bernie sanders: regressive

Perfect example

You don't think DWS is corrupt, I do

She didn't resign in shame for nothing only to be rehired - on the same day she was fired - to Clinton's campaign
not straight; dishonest or immoral or evasive
make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence

What exactly did DWS do that fits the definition above?

She was an asset to the Clinton campaign and they hired her.
not straight; dishonest or immoral or evasive
make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence

What exactly did DWS do that fits the definition above?

She was an asset to the Clinton campaign and they hired her.
We've been over that a dozen times in a dozen threads. Do you need me to reiterate it here, again?

Not straight: she attempted to intimidate members of the media so they would project a more favorable image of Hillary Clinton. Dishonest: she orchestrated a smear campaign against Sanders in WV that he was an atheist, just before the primary, being the chairperson of the DNC. Immoral: she ignored her own bylaws to enrich herself. Evasive: she has denied every corruption charge against her even after the proof was presented and she quite because of it. It's like Trump supporters support 'fake news' that doesn't corroborate their preconceived beliefs, neither do corporate Democrats.
We've been over that a dozen times in a dozen threads. Do you need me to reiterate it here, again?

Not straight: she attempted to intimidate members of the media so they would project a more favorable image of Hillary Clinton. Dishonest: she orchestrated a smear campaign against Sanders in WV that he was an atheist, just before the primary, being the chairperson of the DNC. Immoral: she ignored her own bylaws to enrich herself. Evasive: she has denied every corruption charge against her even after the proof was presented and she quite because of it. It's like Trump supporters support 'fake news' that doesn't corroborate their preconceived beliefs, neither do corporate Democrats.
I have no clear idea what specific action DWS took that you refer to. Was it the one where she complained about press coverage at NBC with Chuck Todd? If so, the whole thing isn't a "corrupt act". This is how Todd described it:

Todd told Mediaite that the email was not remarkable. “I think it’s clear what it was. Someone complaining about coverage,” he said. “Something that happens daily from every campaign we interact with.”

That WV thing never even happened, dumb shit. It was a back and forth what if discussion between two low level derps. Schultz didn't even appear on the distribution list for those memos. It's not even clear that she knew about the discussion. It was banal chatter.

And so, you can't be taken seriously. Your memory of this event is ooooooh so dark and despicable DNC, when the reality is something quite different.

It's clear that the DNC had zero regard for Bernie's campaign and from what you say, it's completely understandable.
It's clear that the DNC had zero regard for Bernie's campaign
..While they're supposed to remain neutral

You just provided exactly what you asked for

What Democrat would support the party after knowing the party officials, the "leaders" are the ones who select the candidate? Not the voters, essentially rendering primaries useless
..While they're supposed to remain neutral

You just provided exactly what you asked for

What Democrat would support the party after knowing the party officials, the "leaders" are the ones who select the candidate? Not the voters, essentially rendering primaries useless

It's obvi not everyone has the same critical thinking skill no matter how many big words they know. It's culture and it just won't come no matter what you say.
We've been over that a dozen times in a dozen threads. Do you need me to reiterate it here, again?

Not straight: she attempted to intimidate members of the media so they would project a more favorable image of Hillary Clinton. Dishonest: she orchestrated a smear campaign against Sanders in WV that he was an atheist, just before the primary, being the chairperson of the DNC. Immoral: she ignored her own bylaws to enrich herself. Evasive: she has denied every corruption charge against her even after the proof was presented and she quite because of it. It's like Trump supporters support 'fake news' that doesn't corroborate their preconceived beliefs, neither do corporate Democrats.

If Bernie the Bomber knew all the stuff Hillary and her flying monkeys did to derail his campaign, why did he suck her cock so hard after she became the Democratic nominee?
remember when obama disavowed jeremiah wright because wright said "goddamn america" for its racist past?
Idiots never listened to his whole speech. If they had they would have understood what he was talking about. Americas past is wicked as fuck, so hell yeah godamn America until she changes her fucking ways !!!!!
..While they're supposed to remain neutral

You just provided exactly what you asked for

What Democrat would support the party after knowing the party officials, the "leaders" are the ones who select the candidate? Not the voters, essentially rendering primaries useless

answer - Bernie Sanders kneeling before Queen Hillary

..While they're supposed to remain neutral

You just provided exactly what you asked for

What Democrat would support the party after knowing the party officials, the "leaders" are the ones who select the candidate? Not the voters, essentially rendering primaries useless
Well, we'll see in 2018 how well you predict the future. So far, Sanders' left has been entirely ineffective at the ballot box.

