Why do some have problems with people of different color

Why do some hate based on color of skin

  • fear of the unknown

    Votes: 22 48.9%
  • Jealousy

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • taught

    Votes: 23 51.1%
  • confusion

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • small penis

    Votes: 25 55.6%

  • Total voters
Look, shithead. We've been over this many times (here and grassshitty) and many other people have tried to smack some sense into you. You're an obtuse jackass and don't have a clue what you are talking about. The society you continue to live in has established that public property is NOT an oxymoron. Don't like it? Withdraw. I will not waste any more logic and reason on you. You are incapable of using it. I will still reply to you (because poking the stupid with a stick is a guilty pleasure of mine), but from now on, it'll just be for fun. I give up on you.

Rawb's at trashcity, as well? lol
He fits in much better over there, I bet - whiny, alt-right Millennials clashing with nutty old nationalist repubs.

I compared several kinds of involuntary human relationships all involving an instance where one party was forced into an association they would prefer not to have had. Some as you point out are more heinous than others, yet they ALL use similar tactics to effectuate.

You, likely would say you are against slavery and rape, but you do seem to endorse other kinds of human relations where one party has their choice to disassociate removed under threat of force.

Because a person holds beliefs you don't like, you are willing to ignore their right to self determination of themselves or their property. I'm not willing to do that, because nobody here can tell me where that right comes from. Would you like to try ?

being black while ordering lunch is nothing like rape or slavery you retard.
Private property is redundant. Public property is an oxymoron.
If you were astute enough to understand the foregoing, the argument would be over, but you're not.

Who has the right to determine the use of another person's body or another person's property ?

I don't. Do you?

You are incapable of critical thought.

being black while ordering lunch is nothing like rape or slavery you retard.

Race is a non sequitur to my rationale. My rationale doesn't depend upon one race dominating another. Any person of any race should be able to chose if they will interact with another person or not on a mutual basis. That is equality.

The thing you won't / haven't addressed is the element of the forced human interaction. It is present in slavery, rape and when person A insists upon an interaction with person B. In each instance one person has their ability to self determine their body and/ or their property taken away.

In human interactions there are 3 possible modes;

1)It is mutual and consensual.
2)Person A forces person B to interact
3)Person B forces person A to interact

You endorse possibilities that are not mutual and consensual, which is the same means as a rapist or slaver.

The reason you call me a racist is unfounded, but it is a fact you endorse rapist tactics.
So you have an argument that justifies your rapist tactics of forcing another human to interact with you even if they prefer not to or will you just keep drooling and saying "nuh uh" ?
We've been through this enough, jackass. I've told you that several times. You are incapable of rational thought. We are in the exact same spot with this topic as we were months ago at grass shitty. Many other people have attempted to reason with you as well. Why would I keep feeding you logic and reason if you are incapable of receiving it? Now, that wouldn't be very logical or reasonable, would it?

We've been through this enough, jackass. I've told you that several times. You are incapable of rational thought. We are in the exact same spot with this topic as we were months ago at grass shitty. Many other people have attempted to reason with you as well. Why would I keep feeding you logic and reason if you are incapable of receiving it? Now, that wouldn't be very logical or reasonable, would it?


So, you had an argument with a person on another forum and believe that person was me? It wasn't.

Anyhow, your insults are amusing, but fail to refute the obvious. IT is painfully obvious that you at least on some level, endorse the use of force to create a human interaction between people, one of whom, would prefer to be left alone. I'm not sure there is a justification for that kind of rapist behavior.

Perhaps you could offer your justification and we would focus on your argument? Or are you afraid to exchange ideas ?
Yep. Presented ad infinitum.


I wonder if you could point me to the thread in the other forum you've referred to where you presented your arguments? I'd be interested in reading it. As I've already mentioned you are mistaken about me being the person you were debating with. Thanks.