Well-Known Member
Did another wall, electrician buddy wired in 2 new outlets, one high one low.
Electrician buddy also built some conduit for 2 more outlets and exterior spot light switch on block wall that I'm painting before he finishes them, up temporarily right now. I will no longer have to use extension cords and power strips for amp and pedal boards, phone, tablet and laptop chargers, etc. At last count, I have 4 lines running into this room from breaker box, 2 into closet, one closet dedicated.
Juice for everything including the sun.
The block part was once a caning cellar, I knocked the wall out 29 yrs. ago, blocked in a ground level window that once flooded during a hurricane, and my dad framed in the wall on the left (former entrance to caning cellar) 29 yrs. ago. He put studs every 8", he liked sturdy walls and said it was now the tornado shelter. Lol.
Have to do around steps tomorrow, all angle cuts.
Drop ceiling (with access to wiring) and floating floor to follow, then trim.
After that, interior work is done. Just a couple weeks of exterior work between me and the summer off. Well, a lot of odd jobs and touch up work. And some painting and general maintenance.
Mostly short days, done by noon.

Electrician buddy also built some conduit for 2 more outlets and exterior spot light switch on block wall that I'm painting before he finishes them, up temporarily right now. I will no longer have to use extension cords and power strips for amp and pedal boards, phone, tablet and laptop chargers, etc. At last count, I have 4 lines running into this room from breaker box, 2 into closet, one closet dedicated.
Juice for everything including the sun.

The block part was once a caning cellar, I knocked the wall out 29 yrs. ago, blocked in a ground level window that once flooded during a hurricane, and my dad framed in the wall on the left (former entrance to caning cellar) 29 yrs. ago. He put studs every 8", he liked sturdy walls and said it was now the tornado shelter. Lol.
Have to do around steps tomorrow, all angle cuts.
Drop ceiling (with access to wiring) and floating floor to follow, then trim.
After that, interior work is done. Just a couple weeks of exterior work between me and the summer off. Well, a lot of odd jobs and touch up work. And some painting and general maintenance.
Mostly short days, done by noon.