What would Lincoln do? Errors of the American Left

What makes you think I want it? You children won't remember the '60s and the battles fought then. That's your loss because your blind optimism will be the end of you.

I'll stake my knowledge of history against yours, any time. You want to be Tommy? Deaf, dumb and blind? Because that's what you're being. Tell me three things you or any thinking individual has in common with the Nazis and the drooling, knuckle-draggers who elected him? I want ALL right wingers dead. Not a useful molecule of protoplasm in any of them. They are sub-human filth and the earth needs to be rid of all of them.
I lived in Saigon in 1971. Was there for 5 months. You ASS-U-ME far too much and think far too little.

If you really think the right wing needs to be exterminated, why not try it and see where it gets you?
if there were no courts that would convict me, i'd put a bullet in the head of every single trump voter.
OK then, defend this statement:

WTF? Rednecks are Japan? Liberals are Japan? Who is Japan? Have they invaded China yet? Is Trump the equivalent of Japan's emperor?

Explain please.
Doesn't matter. The division is the division. Answer me this: Name three things you have in common with a Trump voter?
Doesn't matter. The division is the division. Answer me this: Name three things you have in common with a Trump voter?
We're both human, we want the best for ourselves and our families and we want a future of security and prosperity for our progeny. That wasn't even hard.

Now it's your turn. Answer the man's question or we'll know that you're just another know nothing extremist with too much in common with the worst of the Chumpsters out there.
Doesn't matter. The division is the division. Answer me this: Name three things you have in common with a Trump voter?
nope. you made an outrageous claim and counter my objection with another series of questions.

I'll give you one: we are people trying to make ends meet, raise a family and make a difference in the world.

For the other two, answer my question first.

OK then, defend this statement:

WTF? Rednecks are Japan? Liberals are Japan? Who is Japan? Have they invaded China yet? Is Trump the equivalent of Japan's emperor?

Explain please.
nope. you made an outrageous claim and counter my objection with another series of questions.

I'll give you one: we are people trying to make ends meet, raise a family and make a difference in the world.

For the other two, answer my question first.

OK then, defend this statement:

WTF? Rednecks are Japan? Liberals are Japan? Who is Japan? Have they invaded China yet? Is Trump the equivalent of Japan's emperor?

Explain please.
I beat you to it, above.

I bet we get crickets or bluster.
Lincoln would soil his trousers if he knew the shit you lefties pull nowadays.

Trumpers do exactly that--they yell, scream, beat their chests, call you call kinds of names

You mean Buck is a republican?

Imagine if Buck were Lincoln.
Telling his buddies how 'he pinched a loaf' on the floor of the tavern
knowing Johnson would have to clean it up.
Lincoln would soil his trousers if he knew the shit you lefties pull nowadays.

You mean Buck is a republican?

Imagine if Buck were Lincoln.
Telling his buddies how 'he pinched a loaf' on the floor of the tavern
knowing Johnson would have to clean it up.
How can you expect anyone to take you seriously saying things like that?
Lincoln would soil his trousers if he knew the shit you lefties pull nowadays.

You mean Buck is a republican?

Imagine if Buck were Lincoln.
Telling his buddies how 'he pinched a loaf' on the floor of the tavern
knowing Johnson would have to clean it up.

UncleBuck shit on the floor in a Tavern?