bernie sanders: regressive

I don't understand why this is so hard to understand.. a republican controlled house and Senate would never go for it. ACA was the next best option and it stuck. Why push the luck.
I can't think at fake news level. Apparently, to your credit, neither can you. It's not a failing on your part. Or mine.
Introducing a universal healthcare bill into the Republican Senate is a waste of time. I don't want my representatives to waste their time. I want them to focus on stopping the repeal of the ACA. You have another fake reason to hate Democrats. Go start your third party already.
So you're saying Democrats should never introduce any bills that have no chance of passing a Republican congress or being vetoed by a Republican president because "it's a waste of time"?
A democratic senator voting for Universal health care would of done as much good as writing in Bernie Sanders on the ballot.
America is way too greedy
So you agree with Fogdog, then, that Democrats should simply never introduce legislation that has no chance of passing, yes?
So you agree with Fogdog, then, that Democrats should simply never introduce legislation that has no chance of passing, yes?
Right now the republicans are ripping apart ACA.. why would introducing universal health Care be any good right now? Especially if there's a chance of introducing it next year. It'll be much harder to pass a previously failed (horribly) bill
A democratic senator voting for Universal health care would of done as much good as writing in Bernie Sanders on the ballot.
America is way too greedy
Sanders' bill on universal healthcare introduced this year has zero co-sponsors. I hope Sanders didn't spend any time on this. It's a symbolic act. Nobody else thinks the effort is worthwhile. Including me and you. @Padawanbater2 likes to see lawmakers spending time on useless things, like a memorial to the people who never died at Bowling Green and an investigation into DNC smear campaign that never happened.

Writing bills that never go anywhere, are dead on arrival.

look at the above sentence and tell me this is should be done above other pressing work that can save lives or jobs.
What's the point until we gain control of the house
To be on record proving you actually support it

It is proof to your constituents, not just lip service

It's the same reason establishment Democrats say they don't support universal healthcare when pressed by journalists and constituents; if they go on record, they can then be held accountable. If they don't sponsor or cosponsor a bill in congress, they're seen by constituents as a liar which is incredibly damaging to their career, and they know that. Protecting the ACA is safe, their constituents largely support it and their donors support it. There is no risk.
To be on record proving you actually support it

It is proof to your constituents, not just lip service

It's the same reason establishment Democrats say they don't support universal healthcare when pressed by journalists and constituents; if they go on record, they can then be held accountable. If they don't sponsor or cosponsor a bill in congress, they're seen by constituents as a liar which is incredibly damaging to their career, and they know that. Protecting the ACA is safe, their constituents largely support it and their donors support it. There is no risk.
There is no risk because right now it's the ONLY way every American will have access to health insurance. No point of beating a dead horse right now. I don't see what you don't understand about that. The Dems pushing universal health care would be like a middle schooler trying to box Mike Tyson. It's a losing fight. Wait until the Dems have control and then push agenda
To be on record proving you actually support it

It is proof to your constituents, not just lip service

It's the same reason establishment Democrats say they don't support universal healthcare when pressed by journalists and constituents; if they go on record, they can then be held accountable. If they don't sponsor or cosponsor a bill in congress, they're seen by constituents as a liar which is incredibly damaging to their career, and they know that. Protecting the ACA is safe, their constituents largely support it and their donors support it. There is no risk.
Dear Fake News Loving Word Weasel

They didn't say they don't support universal healthcare.

What Pelosi said was:
During her weekly press conference, Pelosi was asked whether “single-payer” health care should be integrated into the Democrats’ 2018 political platform.

“No, I don’t,” replied Pelosi

That's a far cry from saying she doesn't support universal healthcare.

How about that West Virginia smear campaign that never happened. Shocking, isn't it?
Right now the republicans are ripping apart ACA.. why would introducing universal health Care be any good right now? Especially if there's a chance of introducing it next year. It'll be much harder to pass a previously failed (horribly) bill
Trump and the Republicans are dismantling the ACA, the AHCA has 17% approval, it kicks people off of their insurance for preexisting conditions, increases the uninsured rate by 9% and ensures 56 million Americans will not have healthcare coverage over the next decade. The ACA has a 51% approval rating and ensures 27 million Americans do not have healthcare coverage. Universal healthcare has above a 60% approval rating and ensures no one is uninsured. If leadership within the Democratic party publicly supported universal healthcare and quoted these statistics on every morning show they appear on, explain how the AHCA cuts $880 billion from medicare and this will undeniably lead to the death of tens of thousands of people, they will win.

Senator Sanders is the most popular politician in the country because he says exactly that every single time he's interviewed or makes a public appearance

Establishment Democrats don't support universal healthcare because their donors in the insurance and pharmaceutical industries would not fund their reelection campaigns if they did. It has nothing to do with what is the better program - based on the numbers insured, quality of care, or cost - it is about who funds their campaigns to keep their job.
There is no risk because right now it's the ONLY way every American will have access to health insurance. No point of beating a dead horse right now. I don't see what you don't understand about that. The Dems pushing universal health care would be like a middle schooler trying to box Mike Tyson. It's a losing fight. Wait until the Dems have control and then push agenda
The ACA denied 27 million Americans healthcare coverage. So, not sure what you're talking about when you say it ensured every American.

