bernie sanders: regressive

The DOE refused to say how many removed teachers and other tenured staffers remain in limbo, but sources estimate 200 to 400 get paid while awaiting disciplinary hearings. Their salaries total $15 million to $20 million a year.

The Long Island City castoffs begin their day by reading newspapers, then turn on the radio. They get 45 minutes to leave for lunch. They chat and sometimes exercise to “relieve the stress.”

While the city promised to keep removed educators busy, the Queens exiles say they only occasionally oblige requests to do menial tasks like stuffing folders or making copies. Others refuse to do such work, calling it “demeaning.”

They mainly just kill time to get through a six-hour, 20-minute day.

“I’m so exhausted from being in this place doing nothing,” one said.

Several teachers on the payroll have been benched for up to five years due to a stunning bureaucratic breakdown. The 2010 deal required the independent arbitrators who conduct termination trials to issue a decision 30 days after a hearing, so that vindicated teachers could return to work and bad ones could be axed.

But decisions still come months — or even years — late. The DOE says it can’t enforce the rule.

“They’re just letting me sit here,” said a teacher removed from the classroom nearly five years ago on charges of physically abusing children, which he denies. His trial ended four years ago. He makes about $70,000 a year.

Social Studies teacher David Suker has sat in the rubber room since September 2015, even though a state Supreme Court judge overturned his termination. Suker, an Army vet who taught at-risk kids in The Bronx, was found guilty of failing to immediately report his arrest in the Occupy Wall Street protests but was finally fined just $7,000.

After The Post asked why the DOE had not put Suker back to work, officials on Friday assigned him to a school as a substitute.

Jesus Christ, you're a typical low-brow righty parroting Rush Limbaugh talking points. Teachers work their asses off, and get paid shit for their time. You try dealing with 30 snot nosed kids all day. I have 3 kids, all in the public school system, and the teachers for the most part have been great. If anything they deserve a fucking raise.

Retards like you bitch about teachers making 40k a year, and yet see no problem with Wall St execs pulling in 30 million dollar bonuses after crashing the economy, or military contractors bending the American taxpayer over with billion dollar contracts.

Fuckin dim bulb
No, we aren't confused. @Padawanbater2 and I know exactly what's going on and we don't understand why you haven't figured it out yet;

Simply put, the Democratic Party has been bought and paid for by the same monied interests that own and operate the Republicans- and they're even worse because they pretend to represent the interests of the average American while delivering nothing.

That's why so many in the country are fed up. No one represents the rest of us.

ya know they've completely lost it when they spend most of their time talking shit about the party that wants to implement a public option and expand medicaid to anyone 55+ with an option to buy in early, rather than the party that wants to literally make the health care system worse than it was in 2008.
America by definition can't line up with a strong far left leader. That's no longer democracy. It's some form of socialism. But they won't label it that way. That's Bernie territory without Bernie. I want people earning a living not living on others money. All the American dream entitles us to is a equal opportunity. Then it's all on us! The hard working thrive and the lazy people don't. We are nearing 50% of Americans receive some sort of government benefit. That's CRAZY!! You might have to move to find opportunities. I know I did. But it is on us individually to find it and work for it. Not for half of us to work hard to give a portion of it to those who choose not to do it for themselves. I'm all for the government helping those who can't help themselves but there's no way in hell that number should be near 50%! And if it is that means the requirements are way way to kind. But if you're an able bodied person you should be earning your own way! You should feel better getting a check from Mickey Ds than a check from the government. I don't care if you're a laid off lawyer, carpenter, new graduate, or a mailman. You should take any job until that better job is found.

Give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish you feed him for life! Our schools need to do better. And no they don't need more money. We already spend the most and I don't believe we even receive top 30 ranking world wide. For some people college isn't even a wise choice. But we don't tell them that. We push them towards college and the debt that comes with it! Then they can't even use the silly degrees they're getting! But some of the reasons they fail is they are being taught by far left teachers who couldn't survive in the real world. You'll find many teachers are like building inspectors. A building inspector is generally a failed builder! And he's got no idea what the hell hes talking about!
Democracy and socialism can coexist just fine.

You have some strange and incorrect definitions of both ideas.

We need jobs that pay people a living wage.

We already have socialism in this country; we just give the handouts to major corrosions and billionaires while feeding people like you a bunch of misleading propaganda.

Our country is the richest in history but we can't afford free education or healthcare? That's just a bullshit smokescreen that covers up the massive transfers of cash to the already insanely wealthy.

