MAGA The ani-anifa therad.


Well-Known Member
you know he is the founder of "identity evropa", a neo-nazi white supremacist group, right?

kinda like the "white nationalist and white separatist" group you joined, but more organized and even more nazi.
see there you go proving my point afraid your manufactured quotes do not suffice and hardly translate into this accumulation of data you claim, shot caller.


Well-Known Member
you have a special teller at the bank assigned to giving you pennies because no one else can stand you.
haven't done that in years but your stalking is flattering...what do you do, put fed notes in a safe to be eaten by inflation while paying pmi? brilliant.

my teller is working on getting a hold of some red inked us notes from the fed.....shes hot too.


Well-Known Member
see there you go proving my point afraid your manufactured quotes do not suffice and hardly translate into this accumulation of data you claim, shot caller.
the nazi who you keep defending even though he punches women is the founder of "identity evropa".

it is a neo-nazi white supremacist group just like the one you joined on this website.


Well-Known Member
You got caught in a lie then shifted the topic to my investments...

"badly hurt", "nazi" and "woman" are your claims....and you have failed to show she was badly hurt or more than slightly inconvenienced, failed to show that guy is a Nazi and failed to show the "nazi" was aware the masked white dreddy was a girl.

lots of fail so far on your part, and crying. the girl cheerfully did a local tv interview the next day dude, welcome back to reality.
Nope, I brought up your idiot ways of "investing" to mock you.. And you leaped at the chance to change the subject. I don't care to debate economics with a child or you.

You completely miss the point of what's so ugly about that video and ask for proof that the woman was badly hurt and the card number for the Nazi. The sickness in @Dr.Pecker 's video is its celebration of a woman being hit by a Nazi with prurient pictures and slut shaming the woman. Tell me the video doesn't contain that content and you'll have a leg to stand on. If you want to argue that the shithead who beat her didn't have a swastika on his forehead and so isn't a Nazi, I'll laugh at you.
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Well-Known Member
Nope, I brought up your idiot ways of "investing" to mock you.. And you leaped at the chance to change the subject. I don't care to debate economics with a child or you.

You completely miss the point of what's so ugly about that video and ask for proof that the woman was badly hurt and the card number for the Nazi. The sickness in @Dr.Pecker 's video is its celebration of a woman being hit by a Nazi with prurient pictures and slut shaming the woman. Tell me the video doesn't contain that content and you'll have a leg to stand on. If you want to argue that the shithead who beat her didn't have a swastika on his forehead and so isn't a Nazi, and I'll laugh at you.
The video was a song parody written by a woman. Shame on her.
Did she not go the protest to scalp nazis? Did the law arrest said nazi? You may be correct about him being a white nationalist. She went there to scalp nazi's and she found one, good for her. You will find people of all walks of life at those rallies. You have rep, dems,keks and commies. Democrats are also mixed in with the republicans and antifa does not give a shit who they hit with glass bottles and bombs. If she wasn't protesting free speech and throwing glass bottles then she wouldn't have been punched in the face. She was saying to a reporter she was punched and knocked to the ground by a man in a maga hat before that guy even hit her. You are allowed to a peaceful protest as long as you do not violate others rights and liberties. This is assault with a weapon


Well-Known Member
The video was a song parody written by a woman. Shame on her.
Did she not go the protest to scalp nazis? Did the law arrest said nazi? You may be correct about him being a white nationalist. She went there to scalp nazi's and she found one, good for her. You will find people of all walks of life at those rallies. You have rep, dems,keks and commies. Democrats are also mixed in with the republicans and antifa does not give a shit who they hit with glass bottles and bombs. If she wasn't protesting free speech and throwing glass bottles then she wouldn't have been punched in the face. She was saying to a reporter she was punched and knocked to the ground by a man in a maga hat before that guy even hit her. You are allowed to a peaceful protest as long as you do not violate others rights and liberties. This is assault with a weapon
The video glorifies the beating of a woman. It goes on to slut shame and combine images of her beating with purient images. You like it. That's all we need to know about you.


Well-Known Member
look at the two alpha males, too afraid to discuss anything openly.

dr pecker, why do you support ethnic cleansing?
Does this look familiar upload_2017-6-8_17-53-23.jpeg Its your avitar on grass city. Are you trying to say you're black now? All this white boy/white privilege shit in this thread and you're lying about being black. How many lies have I caught you in so far in this thread? Lets recap. You said you were black, gay and a jew. You are prejudice against kekistans, gypsy's, poor people and you make fun of disabled people. You are a liar and a hater.


Well-Known Member
The video glorifies the beating of a woman. It goes on to slut shame and combine images of her beating with purient images. You like it. That's all we need to know about you.
Go play in the street and block traffic then complain when a car hits you.


Well-Known Member
you know he is the founder of "identity evropa", a neo-nazi white supremacist group, right?

kinda like the "white nationalist and white separatist" group you joined, but more organized and even more nazi.
"look up this" because it's in quotes because I am incapable of linking it.

while you're at it refute "this here lie" I randomly made up about you.

do you ever tire of being that annoying child the boss brought to work?


Well-Known Member
Nope, I brought up your idiot ways of "investing" to mock you.. And you leaped at the chance to change the subject. I don't care to debate economics with a child or you.

You completely miss the point of what's so ugly about that video and ask for proof that the woman was badly hurt and the card number for the Nazi. The sickness in @Dr.Pecker 's video is its celebration of a woman being hit by a Nazi with prurient pictures and slut shaming the woman. Tell me the video doesn't contain that content and you'll have a leg to stand on. If you want to argue that the shithead who beat her didn't have a swastika on his forehead and so isn't a Nazi, I'll laugh at you.
slut fucks for free, whores get paid. but youre so intelligent right? The whore shaming might stem as a backlash as to your ilks stupid "nazi" shaming.

take how passionate you are pretending to be in your deep concern for the whore shaming....the right is pretty tired of labels as well for such fundament shit as free speech.

I mean you loved Kathy griffens free speech amirite?

show me the puncher is a nazi, burdens on you. the girl is a whore, already proven. if you show me the dude is a Nazi then we can scream fuck that Nazi together....i won't be saying it for mysoginy though like you are.