bernie sanders: regressive

I used the term appropriately. It was to point out that there is racism embedded in the idea that, as Sanders refers to them, the blacks in the south weren't informed enough to vote for Sanders.

Sanders got plenty of press coverage leading up to the primary and it was very positive coverage too. This compared to Clinton who did get more coverage but practically all was negative. You are just making an excuse for Sanders inability to resonate with other than white people. This is because his campaign focused on jobs and income as the only issues affecting the people of this country. You and yours still ignore issues of racism and segregationist policies as reasons why you can increase employment but not improve the status of the working poor.

I disagree.

Vermont’s Black Leaders: We Were ‘Invisible’ to Bernie Sanders
He’s paying attention to the concerns of black America now, as a presidential candidate. Back when he represented Vermont? Not so much, local activists say.

“He just always kept coming back to income inequality as a response, as if talking about income inequality would somehow make issues of racism go away.”

1. What did Hillary profess to do about racism? The plank, please?

2. It's well documented in Dear Black Voter, that they actually stayed home on Hillary, which contributed to her loss.

Edit: the issues of racism will never go away.
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1. What did Hillary profess to do about racism? The plank, please?

2. It's well documented in Dear Black Voter, that they actually stayed home on Hillary, which contributed to her loss.
its just so weird that they didnt vote for the old white dude in the primaries. so mind boggling. i hope sanders runs again in 2020 just so he gets wrecked again. just for the hilariousness that will ensue after..

Kamala Harris 2020 if she runs
its just so weird that they didnt vote for the old white dude in the primaries. so mind boggling. i hope sanders runs again in 2020 just so he gets wrecked again. just for the hilariousness that will ensue after..

Kamala Harris 2020 if she runs
Everytime I hear her speak I'm more and more impressed, she asked very very specific questions when Sessions was testifying...

You could see he didn't like being questioned by a "purple".
Everytime I hear her speak I'm more and more impressed, she asked very very specific questions when Sessions was testifying...

You could see he didn't like being questioned by a "purple".
poor little guy couldnt answer the questions being under pressure like that.
she ruined him lol.. and in the comey testimony, her questions were very direct and to the point. we need someone that is actually going to ask the right questions and can handle themselves under pressure.. and wont leave office senile and over 80 years old
I used the term appropriately. It was to point out that there is racism embedded in the idea that, as Sanders refers to them, the blacks in the south weren't informed enough to vote for Sanders.

Sanders got plenty of press coverage leading up to the primary and it was very positive coverage too. This compared to Clinton who did get more coverage but practically all was negative. You are just making an excuse for Sanders inability to resonate with other than white people. This is because his campaign focused on jobs and income as the only issues affecting the people of this country. You and yours still ignore issues of racism and segregationist policies as reasons why you can increase employment but not improve the status of the working poor.

It's well known that Mr Sanders was an unknown figure ahead of the primaries, early enough for people to get registered in time to attend their primary.
1. What did Hillary profess to do about racism? The plank, please?

2. It's well documented in Dear Black Voter, that they actually stayed home on Hillary, which contributed to her loss.

Edit: the issues of racism will never go away.
It's impossible for me to figure out what to answer on this post. Racism is clearly a part of the Democratic Party platform. Several planks discuss various policies to deal with unfair race based and racism based issues. I don't think that's what you are asking. So, please clarify.

In any case the platform was written with Sanders' faction at the table, so it's not just Clinton's it's his too.

It's well documented that Bernie received a minor fraction of the minority vote in the primary. Also, that Clinton received about 90% of African American votes. Do you want to quibble whether she received 85% or 95%?

And, yes, the African American voter stayed home in huuuuuge numbers (snicker).

From CNN: Some 12% of the electorate was African-American this year, compared to 13% four years ago.

Clinton received almost all of the AA vote and the voter turnout was down 1%. Not that this didn't matter, it did in the close election where Clinton won the popular vote but lost in a few key states. But really, 1%? is this your entire claim? Maybe you should just tell me "I disagree" again.

Can you explain why Bernie was so thoroughly pummeled in the south that the primary was effectively over?
It's well known that Mr Sanders was an unknown figure ahead of the primaries, early enough for people to get registered in time to attend their primary.
That's not true at all. Sanders was not well known in early 2015. But ahead of the primaries he was getting plenty of press and his favorablility ratings were very good. Can I interpret what you are saying is that unlike the rest of the country, black voters in the south don't read the news?
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If corporate Democrats actually support enacting universal healthcare, why haven't any of them proposed a bill or cosponsored one that calls for it?
If corporate Democrats actually support enacting universal healthcare, why haven't any of them proposed a bill or cosponsored one that calls for it?
So, somebody who hates the Democratic Party for something that never happened (LOL) deserves to be taken seriously? Dude, you are all wound up over lies. It's all written in this thread showing how fucked up your version of reality is. You've joined the fake news crowd. Go away.
So, somebody who hates the Democratic Party for something that never happened (LOL) deserves to be taken seriously? Dude, you are all wound up over lies. It's all written in this thread showing how fucked up your version of reality is. You've joined the fake news crowd. Go away.
It's because none of them actually support it. They support protecting the ACA because it's a giant corporate giveaway to their donors in the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

Senator Sanders proposed a universal healthcare bill in 2013-2014
It's because none of them actually support it. They support protecting the ACA because it's a giant corporate giveaway to their donors in the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

Senator Sanders proposed a universal healthcare bill in 2013-2014
Nope, Senators in my state support universal healthcare. Not that facts matter to you.

