United States of Corporate America

How has education gotten worse since the government got involved?

When did the government get involved?

Why do other first world countries like Sweden, Finland, Norway, Canada, Germany, France, Australia, etc., provide a higher quality of healthcare at a lower cost per capita than the United States?

If the free market provides the best quality healthcare at the lowest possible cost, why do other countries who have socialized, universal healthcare, produce better results than the US at measurably cheaper costs? Is that just a lie?

No, not necessarily.. That's not what I was saying. I'm sure I could pave a road.. I don't do it for a living though, and the quality would be much poorer, no doubt about it. You pay taxes for the quality of service as well as the service itself. If you don't like quality, check out the quality of China's domestic infrastructure. Contract goes to the lowest bidder, and it certainly shows. Years old cement staircases crumbling sitting side by side centuries old staircases built by ancient Chinese who actually cared about the quality of their product..

Who spends a larger percentage of their income paying taxes, rich or poor?

Larger percentage of their income paid in taxes is the rich, not poor. The poor don't contribute nearly ANYTHING. I, for example, made about 16k as far as the govt is concerned last year. I got virtually all of that back. My dad? He pays 60 cents on the dollar. You are so misinformed it's ridiculous. go out in the real world for once not socialist fantasy candyland

Lol, "quality would be much poorer". Everything government touches turns to crap.
He is young and still gets all turgid when he reads Ayn Rand. But really, he strikes me as the sort that might suffer from arrested development in the future.

Literally the only "argument" you ever have is ad hominem. And you call me the one developmentally challenged? Edit: sorry thought you were Uncle Buck you have a little better argument than the queer

By they way, Ayn Rand? Isn't she an anarchist?

What if the top 20% made 86.3% of the income? Would it still be progressive?
Just because the rich make more money doesn't mean they should be penalized for it anyway, which they are. You are greedy and want to force the rich to give you money if you are a socialist and that's that. I'm a poor libertarian and you don't see me asking for handouts I don't have health ins period. I'm not greedy whatever I got, I got it honest bub and more people need that mindset today. You want a nanny state and that ain't cool bub learn to take care of yourself
Literally the only "argument" you ever have is ad hominem. And you call me the one developmentally challenged? Edit: sorry thought you were Uncle Buck you have a little better argument than the queer

By they way, Ayn Rand? Isn't she an anarchist?
the queer?

Just because the rich make more money doesn't mean they should be penalized for it anyway, which they are. You are greedy and want to force the rich to give you money if you are a socialist and that's that. I'm a poor libertarian and you don't see me asking for handouts I don't have health ins period. I'm not greedy whatever I got, I got it honest bub and more people need that mindset today. You want a nanny state and that ain't cool bub learn to take care of yourself
You need more schooling young man. If the top 20% pay 86% of taxes and earn 86% of income, the tax is not progressive.

And calling me greedy is ad hominem - dumb fuck.
The definition of redistribution is to take things away from one thing or person and give it to another. Come on man this is very basic
So how is it not redistribution for taxpayer money to be used to give subsidies for large corporations and the banking system?

Why did banks get bailouts in the 2008 crash yet homeowners got kicked into the streets? How is that not wealth redistribution on a mass scale?

You've been told to look at homeless people and hate them. Meanwhile, the biggest, most profitable corporations in America are robbing us all blind and you have nothing to say about it. FOLLOW THE MONEY. Hint: the homeless guy (who's a lot more likely to have a college degree than you think) doesn't have any money, so you must look elsewhere.
Wake up, we have a progressive tax system generally speaking.

In 2006, the latest available year from CBO, the top 20 percent of income earners paid 86.3 percent of all federal income taxes
If we had a progressive tax system, those people would be paying more than their fair share of taxes, not less.

The TRUTH is that they're not, because taxes on non wage income streams is much lower and there are far more deductions.

You're simply completely wrong on this and I have a thousand accountants and tax attorneys who will back my story. You have a bullshit story from Fix News.

I'm learning from you, you can learn from me.
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Larger percentage of their income paid in taxes is the rich, not poor. The poor don't contribute nearly ANYTHING. I, for example, made about 16k as far as the govt is concerned last year. I got virtually all of that back. My dad? He pays 60 cents on the dollar. You are so misinformed it's ridiculous. go out in the real world for once not socialist fantasy candyland

Lol, "quality would be much poorer". Everything government touches turns to crap.
Sorry, this just isn't so in this country. Does your dad earn most of his income from investments and real estate? If that's taxes on wage income then yep, he paying more.

But that's not where the money is being made.
I can't believe how these poor bastards on here can defend the policies of the very people who deny them essentials to survival and call it redistribution of wealth.

Their idea of a "fair" plan is go back to the days where families lost their life's savings and their homes because of a loved ones illness, is that the free market you're talking about?...but don't worry there's always charity.:roll:

For the first time in our Countries history we dipped our toes in the water called healthcare and saw healthcare costs go down while more folks get coverage than ever before some for the first time ever. And yet there's only 1 political party that wants to take it away to redistribute wealth to the 1%.

Sounds like this site is full of1%ers.
I can't believe how these poor bastards on here can defend the policies of the very people who deny them essentials to survival and call it redistribution of wealth.

Their idea of a "fair" plan is go back to the days where families lost their life's savings and their homes because of a loved ones illness, is that the free market you're talking about?...but don't worry there's always charity.:roll:

For the first time in our Countries history we dipped our toes in the water called healthcare and saw healthcare costs go down while more folks get coverage than ever before some for the first time ever. And yet there's only 1 political party that wants to take it away to redistribute wealth to the 1%.

Sounds like this site is full of1%ers.
They're either all one percenters or they're products of a dumbed down educational system. I'll give you three guesses which!
I don't vote for right wingers. I'm a conservative leaning libertarian. That means 95% R's not my pals

Party doesn't matter more than issues, but Democrats are all for big gov and that ain't cool. I would never justify someone falsely claiming disability though because that's a burden to society
This is a contradiction.
so the KKK voted for barack obama? i'd pay good money to see you go to a klan rally and tell them how much they love liberals like obama.

and why did the KKK endorse donald trump?

slap yourself so i don't have to you retard.
Someone slapped him too hard when he was a baby. Explains the pathetic excuse for logic.