bernie sanders: regressive

They're*, dickhead

We know what they're thinking because they fucking tell us. Go read a goddamn poll

61% support legalizing marijuana, 56% support single payer, universal college, raising the minimum wage, paid vacation time, maternity leave, raising taxes on the rich/corporations, and on and on and on and on.. every issue except capital punishment people side with progressives..

The problem is that we don't have politicians that actually represent those interests because they represent the interests of corporations. The entities actually responsible for getting them reelected.
Unless and until this changes, our democracy is finished and we might as well quit wasting our breath talking about politics.

The rest of the world not only knows the score but now they can directly contribute to rigging our system. All they need to do is fund their own SuperPAC, they're not even required to say who funds it.

My old landlord in Arkansas was a Clinton crony. He was indicted for helping the Chinese government funnel money into the DNC, back in the late 1990s.

Y'all realize the very same activity is fucking LEGAL now?

Therefore, Citizens United is the problem and nothing else will get solved until it is overturned...

By any means necessary.
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Here's more on ol' Charlie- my fucking landlord at the time;

Ng was identified in a 1998 Senate report as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner, Charlie Trie, to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton administration.

“Trie’s contributions purchased access for himself and Ng to the highest levels of our government,” the Senate report said.

Ng and Trie made a number of visits to the White House to attend Democratic National Committee-sponsored events and were photographed with President Bill Clinton and then-First Lady Hillary Clinton. ABC News reported in 1997 that Ng had made six trips to the White House.

Totally legitimate, bro. Even questioning it makes you automatically on the exact same level as Trump supporters and fascists. I'm having a hard time not labelling you a fascist right now!
They're*, dickhead

They are = they're.


Thanks for the help. But I stand guilty of poor writing.

I really did mean what I wrote.

They're figuring out that it isn't working for them. I agree it's taken awhile.

As in ^^^There

Spelling was correct. But my writing was opaque

We know what they're thinking because they fucking tell us. Go read a goddamn poll

61% support legalizing marijuana, 56% support single payer, universal college, raising the minimum wage, paid vacation time, maternity leave, raising taxes on the rich/corporations, and on and on and on and on.. every issue except capital punishment people side with progressives..


I read polls too. Opinion polls and election day polls. For quite a while now, opinion polls say one thing and election day polls say another. The only poll that matters is the election day poll.

That you imperiously claim to know what everybody is thinking and wants to do is exactly what rednecks say they hate about liberals such as you. I'm telling you what the rednecks I know are saying, not some opinion poll. I'm of the opinion that what people do is a better tell about what they are thinking than what they say to a pollster. What they are doing is putting people in office who want little or no government. I'm beginning to think the wealthier blue states should give them what they want until it hurts.
Why did they vote for Trump? Do you think Trump wants "little or no government"?
I'm not here to defend. I'm just repeating what I've heard as reasons why redneck states go for their officials. Listen to the right wing rhetoric and it's all about immigrants, guns, taxes and small government or government intrusion into daily lives. The rednecks that I know have bought into it.

The opinion polls you quote also agree with what I hear. Yet they voted for and support Prez. Trump. I'm not here to defend that either.
I'm not here to defend. I'm just repeating what I've heard as reasons why redneck states go for their officials. Listen to the right wing rhetoric and it's all about immigrants, guns, taxes and small government or government intrusion into daily lives. The rednecks that I know have bought into it.

The opinion polls you quote also agree with what I hear. Yet they voted for and support Prez. Trump. I'm not here to defend that either.
Why do Republicans Sanders speaks to at Town Halls switch to being from right wing conservatives to Democratic socialists who support single payer in real time?

Thanks for the help. But I stand guilty of poor writing.

I really did mean what I wrote.


As in ^^^There

Spelling was correct. But my writing was opaque

I read polls too. Opinion polls and election day polls. For quite a while now, opinion polls say one thing and election day polls say another. The only poll that matters is the election day poll.

That you imperiously claim to know what everybody is thinking and wants to do is exactly what rednecks say they hate about liberals such as you. I'm telling you what the rednecks I know are saying, not some opinion poll. I'm of the opinion that what people do is a better tell about what they are thinking than what they say to a pollster. What they are doing is putting people in office who want little or no government. I'm beginning to think the wealthier blue states should give them what they want until it hurts.
The more it hurts, the further right they go.

Seems counterproductive somehow.
Imagine you were born to a crack whore mom and you have no idea who your dad is.
Let's say you are found to have a leaking heart at some point during your childhood.
Should you just be left to die while the doctor enjoys his day at the golf course because you can not pay for it to be repaired?
Any idea how many cleaners and low paid workers it takes to make a world possible where someone can become a doctor?
I know you think everyone should take care of their own, and grab every opportunity, or maybe life is as easy as you make it.
Sadly that is the white privilege shit people want us to check at the door, rightly so. All it will take is one family member coming down with a weird disease or being run over while crossing the street before you will be grateful to be able to contribute a tiny bit of your justly earned money for the protection of anybody.
Imagine you were born to a crack whore mom and you have no idea who your dad is.
Let's say you are found to have a leaking heart at some point during your childhood.
Should you just be left to die while the doctor enjoys his day at the golf course because you can not pay for it to be repaired?
Any idea how many cleaners and low paid workers it takes to make a world possible where someone can become a doctor?
I know you think everyone should take care of their own, and grab every opportunity, or maybe life is as easy as you make it.
Sadly that is the white privilege shit people want us to check at the door, rightly so. All it will take is one family member coming down with a weird disease or being run over while crossing the street before you will be grateful to be able to contribute a tiny bit of your justly earned money for the protection of anybody.
Americans have had it too good for to long and so many of us have gotten lazy, selfish and greedy.

Confront them with a month of living rough someplace desperately poor and you'd see the vast majority pull their heads out of their asses, right quick!

But human nature being what it is, that kind of experience happens only rarely to us here in our insulated existence.

I personally had the great good fortune of living in a few of those places when I was a child- and not having to stay- and it shaped my worldview.
Unlike you, I love my country and my fellow citizens and I'm happy to work hard to make this nation a better place for everyone...

Not just myself.

You wouldn't understand.

You believe what I tell you. You have NO idea what I really do. Suck it all up though, Mr. Gullible.
What do you think about economics? Should the Democratic party continue the same neoliberal policies from Clinton to Obama or should they adopt a more progressive platform?
I'm not that asshole but more progressive is the only way to go. The methodology of the Clinton/Obama era won't work in the future. We need to abandon the "police the world" bullshit, bring ALL the troops home, and let the rest of the world police itself. I don't see how anyone can be against letting the rest of the world pay for itself, in terms of blood and money. Democracy is antithetical to Islam, so let them fight each other, kill each other, blow themselves to hell for all I care. But wasting another American life for corporate profits (every conflict since WWII) isn't just wrong, it's insane. Let companies die. Let the fanatics in the middle east kill each other. Fuck it.

We have no business intervening ANYWHERE!!!