bernie sanders: regressive

You know it's funny when I needed money I worked hard and or I got a second or third job. I don't want to hear anyones problems UNLESS you are physically unable! When you're getting handouts it's easy to stay poor. Do you know that around 45% of people who are poor have 3 flat screen tvs with cable service. That's not poor! Money earned would be respect much more than government assistance.

Give a man a fish you feed him for a day.

Teach that guy how to fish feed him for life!

Teach a capitalist how to fish, and they take every fish in the God damned ocean.
Listen the tough get going the weak complain. It's their life and it's a free country as long as they're paying equal taxes they can do what they want.
But the rich take advantage of others through their labor and their tax contributions to support everything from a common defense and infrastructure to education, police and fire protection.

Why shouldn't they pay taxes to support all those benefits?
Listen the tough get going the weak complain. It's their life and it's a free country as long as they're paying equal taxes they can do what they want.

that is not an answer to my question.

your regressive taxation scheme would put hard working people into poverty. why do you want to put hard working people into poverty?
I was working 3 jobs 7 days a week. Until I learned a trade that paid well. I never thought about government aid! I wouldn't think of having a kid if I couldn't afford my own health care. The problem is everyone thinks they are entitled to all these things that cost money when they're making zero money! Then they want to tell us who pay taxes what is right and what is wrong. I'm sorry but if you don't pay taxes I don't think you should be able to vote! Only shareholders vote in management of a corporation. It should be the same with government. You pay no taxes then you don't get a voice. You get what we provide for you and you can like it or get to work.
You know it's funny when I needed money I worked hard and or I got a second or third job. I don't want to hear anyones problems UNLESS you are physically unable! When you're getting handouts it's easy to stay poor. Do you know that around 45% of people who are poor have 3 flat screen tvs with cable service. That's not poor! Money earned would be respect much more than government assistance.

Give a man a fish you feed him for a day.

Teach that guy how to fish feed him for life!
Ah yes, the 'they have electronic toys I didn't so they can't be poor' excuse. So why doesn't it apply to someone who can buy a new Rolls Royce for every day of the month?

Tell us; who NEEDS a billion dollars? Everyone needs a few thousand a month to live on, why should they pay higher tax?

Did you know that not only are fishing socks depleted worldwide but that fishermen are losing money and having to leave their professions?
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The difference is that the billionaire did not make all that money alone; they had the help of thousands of other and the way to return that value is through progressive taxation. They even get the benefit of a more prosperous society and economy which means even more customers.

No millionaire made their money by themselves, so thinking of them as individuals for the purpose of taxation ignores the rest of the picture.
That's a misconception he payed for that help. So he did it all! That help wasn't free!
I was working 3 jobs 7 days a week. Until I learned a trade that paid well. I never thought about government aid! I wouldn't think of having a kid if I couldn't afford my own health care. The problem is everyone thinks they are entitled to all these things that cost money when they're making zero money! Then they want to tell us who pay taxes what is right and what is wrong. I'm sorry but if you don't pay taxes I don't think you should be able to vote! Only shareholders vote in management of a corporation. It should be the same with government. You pay no taxes then you don't get a voice. You get what we provide for you and you can like it or get to work.
All that hard work. Yet the rich trustafarians don't work at all, never did and somehow they deserve to live better than you? Why is that?

Why do you defend the 'right' of the rich to exploit the rest of us?
I was working 3 jobs 7 days a week. Until I learned a trade that paid well. I never thought about government aid! I wouldn't think of having a kid if I couldn't afford my own health care. The problem is everyone thinks they are entitled to all these things that cost money when they're making zero money! Then they want to tell us who pay taxes what is right and what is wrong. I'm sorry but if you don't pay taxes I don't think you should be able to vote! Only shareholders vote in management of a corporation. It should be the same with government. You pay no taxes then you don't get a voice. You get what we provide for you and you can like it or get to work.

Psst, you're still poor as dog shit comparatively.
That's a misconception he payed for that help. So he did it all! That help wasn't free!
Only if those who work for him got shares in the company. Otherwise they were not fairly compensated. Taxes make up the difference.

Economics is a fascinating science. The poor don't know it and the rich use it to exploit them.

