let them have crappy worker's rights and shitty schools. Cut federal dollars to them to at least the level that it's not state-welfare. Assist people if they want to move out of the red shit holes.
Playing favorites with states is not going to work out well...

How can you say YOU know what "they" are thinking?

I'm beginning to think that the only way universal healthcare and advancements in public education are going to happen is if the populous blue states start to collaborate and leave the red states to rot. Let them have crappy worker's rights and shitty schools. Cut federal dollars to them to at least the level that it's not state-welfare. Assist people if they want to move out of the red shit holes.
They're*, dickhead

We know what they're thinking because they fucking tell us. Go read a goddamn poll

61% support legalizing marijuana, 56% support single payer, universal college, raising the minimum wage, paid vacation time, maternity leave, raising taxes on the rich/corporations, and on and on and on and on.. every issue except capital punishment people side with progressives..

The problem is that we don't have politicians that actually represent those interests because they represent the interests of corporations. The entities actually responsible for getting them reelected.

How can you say YOU know what "they" are thinking?

I'm beginning to think that the only way universal healthcare and advancements in public education are going to happen is if the populous blue states start to collaborate and leave the red states to rot. Let them have crappy worker's rights and shitty schools. Cut federal dollars to them to at least the level that it's not state-welfare. Assist people if they want to move out of the red shit holes.
They are = they're.