quite like speed meself well i did in the past, just gotta go easy on the stuff and only take it morning so you can get some sleep at night or have some benzos to hand lol
a box is a kg
Maybe that's where i was going wrong?
I'd take early evening but repeat and repeat until sleep was more appealing than the drug
then repeat
no idea why depression set in
done that plenty of times meself, and fuck its a nasty comedown hay, after 2-3days of no sleep or food boy do you start to feel rough lol
but a bit in the morning can be quite productive and nice little buzz threw the day, i learnt me lesson the hard way aswel lol but when i would take it in recent year would just be the morning never past lunch so i had a good 12hr to get it out up to trying to sleep at night, use to find drying it out and sniffing it better than bombing aswel easier to dose.
Don't take anything except weed these days but if I could get LSD & DMT I'd be taking them.....DMT interests me, never done it before so would love to try....
LSD apparently helps ease depression. There are studies being/been done to show this from what I've read.
Darknet I guess is the best option but getting ripped off is highly likely no? I'd have no idea which guys are trustworthy and which are not, or is it a case of sending the cash and wait to see if I've been scammed or not?yeah i read about mico dose's but have tripped enough in me youth to no that a proper dose i doubt i would come back from now lol way too much damage done on the mind methinks over the years abusing various drugs.
as for access to dmt/lsd one word or is it two? darknet lol
LOL 370 miles on acidNot proud of this but hey,
for deeply personal reasons that i care not to elaborate on, i wanted to change my mood.
I had a tab in the car
i consumed said tab
fucking beautiful
Only problem was...i was 370 miles from home.
What a journey that was!
On a slightly different topic, I'm wondering about weed prices - purely out of curiousity - what are prices paid for 9 bars in the south east of UK? Or multiples of 9 bars, boxes etc. I've only ever bought an Oz and that was a couple of years ago.....I'm just curious to know what are the going rates these days......