Your views are an example of how the poor think about economics.
Our society is being systematically stripped of cash and assets by the rich. Taxing them is the way to put those assets to work for all of society.

The poor don't have any money; that's the definition of poverty. So why do they pay the highest tax rates?

The rich don't work second and third jobs. Most of them got the money in trust funds from their parents. Why do you defend THEIR laziness?

Defend their laziness walking up the steps of an American made gallows? Built with hand made American pine wood?

Dude....We're also talking about American made HEMP rope.

I'm not the one to defend anything. I'm not the greed dictating your life. I wish you peace not control by beliefs.
All that hard work. Yet the rich trustafarians don't work at all, never did and somehow they deserve to live better than you? Why is that?

Why do you defend the 'right' of the rich to exploit the rest of us?
I don't defend the rich I defend equality!
The rich guy you say who didn't build that business. If that business fails he loses all his investment. Do those workers give back their wages? You can't compare the 2. If the rich aren't working they're taking all the risks. When's the last time you or anyone else was hired by a poor man? There would be no jobs without wealthy people.

What I think most of you want is socialism. There are nations that operate that way. And since this is a free country you're free to leave. It sounds like many of you would be happier. What's stopping you from moving to utopia? Move to Europe and choose your form of socialism and be happy! See if it's all you think it's cracked up to be.
I don't defend the rich I defend equality!
The rich guy you say who didn't build that business. If that business fails he loses all his investment. Do those workers give back their wages? You can't compare the 2. If the rich aren't working they're taking all the risks. When's the last time you or anyone else was hired by a poor man? There would be no jobs without wealthy people.

What I think most of you want is socialism. There are nations that operate that way. And since this is a free country you're free to leave. It sounds like many of you would be happier. What's stopping you from moving to utopia? Move to Europe and choose your form of socialism and be happy! See if it's all you think it's cracked up to be.
Nope, not moving anywhere.

Enjoy your brief bit of fun with Trump at the helm, the country is shifting towards "socialism" either way.
He paid slave wages for that help. Corporate CEOs making billions of dollars off the backs of people who need 3 jobs just to make rent it's ludicrous, so is trying to balance the federal budget on the backs of those same people.
Slave wages LMAO. No one is forced to work and the economy decided wages. A major reason wages are low is because of all the illegal and legal immigrants. We have more people looking for work than we do work. Why would we allow more people in and allow the wages to drop is beyond me. But I'm not pushing for open boarders like liberals do. As the liberals why wages are low.
I don't defend the rich I defend equality!
The rich guy you say who didn't build that business. If that business fails he loses all his investment. Do those workers give back their wages? You can't compare the 2. If the rich aren't working they're taking all the risks. When's the last time you or anyone else was hired by a poor man? There would be no jobs without wealthy people.

What I think most of you want is socialism. There are nations that operate that way. And since this is a free country you're free to leave. It sounds like many of you would be happier. What's stopping you from moving to utopia? Move to Europe and choose your form of socialism and be happy! See if it's all you think it's cracked up to be.

So you believe we should shorten wage gaps, thanks for clearing that up, sweetheart.
Slave wages LMAO. No one is forced to work and the economy decided wages. A major reason wages are low is because of all the illegal and legal immigrants. We have more people looking for work than we do work. Why would we allow more people in and allow the wages to drop is beyond me. But I'm not pushing for open boarders like liberals do. As the liberals why wages are low.
Loss of work is due to automation and exportation of jobs, not immigration.

The economy doesn't decide wages, the wealthy do, that's why we have a federal minimum wage, which has not kept pace with inflation. Or would you rather we all were treated like FoxCon workers?

Facts are there for you to study, but choose to believe the propaganda of the wealthy. Have fun with that.
Nope, not moving anywhere.

Enjoy your brief bit of fun with Trump at the helm, the country is shifting towards "socialism" either way.
Unfortunately in the short term you're right. But it's also the reasons we are going broke. The cost of those socialist policies. But that will end when the national debt tidal wave hits. Because we're not paying for those socialist benefits. We are borrowing to pay for them. When interest rates jump and no one loans us money anymore. You're socialist programs will be the first to go.

Look a social security. When proposed the money was to be kept in a locked box and not spent. Until the liberals figured out how to steal it. The day will come when it's insolvent and that's on the liberals.