USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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a kilo is about 2.2 lbs. a scotch fillet is a boneless rib eye. that's about $15/lb. thats really high.
Is it? Most of our Beef goes Overseas to China and the good Wagu to Japan- They pay an absolute fortune!!. Australians tend to be more Lamb eaters than Beef. Id only eat beef maybe once a fortnight? But id have Lamb, chicken and pork on a rotation.

Living in a rural community like I do If we paid the farmers only $20 a Pound (using $20 as a rough conversion from $15 American) then the Farmers would not be earning a fair dollar for the time and work that goes into producing the meat or the big one , afford to pay their workers a fair wage. $20 is basically min wage for an hrs work in Australia.

$20 a pound is an hrs work for a pound of top quality meat that would more than feed the family, add in a nice fresh salad, couple eggs and some Chips (fries) and you can fed a family of 4 for $20. 1 hrs work to feed a quality meal for the whole family-Thats good value i recon. But each to their own I guess.
Is it? Most of our Beef goes Overseas to China and the good Wagu to Japan- They pay an absolute fortune!!. Australians tend to be more Lamb eaters than Beef. Id only eat beef maybe once a fortnight? But id have Lamb, chicken and pork on a rotation.

Living in a rural community like I do If we paid the farmers only $20 a Pound (using $20 as a rough conversion from $15 American) then the Farmers would not be earning a fair dollar for the time and work that goes into producing the meat or the big one , afford to pay their workers a fair wage. $20 is basically min wage for an hrs work in Australia.

$20 a pound is an hrs work for a pound of top quality meat that would more than feed the family, add in a nice fresh salad, couple eggs and some Chips (fries) and you can fed a family of 4 for $20. 1 hrs work to feed a quality meal for the whole family-Thats good value i recon. But each to their own I guess.
Sane meal can cost 3 hours work or more on American minimum wage.
dude just the steak is 15 bucks us per pound. a famy of 4 is sharing 1 lb of meat?

I can get usda choice grade Angus which comes in prime graded very often, for around 11 per lb.....scotch fillets that is.
Are you telling me that 450 grams of meat, plus Salad, plus two eggs and chips (fries) per person isnt enough? must be a fat fkr cause thats a big meal.

i've seen videos of him and his chunky "wife" (he never really married her, couldn't afford the ring or a wedding), they are fat fucks.
Minimum wage where I'm at is $10.50 an hour. You can get the meat and still have money left over for salad and potatoes.

Why the fuck is anyone trying to support a family of 4 on minimum wage in the first place?

maybe tey're some kind of failure that can only get a job at jack in the box.
Minimum wage where I'm at is $10.50 an hour. You can get the meat and still have money left over for salad and potatoes.

Why the fuck is anyone trying to support a family of 4 on minimum wage in the first place?
Why not? Better than not working at all. Its a struggle here to on min wage but at least you can live on $700 a week. Especially when you get free healthcare and Superannuation contributions paid for.
$20 a pound is an hrs work for a pound of top quality meat that would more than feed the family, add in a nice fresh salad, couple eggs and some Chips (fries) and you can fed a family of 4 for $20. 1 hrs work to feed a quality meal for the whole family-Thats good value i recon. But each to their own I guess.

Are you telling me that 450 grams of meat, plus Salad, plus two eggs and chips (fries) per person isnt enough? must be a fat fkr.

Which way is it? Feeding the family of 4 for twenty bucks with one lb. of ribeye like you said or are you spending 60 bucks for 4 ribeyes one for each family member like you also said?

In one post you link me the price of your favorite cut of beef, a ribeye at a cost of $15/lb. In another post you say that $15 plus some veggies makes a meal that feeds a family of 4 for 20 its 450g (1lb) of ribeye per person and I'm a fat fucker.

FWIW its cheaper to get those ribs on the bone and just cook it as a prime rib roast....let it set to room temp and soften some butter mixed with montreal and coat the roast....pre-heat oven to 500F and cook 5min per lb then turn the oven off and don't open it for 2hrs.

You don't sound like you're really on a budget dude but noone in oz if feeding a family of 4 a salad, taters and 4x 16oz scotch fillets for $20.
Which way is it? Feeding the family of 4 for twenty bucks with one lb. of ribeye like you said or are you spending 60 bucks for 4 ribeyes one for each family member like you also said?

