What did you accomplish today?

Do Ibrelapse amd smoke a blast or keepnbeing sf and stacking racks smacking hookers and fiends

I got 5k in my pocket a louis v handbag a glock 19 and a full cooked chicken ready for sale

I want to t9ke a hit..

Relapse sf...

I dont know but i want too. Brb i gotta fight

Crack dealing in a worst bar in t.o

100 in crack

I got tjat
You look like my friend danny, he's a tweeker dude that's hella funny. One time some Southsider in a red car pulls up by us and tells danny to take off his red shirt. Danny looks at him and tells him to stop driving red cars, guy just takes off, all embarrassed .
You look like my friend danny, he's a tweeker dude that's hella funny. One time some Southsider in a red car pulls up by us and tells danny to take off his red shirt. Danny looks at him and tells him to stop driving red cars, guy just takes off, all embarrassed .
I just did a huge rock deal and got called white bread wtf

I have more buti got ripped on a deal
.must smack a baby

Be back after anal rape

Like joseph or whatever his name is
Old bitches think they can hurt ol af

.i will do a dilly for the nilly

Be careful of old achool fiends who try to take a avantage of u

I said wo7od give a bitch a 40 for making a 200 deala but im having othersrun for me

I may have to hurt someone

Fuck beers and crack heads. They bumping for me
I've accomplished watching SF spiral out of control again?

No I am in control.

Almost hurt a 210lbs girl who tried punching amd hitting me with a bottle.

I went home made about 6500$ after spending money.

Skipping gym tomorrow and going Saturday.

I shouldn't have talked to thw dude who bought me beers. He bought 800 in hard but the people he brought around me were jail sentences

This fat Bitch who tried hitting me said if I tried walkingawayy she would kill me. My boy kept pushing me back after ahe attempted to bottle me and punch me.

She got cloae to being murdered.

I am done with crack head bitches.

I want to go back up but am using better judgement. Thia stupid cunt literally tried hitting me in the neck with a broken bottle.

Crackheads yo
No I am in control.

Almost hurt a 210lbs girl who tried punching amd hitting me with a bottle.

I went home made about 6500$ after spending money.

Skipping gym tomorrow and going Saturday.

I shouldn't have talked to thw dude who bought me beers. He bought 800 in hard but the people he brought around me were jail sentences

This fat Bitch who tried hitting me said if I tried walkingawayy she would kill me. My boy kept pushing me back after ahe attempted to bottle me and punch me.

She got cloae to being murdered.

I am done with crack head bitches.

I want to go back up but am using better judgement. Thia stupid cunt literally tried hitting me in the neck with a broken bottle.

Crackheads yo
Finish the night up by sucking a few dicks and you're back to normal.
Are you going to register in the state database? I did it for the plant count (15), but I'm nervous now that our new attorney general is talking about cracking down on cannabis.
I really don't like the idea of my name on any state database especially a "voluntary cannabis" database.. They basically
threw medical out when rec came in.. kinda sucks.. I can still get busted with a legal med grow... card is only for defense in trial... Wtf? I'll stay under the radar...
No matter what you may have seen on Jeremiah Johnson, beaver tail (the 4 legged kind) is nothing but leather covered gristle. I've cooked it & tried to eat it - the shit is inedible.

This kind is harder to get close to, but . . . well, you know the rest.

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now i watched one of those "Alaska Bush Men" reality fake episodes and this guy was chowin' down on a beaver tail like it was KFC extra crispy...