Universal healthcare covers everyone, and seeing as you just admitted that was the best route to take since Trump and the Republicans are redistributing the costs that would have went to healthcare coverage to the top 2%, it is a tacit admission that you believe universal coverage is the best route for the Democratic party to take. I believe that too, and I think the Democratic party can actually win on that, especially in contrast to what Republicans are doing. 17% support the Republican position, more than 60% support the actual progressive position. So why are the Democrats dragging their feet and letting this opportunity slip through their fingers? It is a guaranteed win for Democrats, all they have to do is push for it, yet they remain reluctant to do so...
Trump and the Republicans are dismantling the ACA, the AHCA has 17% approval, it kicks people off of their insurance for preexisting conditions, increases the uninsured rate by 9% and ensures 56 million Americans will not have healthcare coverage over the next decade. The ACA has a 51% approval rating and ensures 27 million Americans do not have healthcare coverage. Universal healthcare has above a 60% approval rating and ensures no one is uninsured. If leadership within the Democratic party publicly supported universal healthcare and quoted these statistics on every morning show they appear on, explain how the AHCA cuts $880 billion from medicare and this will undeniably lead to the death of tens of thousands of people, they will win.

Senator Sanders is the most popular politician in the country because he says exactly that every single time he's interviewed or makes a public appearance

Establishment Democrats don't support universal healthcare because their donors in the insurance and pharmaceutical industries would not fund their reelection campaigns if they did. It has nothing to do with what is the better program - based on the numbers insured, quality of care, or cost - it is about who funds their campaigns to keep their job.
Yes they do support universal healthcare coverage. This is the plank in the platform regarding healthcare. Why do you think your opinion matters more than facts?

“Democrats have been fighting to secure universal health care for the American people for generations, and we are proud to be the party that passed Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act.”

-Democratic Party Platform

Other statements:

In 2010, despite unanimous opposition from Republicans, Democrats were finally able to pass comprehensive health reform into law.

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, more than 20 million Americans have gained health care coverage and the uninsured rate has been cut almost in half. Among the newly insured are more than 2.3 million young adults who are covered because the Affordable Care Act allows them to stay on their parent’s insurance until age 26. Discrimination based on pre-existing conditions is now illegal, and nearly 8 in 10 Americans who recently shopped for health insurance in the marketplace could get it for less than $100 per month.

The Affordable Care Act has also allowed states to expand Medicaid to help even more Americans get covered. Thirty-one states and the District of Columbia have expanded Medicaid, and Medicaid and SCHIP enrollment has risen 26 percent.

Democrats are committed to preserving and protecting the Affordable Care Act and the peace of mind it has brought to millions of Americans, and they will fight all attempts by the Trump administration to repeal the law and take health care away from tens of millions of Americans.
We are proud of this progress we have already made and are will work to extend and preserve it for generations to come.

I don't know what more in deed and in word can be said about this. I'm all for defending access of tens of millions of people to healthcare.

The ACA denied 27 million Americans healthcare coverage. So, not sure what you're talking about when you say it ensured every American.

Universal healthcare covers everyone, and seeing as you just admitted that was the best route to take since Trump and the Republicans are redistributing the costs that would have went to healthcare coverage to the top 2%, it is a tacit admission that you believe universal coverage is the best route for the Democratic party to take. I believe that too, and I think the Democratic party can actually win on that, especially in contrast to what Republicans are doing. 17% support the Republican position, more than 60% support the actual progressive position. So why are the Democrats dragging their feet and letting this opportunity slip through their fingers? It is a guaranteed win for Democrats, all they have to do is push for it, yet they remain reluctant to do so...
Dude.. trump got voted in because they didn't want a democrat in office. Trump supporters don't give a fuck about the people right now. The country is way too divided. They will gladly cut off their nose to spite their face. Nothing will happen until Dems take over the house or trump is out of office.
Yes they do support universal healthcare coverage. This is the plank in the platform regarding healthcare. Why do you think your opinion matters more than facts?

“Democrats have been fighting to secure universal health care for the American people for generations, and we are proud to be the party that passed Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act.”

-Democratic Party Platform

Other statements:

In 2010, despite unanimous opposition from Republicans, Democrats were finally able to pass comprehensive health reform into law.

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, more than 20 million Americans have gained health care coverage and the uninsured rate has been cut almost in half. Among the newly insured are more than 2.3 million young adults who are covered because the Affordable Care Act allows them to stay on their parent’s insurance until age 26. Discrimination based on pre-existing conditions is now illegal, and nearly 8 in 10 Americans who recently shopped for health insurance in the marketplace could get it for less than $100 per month.

The Affordable Care Act has also allowed states to expand Medicaid to help even more Americans get covered. Thirty-one states and the District of Columbia have expanded Medicaid, and Medicaid and SCHIP enrollment has risen 26 percent.

Democrats are committed to preserving and protecting the Affordable Care Act and the peace of mind it has brought to millions of Americans, and they will fight all attempts by the Trump administration to repeal the law and take health care away from tens of millions of Americans.
We are proud of this progress we have already made and are will work to extend and preserve it for generations to come.

I don't know what more in deed and in word can be said about this. I'm all for defending access of tens of millions of people to healthcare.
Right, I agree with you. They say they support it, but what actual evidence can you point to that shows they support it?

You know, like sponsoring an actual bill or putting their name down cosponsoring one