In one post you link me the price of your favorite cut of beef, a ribeye at a cost of $15/lb. In another post you say that $15 plus some veggies makes a meal that feeds a family of 4 for 20 its 450g (1lb) of ribeye per person and I'm a fat fucker.

FWIW its cheaper to get those ribs on the bone and just cook it as a prime rib roast....let it set to room temp and soften some butter mixed with montreal and coat the roast....pre-heat oven to 500F and cook 5min per lb then turn the oven off and don't open it for 2hrs.

You don't sound like you're really on a budget dude but noone in oz if feeding a family of 4 a salad, taters and 4x 16oz scotch fillets for $20.

i edited for clarity. This kilo to pound conversion keeps mucking me up. But yes you could easily do a stir fry with that for 4 people and your still over the recommended meat per serving.

Its scotch fillet (it may or may not be the same)

Im not to concerned about MY cost of food..i earn $60 an hr. And i wouldn't know how to do a budget,,,No way im spending anymore than 20min in the kitchen if i have to and the wife would rather eat out than spend hrs in the kitchen..and i dont blame her. We spent around $300 on eating out just last weekend. Dinner and breakfast and a lunch. We went here for the weekend..nice spot.
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i edited for clarity. This kilo to pound conversion keeps mucking me up.

Its scotch fillet (it may or may not be the same)

trust me, a scotch fillet is a boneless ribeye steak; seriously dude no question. Its the same thing I picked up the other day on the bone for 5.99 and you linked me 15.99 for boneless. This is per 450g pound. 33/kilo just like you linked.

Granted the 5.99 I got was on sale, regular price is about 10; which is min wage.

What else is more expensive in OZ you reckon? Most everything?
Somehow I knew that was coming.

a scotch fillet is a boneless ribeye steak. Its the same thing I picked up the other day on the bone for 5.99 and you linked me 15.99 for boneless. This is per 450g pound.

Granted the 5.99 I got was on sale, regular price is about 10; which is min wage.

What else is more expensive in OZ you reckon? Most everything?
I would imagine some things are as we earn more. Beef would be more expensive here (Japan and China pay a lot for it and that drives up the price here) but im assuming Lamb would be more expensive there.
Crayfish and scallops are really inexpensive here in my state as is Venison as we have heaps of it but in other states its more expensive.

Apples and potatoes are virtually free here as im surrounded by apples and potato orchards/farms.

It all comes down to were you live to how much a product costs.

I'm able to work 4 hrs a day 4 to 5 days a week due to the wages here for non skilled labor and have a very nice lifestyle!

Its very hard to compare whats what as we use a different currency and how long it takes an min wage earner there to earn enough for a Big Mac meal here would be different. Isnt there a big mac calculator table thing somewhere??

Milk is $1 a litre
Bread is $1 a loaf
To give you an idea on staples. Min wage is about $20 an hr. So can buy 10 loafs of bread and 10 litre's of milk per hour worked. One Australian dollar buys approx 75c US
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I would imagine some things are as we earn more. Beef would be more expensive here but im assuming Lamb would be more expensive there.
Crayfish and scallops are really inexpensive here in my state as is Venison as we have heaps of it but in other states its more expensive.

Apples and potatoes are virtually free here as im surrounded by apples and potato orchards/farms.

It all comes down to were you live to how much a product costs.

I'm able to work 4 hrs a day 4 to 5 days a week due to the wages here for non skilled labor and have a very nice lifestyle!

Its very hard to compare whats what as we use a different currency and how long it takes an min wage earner there to earn enough for a Big Mac meal here would be different. Isnt there a big mac calculator table thing somewhere??

Milk is $1 a liter
Bread is $1 a loaf
To give you an idea on staples. Min wage is about $20 an hr. One Australian dollar buys approx 75c US

you're presenting the big Mac argument....i kinda knew you were that's why I chose scotch fillets which can't really be spun or twisted....16oz is 450g anywhere in the world.....the oz big Mac is smaller and your teenagers that McWork there make less than minimum.

this chart appears to demonstrate that healthcare isn't actually free....


if y'all got into a war or something, what do you think the min wage would be in a few years after that.....somewhere around what you make now?