bernie sanders: regressive

you caucused for an evening. i didn't bother. i knew bernie would win our state.

i called phones and knocked on doors for months to support our nominee. would have done the same for bernard. i was not sure who would win our state.

don't settle for the greater of two evils. because corporate establishment elitism.

You just contradicted yourself Buck^^^^^^^^^

Billionaires in total; over 2000 in 2017, up from 1800 in 2016.

Their aggregate wealth up from $6.4 trillion to over $7.7 trillion, over 18% growth IN ONE YEAR.

Wealth inequality is absolutely out of control and must be stopped. It's an existential threat to global civilization.

What are you talking about? They're just one or two charity baseball games from global peace.

Keep this up and the only noise will be from the hissing cockroaches left after we've killed ourselves off.
If people keep supporting Trump I'd probably be supportive of a nice civil war.

Only a complete idiot could keep worshipping at his feet when it's becoming increasingly obvious that the "fake news" wasn't fake.
If people keep supporting Trump I'd probably be supportive of a nice civil war.

Only a complete idiot could keep worshipping at his feet when it's becoming increasingly obvious that the "fake news" wasn't fake.
Have you ever seen a civil war? Especially from up close, where you can see the dead and smell then?

I'm fighting hard within the system precisely because I'm fully aware of just what mass violence looks like.

You should come out from behind your keyboard and actually see something for yourself before you so blithely advocate for it.
Have you ever seen a civil war? Especially from up close, where you can see the dead and smell then?

I'm fighting hard within the system precisely because I'm fully aware of just what mass violence looks like.

You should come out from behind your keyboard and actually see something for yourself before you so blithely advocate for it.
Oh stop crying for once you fucking baby, it was a joke.

When you gonna get that massive stick removed from your rectum and stop being such an emo?

Because it's not rimming your extreme left wing ideals?
I'm a centrist, maybe a bit center left.

I realize that looks like communism from the extreme right wing perspective of both major American political parties.

But you haven't said anything intelligent at all in I can't even remember how long.
It's funny how right-wingers claim to loathe socialism, yet are perfectly content with Corporatism. Tax cuts for the top 1%, collusion, monopolies, and oligopolies are not Capitalism, not by any means. It's socialism for the wealthy elites and rugged individualism for everyone else.

For those of you complaining that Bernie campaigned for Clinton, he did so because of Trump (bad idea, to be sure). When Trump was the apparent winner, he promised that should he lose the nomination he would not split the vote. It didn't work, of course, but he kept his word. According to top Bernie aides, his original plan was to move forward after the Democratic primaries as an independent, but didn't in the face of a Trump nomination. Clinton then proceeded to waste a billion dollars on a campaign of "I'm not trump."

As far as supporting democrats, it's nonsense. He really ought to be working to form a viable third party, or perhaps even joining the Greens, but he's still trying to work inside the system, and it's not working. Most independents have given up on the democrats after they've demonstrated an inability to learn from their mistakes and make any changes.

As far as anyone being able to beat trump, should he make it to the end of this term, don't be so sure. He's so far galvanized republicans, and they'll vote in lock step for him. If the democrats don't nominate a viable populist or progressive, the independents will snub them again, and they'll lose, again. And they'll wonder why, and place blame instead of looking in the mirror at their own twisted reflection.

If we want real change in this country were going to have to walk away from the corrupt parties and make our voices heard. And too many people are far too devoted to their team to do so. So the media keeps us at each other's throats while the politicians and oligarchs consume every scrap of wealth that they can.
It's funny how right-wingers claim to loathe socialism, yet are perfectly content with Corporatism. Tax cuts for the top 1%, collusion, monopolies, and oligopolies are not Capitalism, not by any means. It's socialism for the wealthy elites and rugged individualism for everyone else.

For those of you complaining that Bernie campaigned for Clinton, he did so because of Trump (bad idea, to be sure). When Trump was the apparent winner, he promised that should he lose the nomination he would not split the vote. It didn't work, of course, but he kept his word. According to top Bernie aides, his original plan was to move forward after the Democratic primaries as an independent, but didn't in the face of a Trump nomination. Clinton then proceeded to waste a billion dollars on a campaign of "I'm not trump."

As far as supporting democrats, it's nonsense. He really ought to be working to form a viable third party, or perhaps even joining the Greens, but he's still trying to work inside the system, and it's not working. Most independents have given up on the democrats after they've demonstrated an inability to learn from their mistakes and make any changes.

