Why do some have problems with people of different color

Why do some hate based on color of skin

  • fear of the unknown

    Votes: 22 48.9%
  • Jealousy

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • taught

    Votes: 23 51.1%
  • confusion

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • small penis

    Votes: 25 55.6%

  • Total voters
You continuously refer to a system which places a ransom on your home to force payment and that inculcates people in obedience by design as "education". You're using the wrong term.

The one you want is "indoctrination". If you were educated you would already know that.
SS is yer money. Its not a government service its a retirement plan.
Thank you for asking politely. I'll address your post now.

I think our differences arise in your misunderstanding of the difference between a right and a government granted privilege.

A racist store owner or a non racist store owner should both have the ability to determine the use of their OWN bodies and their OWN property. I consider that their equal right and somewhat axiomatic.

To use ANOTHER persons body or to determine the use of ANOTHER persons property requires the consent of the other person, if it doesn't then there can be no such thing as equality. If you don't understand that point, I can explain it to you later if you like.

How other people decide to use their OWN property or their OWN body may meet with our disapproval, but to take away a persons right of self determination is wrong isn't it ? If you say yes to my question, then we have no argument. If you say no, then you are at least in part supporting unequal rights, as you would be endorsing one party having the ability to force another party when the other party is in a neutral status. In that instance, the onus of defending the use of offensive force falls upon you. I can't think of any proper moral defenses for the use of offensive force, can you?

"Open to the public" is a phrase you toss around, but then you fail to understand the contradiction. It can only be "open to the public" if the owner voluntarily wishes it to be so or if another entity forcibly imposes that status on the owner. right?

In the case of the hypothetical racist store owner clearly his intention is NOT to be "open to the public". If he isn't trying to run ANOTHER persons body or ANOTHER persons property, how would you or I have any right to tell him what to do with his OWN body or property ? Where would that right come from?
Lot of writing you got going on there...also a lot of Bullshit.
An owner can decide if he wants to be open to the public or he can decide to run his business as a private club. I suggest you learn the difference. I run my businesses open to the public. I can very well make my businesses closed to the public and run it as a private clubs. Charge a membership and allow certain people to wash whenever. I don't because I'm OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
In other words when you have a business and CHOOSE to run it open to the public, you will do just that !!!
You continuously refer to a system which places a ransom on your home to force payment and that inculcates people in obedience by design as "education". You're using the wrong term.

The one you want is "indoctrination". If you were educated you would already know that.
so you took your 3 boys for 12 years to an indoctrination. Also why did you buy a home when you knew that you would have to pay a "ransom" ?
For you to say that you nor your boys benefited from the teachings of public school is a bald face lie.. Sure some of the shit they teach is Bullshit and part of HiSstory, but that is your job as a parent to teach your kids the difference and the truth...e.g. Christopher Columbus bullshit, but shit like math had to be helpful
I wouldn't pay somebody to rob you even if the robber was going to give me some of your stuff and me and my children benefitted from it...because it's wrong to take your stuff against your will.
you must be off your meds again . spelling mistakes are not you.
I would like you to add up the cost it took to educate you and your 3 intelligent sons. If you have not paid the same in property tax, you owe us
Lot of writing you got going on there...also a lot of Bullshit.
An owner can decide if he wants to be open to the public or he can decide to run his business as a private club. I suggest you learn the difference. I run my businesses open to the public. I can very well make my businesses closed to the public and run it as a private clubs. Charge a membership and allow certain people to wash whenever. I don't because I'm OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
In other words when you have a business and CHOOSE to run it open to the public, you will do just that !!!

By virtue of something being private property isn't it redundant and contradictory to be forced to fill out forms a nonowner (the government) insists upon to declare the status of something which is already owned and ostensibly "private" already ?

I'm not interested in owning a business which practices racial discrimination, but thank you anyway for the informative discourse on how to properly suck the governments dick in order to do so.

I'm interested in pointing out the inherent contradictions of having to get permission to determine the use of something which is already private property. Clearly it is combining two opposing concepts wouldn't you say?
It sort of reminds me of public schools which tell kids that bullying is wrong, then they put an automatic ransom on your home to fund themselves whether you want to use them or not.
you must be off your meds again . spelling mistakes are not you.
I would like you to add up the cost it took to educate you and your 3 intelligent sons. If you have not paid the same in property tax, you owe us

Nice catch on the spelling. I'll go and take my meds in a minute, thanks for the reminder.