The fact is that America is more selfish than ever and it's apparently happy to let people starve in the street so billionaires can get even richer.

Why do you believe them? You aren't a billionaire, so why support their enrichment at your own expense?

In fact, tell me who NEEDS a billion dollars. Ever. For ANY reason. So why don't we tax that?

Show me a billionaire who made their money all by themselves. So why do they get to keep all the money instead of helping to support the society that helped them get rich?

You are pointing at the wrong people when complaining about the economy.
The DOE refused to say how many removed teachers and other tenured staffers remain in limbo, but sources estimate 200 to 400 get paid while awaiting disciplinary hearings. Their salaries total $15 million to $20 million a year.

The Long Island City castoffs begin their day by reading newspapers, then turn on the radio. They get 45 minutes to leave for lunch. They chat and sometimes exercise to “relieve the stress.”

While the city promised to keep removed educators busy, the Queens exiles say they only occasionally oblige requests to do menial tasks like stuffing folders or making copies. Others refuse to do such work, calling it “demeaning.”

They mainly just kill time to get through a six-hour, 20-minute day.

“I’m so exhausted from being in this place doing nothing,” one said.

Several teachers on the payroll have been benched for up to five years due to a stunning bureaucratic breakdown. The 2010 deal required the independent arbitrators who conduct termination trials to issue a decision 30 days after a hearing, so that vindicated teachers could return to work and bad ones could be axed.

But decisions still come months — or even years — late. The DOE says it can’t enforce the rule.

“They’re just letting me sit here,” said a teacher removed from the classroom nearly five years ago on charges of physically abusing children, which he denies. His trial ended four years ago. He makes about $70,000 a year.

Social Studies teacher David Suker has sat in the rubber room since September 2015, even though a state Supreme Court judge overturned his termination. Suker, an Army vet who taught at-risk kids in The Bronx, was found guilty of failing to immediately report his arrest in the Occupy Wall Street protests but was finally fined just $7,000.

After The Post asked why the DOE had not put Suker back to work, officials on Friday assigned him to a school as a substitute.
But the average billionaire makes over a million A DAY, tax free, whether they work or not. And they generally aren't in the office much.

Worse, they get most of their money given to them just by being the children of the rich. There's another term four that; aristocracy. Look that one up and then think about what happens to countries that encourage it.

Of course that assumes you can think.
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ya know they've completely lost it when they spend most of their time talking shit about the party that wants to implement a public option and expand medicaid to anyone 55+ with an option to buy in early, rather than the party that wants to literally make the health care system worse than it was in 2008.
We've covered this. The Democratic Party is controlled opposition for the right. That's why John Ossof lost.
No, we aren't confused. @Padawanbater2 and I know exactly what's going on and we don't understand why you haven't figured it out yet;

Simply put, the Democratic Party has been bought and paid for by the same monied interests that own and operate the Republicans- and they're even worse because they pretend to represent the interests of the average American while delivering nothing.

That's why so many in the country are fed up. No one represents the rest of us.

The dnc worse than the gop, lol. You have lost it, dude!
Their results speak for themselves.

You can't provide a substantive argument so of course you retreat to name calling.

half the GOP is under federal criminal investigation (like bernie and his wife) for espionage and treason and here you are yrlling that the dems are corrupt.

half the GOP is under federal criminal investigation (like bernie and his wife) for espionage and treason and here you are yrlling that the dems are corrupt.

No, half the GOP is over 2000 members of legislatures across the country, of which only a very few- prominent though they might be- are under investigation.

No smoking gun on Russian collusion or obstruction of Justice. Nothing's going to happen until there's a Democrat majority in Congress... and THAT'S not going to happen without the Democrats coming up with a much better platform than, "TRUMP SUCKS!"

John Ossoff lost, running on a down the line Democratic Party. Yes he came close, but that doesn't win the seat. You're fond of reminding me of this whenever a Progressive candidate loses, but let's not forget the gigantic amount of cash the party threw at just this candidate. Imagine just splitting the same amount of money among all the special election races equally, there might be a few seats in Democratic hands.

The fact that they did not do that is yet more evidence that the only thing the Democratic Party hates more than Trump is the Progressive Movement.
half the GOP is under federal criminal investigation (like bernie and his wife) for espionage and treason and here you are yrlling that the dems are corrupt.

Neither Bernie not his wife are under investigation for treason or espionage. But nice try at conflation.

I'm fed up with the Democratic Party being obviously out for themselves in terms of account up donor cash instead of representing the 80-90% of Americans they claim to. It's shockingly clear that I'm not alone.

What do you have to say about that?