You hate all Democrats and believe lies said about them. You even claim the DNC orchestrated a smear job in West Virginia on Sanders which, in fact, it NEVER HAPPENED. You are listening to propaganda and lies. Your main source of lies and disinformation is the Young Turks, and is funded by right wing rich people.

Go start your third party. And tell us how it went. But stick to facts or you'll be laughed at again.
Nope, Senators in my state support universal healthcare. Not that facts matter to you.

You hate all Democrats and believe lies said about them. You even claim the DNC orchestrated a smear job in West Virginia on Sanders which, in fact, it NEVER HAPPENED. You are listening to propaganda and lies. Your main source of lies and disinformation is the Young Turks, and is funded by right wing rich people.

Go start your third party. And tell us how it went. But stick to facts or you'll be laughed at again.
Have either of the senators in your state proposed legislation or signed on to cosponsor a universal healthcare bill? Have any of the corporate Democrats you claim support universal healthcare?

TYT is simply a middleman, I've read the leaked DNC emails myself. Are those 'fake news', too?

TYT is not funded by "right wing rich people". I've already personally debunked your claim, yet you just continue to repeat it as if it's a fact

As far as progress, Justice Democrats are responsible for gaining some 35+ house members to sign onto HR 676 (universal healthcare) in a matter of months by putting pressure on them from progressive constituents. What have you done to fight for universal healthcare?
Have either of the senators in your state proposed legislation or signed on to cosponsor a universal healthcare bill? Have any of the corporate Democrats you claim support universal healthcare?

TYT is simply a middleman, I've read the leaked DNC emails myself. Are those 'fake news', too?

TYT is not funded by "right wing rich people". I've already personally debunked your claim, yet you just continue to repeat it as if it's a fact

As far as progress, Justice Democrats are responsible for gaining some 35+ house members to sign onto HR 676 (universal healthcare) in a matter of months by putting pressure on them from progressive constituents. What have you done to fight for universal healthcare?
Regarding the DNC emails, I have no idea what is fake and what is real in those. I consider the availability of those emails to be useful but also misleading because they are all taken from office chatter and who knows what the real intent was behind the messages.

I agree that the DNC must maintain neutral relationships to the different parties and there are no excuses. But really, other than some vague hackneyed "woulda-shoulda" messages between lower staff, what meaningful actions did the DNC undertake on behalf of Clinton. DWS should have been fired as head and she resigned before that happened. You, Califonia guy, want Florida representative pilloried. Aint going to happen. In fact, a rival has already thrown his hat into the ring to oppose her. This is the same guy who went public about his outrage over the fake news story that Seth Richards was killed by operatives of the DNC. Hopefully DWS will trounce fake news junkie again.

The one wikileaks memo you very mistakenly quoted as a real action against Sanders in W Va was back office chatter. Nothing ever was undertaken in West Virginia. We can't know but maybe it was quashed by the same people you hate so much. How many other misconceptions have you used to form your opinion? From what I read, a lot of your opinion is based on fake or false perceptions on your part. You post videos from TYT and they are full of bullshit. You seem to like it. I recommend taking a little more salt with the BS.
Regarding the DNC emails, I have no idea what is fake and what is real in those. I consider the availability of those emails to be useful but also misleading because they are all taken from office chatter and who knows what the real intent was behind the messages.

I agree that the DNC must maintain neutral relationships to the different parties and there are no excuses. But really, other than some vague hackneyed "woulda-shoulda" messages between lower staff, what meaningful actions did the DNC undertake on behalf of Clinton. DWS should have been fired as head and she resigned before that happened. You, Califonia guy, want Florida representative pilloried. Aint going to happen. In fact, a rival has already thrown his hat into the ring to oppose her. This is the same guy who went public about his outrage over the fake news story that Seth Richards was killed by operatives of the DNC. Hopefully DWS will trounce fake news junkie again.

The one wikileaks memo you very mistakenly quoted as a real action against Sanders in W Va was back office chatter. Nothing ever was undertaken in West Virginia. We can't know but maybe it was quashed by the same people you hate so much. How many other misconceptions have you used to form your opinion? From what I read, a lot of your opinion is based on fake or false perceptions on your part. You post videos from TYT and they are full of bullshit. You seem to like it. I recommend taking a little more salt with the BS.
Have either of the senators in your state proposed legislation or signed on to cosponsor a universal healthcare bill? Have any of the corporate Democrats you claim support universal healthcare?
Have either of the senators in your state proposed legislation or signed on to cosponsor a universal healthcare bill? Have any of the corporate Democrats you claim support universal healthcare?
Introducing a universal healthcare bill into the Republican Senate or House is a waste of time. I don't want my representatives to waste their time. I want them to focus on stopping the repeal of the ACA, which looks like they might not be able to do.

Do you want a symbolic act? How about the symbolic act of stopping the Republicans from literally killing elderly who depend on Medicare and Medicaid? But that's real and not symbolic. So you don't care about that.

You now have another fake reason to hate Democrats. Go start your third party already.
Introducing a universal healthcare bill into the Republican Senate is a waste of time. I don't want my representatives to waste their time. I want them to focus on stopping the repeal of the ACA. You have another fake reason to hate Democrats. Go start your third party already.
I don't understand why this is so hard to understand.. a republican controlled house and Senate would never go for it. ACA was the next best option and it stuck. Why push the luck.