Can you explain to me why Sanders lost the south? Not just lost but was demolished. His big losses in the South lost him the nomination before it got started. Was it just ignorant darkies not knowing better?
Well, we'll see in 2018 how well you predict the future. So far, Sanders' left has been entirely ineffective at the ballot box.

Can you explain to me why Sanders lost the south? Not just lost but was demolished. His big losses in the South lost him the nomination before it got started. Was it just ignorant darkies not knowing better?
Well, we'll see in 2018 how well you predict the future. So far, Sanders' left has been entirely ineffective at the ballot box.

Can you explain to me why Sanders lost the south? Not just lost but was demolished. His big losses in the South lost him the nomination before it got started. Was it just ignorant darkies not knowing better?

Because, the south came first and the Clinton machine made certain everything and anything pertaining to Sanders was scorched earth.

Do you know the #1 reason he wasn't voted for in the south?: 'Who IS Bernie Sanders'?

No it wasn't the ignorant was the elite whities (along with media) who manipulated the contest, because if the darkies knew they had a choice (and what his platform was), it would've been Sanders. Not everyone follows politics like we do.

It was KEY to not report on him and the media was to blame.

I think its really funny how they are all crying about Trump, when MSNBC, CNN were basically Clinton News Network and reported little to nothing on Sanders. So much so, people were complaining in comments that they were biased toward pragmatic anointed one.

Now..debate me.
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Because, the south came first and the Clinton machine made certain everything and anything pertaining to Sanders was scorched earth.

Do you know the #1 reason he wasn't voted for in the south?: 'Who IS Bernie Sanders'?

No it wasn't the ignorant was the elite whities (along with media) who manipulated the contest, because if the darkies knew they had a choice (and what his platform was), it would've been Sanders. Not everyone follows politics like we do.

It was KEY to not report on him and the media was to blame.

I think its really funny how they are all crying about Trump, when MSNBC, CNN were basically Clinton News Network and reported little to nothing on Sanders. So much so, people were complaining in comments that they were biased toward pragmatic anointed one.

Now..debate me.
Just literally can't help it, can you?
Because, the south came first and the Clinton machine made certain everything and anything pertaining to Sanders was scorched earth.

Do you know the #1 reason he wasn't voted for in the south?: 'Who IS Bernie Sanders'?

No it wasn't the ignorant was the elite whities (along with media) who manipulated the contest, because if the darkies knew they had a choice (and what his platform was), it would've been Sanders. Not everyone follows politics like we do.

It was KEY to not report on him and the media was to blame.

I think its really funny how they are all crying about Trump, when MSNBC, CNN were basically Clinton News Network and reported little to nothing on Sanders. So much so, people were complaining in comments that they were biased toward pragmatic anointed one.

Now..debate me.
How come you didn't highlight @Fogdog's use of 'darkie'?

I was speaking to the author, retard.

you think you know everything you stupid fuck.
I used the term appropriately. It was to point out that there is racism embedded in the idea that, as Sanders refers to them, the blacks in the south weren't informed enough to vote for Sanders.

Sanders got plenty of press coverage leading up to the primary and it was very positive coverage too. This compared to Clinton who did get more coverage but practically all was negative. You are just making an excuse for Sanders inability to resonate with other than white people. This is because his campaign focused on jobs and income as the only issues affecting the people of this country. You and yours still ignore issues of racism and segregationist policies as reasons why you can increase employment but not improve the status of the working poor.
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Vermont’s Black Leaders: We Were ‘Invisible’ to Bernie Sanders
He’s paying attention to the concerns of black America now, as a presidential candidate. Back when he represented Vermont? Not so much, local activists say.

“He just always kept coming back to income inequality as a response, as if talking about income inequality would somehow make issues of racism go away.”
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