Certainly paying for that which you agreed to pay (absent any duress...or it isn't really an agreement) is the honorable thing to do.

Is a person obligated to pay for something when another person(s) made an obligation for them, which did include an element of duress and was made without their consent ?
The owner of the groves did not mind us eating his oranges, he just didn't want us to leave a mess. Some people support the military in different ways

I support the right of self defense.

If the military "protects our freedom" (they often don't) would it be safe to say that a military draft is a contradiction ?
I support the right of self defense.

If the military "protects our freedom" (they often don't) would it be safe to say that a military draft is a contradiction ?
on this we can agree. I never liked the concept of a draft and when you have people in office like Trump, my hatred for it is more so.
I did my 22 years voluntarily. When I was done and disagreed with it BabyBush bullshit, I got out.
Nice catch on the spelling. I'll go and take my meds in a minute, thanks for the reminder.

Certainly paying for that which you agreed to pay (absent any duress...or it isn't really an agreement) is the honorable thing to do.

Is a person obligated to pay for something when another person(s) made an obligation for them, which did include an element of duress and was made without their consent ?
were you under duress when you closed on your house? or did you celebrate and kiss the Miss.
We celebrated and tried to sex in everyroom
on this we can agree. I never liked the concept of a draft and when you have people in office like Trump, my hatred for it is more so.
I did my 22 years voluntarily. When I was done and disagreed with it BabyBush bullshit, I got out.

Well that's great that you believe human interactions should be on a consensual and voluntary basis and nobody should be forced to serve another under threat of force.

Odd that you then discard that belief and embrace things which run contrary to it though.
were you under duress when you closed on your house? or did you celebrate and kiss the Miss.
We celebrated and tried to sex in everyroom

Lucky you.

I would have, but some fucker left a giant turd on the bathroom floor. Reminded me of a Wendy's bathroom.
By virtue of something being private property isn't it redundant and contradictory to be forced to fill out forms a nonowner (the government) insists upon to declare the status of something which is already owned and ostensibly "private" already ?

I'm not interested in owning a business which practices racial discrimination, but thank you anyway for the informative discourse on how to properly suck the governments dick in order to do so.

I'm interested in pointing out the inherent contradictions of having to get permission to determine the use of something which is already private property. Clearly it is combining two opposing concepts wouldn't you say?
It sort of reminds me of public schools which tell kids that bullying is wrong, then they put an automatic ransom on your home to fund themselves whether you want to use them or not.
How are we to know what your property is if you don't make it official. No paper work means I can just claim your shit as my own. Kill you and make your wife fall in love with me. Paper work will let everyone know I trespassed on your private property and violated your person and space. Your wife would then have legal means to your the property without having to marry me. ;)
Well that's great that you believe human interactions should be on a consensual and voluntary basis and nobody should be forced to serve another under threat of force.

Odd that you then discard that belief and embrace things which run contrary to it though.
you purchased your house voluntarily sir. So did I. I also support my local schools. My kids have been out of elmentray school for years. I still donate school supplies and happily pay my property tax. Did you know that some of your property taxes goes toward sewage treatment when you take a shit...or do you not shit, only post bullshit
How are we to know what your property is if you don't make it official. No paper work means I can just claim your shit as my own. Kill you and make your wife fall in love with me. Paper work will let everyone know I trespassed on your private property and violated your person and space. Your wife would then have legal means to your the property without having to marry me. ;)

People once used "official papers" to prove ownership of other human beings. Careful about putting your trust in government documents.

If you killed me, I bet you'd miss me. C'mon admit it.
you purchased your house voluntarily sir. So did I. I also support my local schools. My kids have been out of elmentray school for years. I still donate school supplies and happily pay my property tax. Did you know that some of your property taxes goes to sewage treatment when you take a shit...or do you not shit, only post bullshit

Duh!! Diapers.
People once used "official papers" to prove ownership of other human beings. Careful about putting your trust in government documents.

If you killed me, I bet you'd miss me. C'mon admit it.
I think big foots are subhuman and dirty. We dont like yer kind around here