What did you accomplish today?

This pic was taken a day or two after I got him. Look how tiny he was.

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Omg my baby "lily" fit in my hand when I got her too.

You juat brought back ao many memories.

Usually cats stay with thw mother for 7-8 weeks if memory is working and than you adopt?

May be different down there and I possibly got thia one at 6 weekz.

Time to read up. Im sleepless watching totoro getting high
The mother abandoned it and it was skin and bones, I saved it. Probably wouldn't have lasted another day but now it's fat and happy and running around the house tearing up everything.
I love you so much more now

Idk if kitteh got luxky or u did

Probably you because cat

I want to create a "goodnight thread v post your bedtime stories" but alas I am too tired to write a story right now

I'm trying to find him a home because I have too many cats already. I didn't want another cat but there was no way I could just let him starve to death. Mom is thinking about taking him lol. She cuddles him when she comes by for a visit.
Yeah, but you are young enough that he'll have good cat life of romping and fuckin off.