As far as anyone being able to beat trump, should he make it to the end of this term, don't be so sure. He's so far galvanized republicans, and they'll vote in lock step for him. If the democrats don't nominate a viable populist or progressive, the independents will snub them again, and they'll lose, again. And they'll wonder why, and place blame instead of looking in the mirror at their own twisted reflection.

If we want real change in this country were going to have to walk away from the corrupt parties and make our voices heard. And too many people are far too devoted to their team to do so. So the media keeps us at each other's throats while the politicians and oligarchs consume every scrap of wealth that they can.

Without winning over the minds of big-money nothing will happen. To me, that means we should be working within the Democratic party. We've made progress, we have to keep building and winning over minds, or admitting logical defeat, to really make progress. Ideals vs better judgment.
Without winning over the minds of big-money nothing will happen. To me, that means we should be working within the Democratic party. We've made progress, we have to keep building and winning over minds, or admitting logical defeat, to really make progress. Ideals vs better judgment.
Winning over big money is never going to happen. Most of the 1% is oblivious to the struggles of the rest of us, many more are apathetic at best, and some are sick bastards who enjoy watching is suffer.
We haven't made any real progress in since FDR; and his progressive policies have been eroding basically since he left office.

Mark my words; independent progressives have had enough of the lip service from the Corporatist Democratic party. Another feeble attempt in 2020 will fail, it doesn't matter who the democrats run. The "I'm not Trump, Pence, Ryan" approach doesn't work anymore. The democrats have abandoned their base, which is why they keep losing. Many of us would rather vote a third party, or sit out an election than be force fed another shit sandwich. This is exactly what got Trump elected. How many independents either didn't vote, or votes 3rd party? For Christ sake, A dead gorilla got thousands of votes.

Democrats need to wake up: embrace your base, and start voting that way, or the power structure will continue to shift to the right.
Winning over big money is never going to happen. Most of the 1% is oblivious to the struggles of the rest of us, many more are apathetic at best, and some are sick bastards who enjoy watching is suffer.
We haven't made any real progress in since FDR; and his progressive policies have been eroding basically since he left office.

Mark my words; independent progressives have had enough of the lip service from the Corporatist Democratic party. Another feeble attempt in 2020 will fail, it doesn't matter who the democrats run. The "I'm not Trump, Pence, Ryan" approach doesn't work anymore. The democrats have abandoned their base, which is why they keep losing. Many of us would rather vote a third party, or sit out an election than be force fed another shit sandwich. This is exactly what got Trump elected. How many independents either didn't vote, or votes 3rd party? For Christ sake, A dead gorilla got thousands of votes.

Democrats need to wake up: embrace your base, and start voting that way, or the power structure will continue to shift to the right.
the democratic base is black people and women, not whiny little white gamer kids who just dropped out of community college to smoke weed while living with their parents.
the democratic base is black people and women, not whiny little white gamer kids who just dropped out of community college to smoke weed while living with their parents.
And the democrats did well enough with these voters to win the last election? Progressives are there for the taking, the democrats can either embrace them or keep losing elections.

And before you post more nonsense, non-college educated women voted mostly for Trump.

Also, name-calling never helped anyone, have a nice day.
And the democrats did well enough with these voters to win the last election? Progressives are there for the taking, the democrats can either embrace them or keep losing elections.

And before you post more nonsense, non-college educated women voted mostly for Trump.

Also, name-calling never helped anyone, have a nice day.

damn, i nailed you dead to rights, didn't i?

how many times this week have you parents told you to get a job and then you just went back to playing video games?
damn, i nailed you dead to rights, didn't i?

how many times this week have you parents told you to get a job and then you just went back to playing video games?
You have absolutely no idea who I am or what I do, so stop with your nonsense, commence with actual debate, or be ignored. I will not debate nonsense name-calling over my socio-economic status, which you only assumed based on my handle, which is a handle so old, and usually unused, that I use it for every account I make.
Attacking me personally proves nothing about the merits of any points you might be trying to make.
You have absolutely no idea who I am or what I do, so stop with your nonsense, commence with actual debate, or be ignored. I will not debate nonsense name-calling over my socio-economic status, which you only assumed based on my handle, which is a handle so old, and usually unused, that I use it for every account I make.
Attacking me personally proves nothing about the merits of any points you might be trying to make.

thanks for letting me know that, now i can easily verify that you are a community college dropout living at home with mom and dad, refusing to get a job and playing way too many video games.