Well-Known Member
You have to be the most clever of trolls.
i scanned your barcode with my Iphone. it comes up RETARD, not SLAVERY.
You have to be the most clever of trolls.
wrong again sluggo. they are partners, not the same company..
i scanned your barcode with my Iphone. it comes up RETARD, not SLAVERY.
How exactly should I kill my weeds? Gasoline works really well. Maybe I'll go back to that. Or used motor oil.
the more you say it, doesn't make it right.One in the same.
Seriously, where have you been for the last twenty years?
Living under a rock?
the more you say it, doesn't make it right.
do you need to be spoon fed the info?
You've been schooled this whole thread.
Shit rolls down hill, not up.
says the guy/girl who drives a car daily and uses a phone with heavy metals in it. hypocriteThey are destroying, our planet one step at a time.
better take your senility meds gramps. this is the Politics forum.Arseholes should stay in the Politics
says the guy/girl who drives a car daily and uses a phone with heavy metals in it. hypocrite
Idiocy, ignorance and stupidity.
I ride a track bike, my carbon footprint is almost nill.
Pretentious fuck.
better take your senility meds gramps. this is the Politics forum.
ironic that you hate monsanto but you are friends with Advanced Nutrients and their pedophile CEO. fucking pervert.
So one bad person makes a whole company bad because of his actions yet to be proven in a court of law? By that logic Trump proves that ALL AmeriKans are idiots too then I guess. At least the ones that voted for him at least.
FYI, Big Mike, the CEO of AN has never even been accused of interfering with a child much less being a pedo. Like most trolls you just parrot something you heard some other troll say like it was a fact which it's not. AN haters abound yet still buy from companies that have caused suffering to millions and hold their profit margins above the health of the planet and the people who ignorantly consume the poisons that are in almost everything they eat, drink and breathe.
Try getting your info from real sources and not Faux News where all the rest of the trolls hang out.
Like crabs in a bucket you just got to try to drag anyone down who attempts to climb out and free themselves from the misery you thrive in. Now that's fucking perverted!