bernie sanders: regressive

Ratings and Polls are some cooked up numbers. I don't believe such stuff. No matter how much they say it.

Close to 50% of this country didn't vote. Only two groups did this. The ones watching Fox news. The other watching CNN. Half the population didn't buy into this dog and pony show.
how do you feel about flat earth?
i am aware of the phony memo about syria that trump put out, and how no heads up were given to the governmental agencies that would know about something like that, which they all denied, and how they gave heads up to russia first about it.

i am just worried about how badly fucked your brain is. you think a special prosecutor and all star legal team was hired based solely on "CNN BS".

you are literally fucking retarded.

The CNN b.s. was secondary. The unelected government has been playing this game since Trump won. Tax returns, grab a pussy, business affiliations, comey, Russians....and the list go's on. Nothing has proof. If there was proof it would have come out months ago.

You're being played and yet again. You don't address the military death complex. Cause you can't. It's the Russians and you're not allowed to say otherwise.
didnt you know the great power that CNN holds? when youre a star you can do whatever you want

CNN holds the power to get the president investigated by the strongest legal team ever assembled but they just couldn't get hillary elected or get better ratings than fox news or msnbc.

their powers are as oddly chosen as they are strong.
The CNN b.s. was secondary. The unelected government has been playing this game since Trump won. Tax returns, grab a pussy, business affiliations, comey, Russians....and the list go's on. Nothing has proof. If there was proof it would have come out months ago.

You're being played and yet again. You don't address the military death complex. Cause you can't. It's the Russians and you're not allowed to say otherwise.
the unreleased tax returns, trump on tape talking about grabbing some pussy, trump opening 8 businesses in saudi arabia while campaigning and importing all his merch from china, trump on fox saying he fired comey because of russia, and trump secretly meeting with russians while denying press coverage...

dammit fake media!.. planting all kinds of shit. those damn fakers
the unreleased tax returns, trump on tape talking about grabbing some pussy, trump opening 8 businesses in saudi arabia while campaigning and importing all his merch from china, trump on fox saying he fired comey because of russia, and trump secretly meeting with russians while denying press coverage...

dammit fake media!.. planting all kinds of shit. those damn fakers



cnn has commercials of trumps own kids making him out to be a liar? i might have to start watching some cnn

Fuck Trump. He's an idiot who wanted to play president. I don't support either one of the sides. Bernie is a crooked old man. His wife is a thief. His child a legacy of his views.

Ultra Fuck CNN, Fox, nbc, Abc, Npr, BBC.
Fuck Trump. He's an idiot who wanted to play president. I don't support either one of the sides. Bernie is a crooked old man. His wife is a thief. His child a legacy of his views.

Ultra Fuck CNN, Fox, nbc, Abc, Npr, BBC.

lemme guess: you're one of those retards who likes infowars?

Please don't be stupid. No, I don't follow Alex Jones's fear mongering. The only thing I like about him is that he pisses you off. That's pretty cool.
alex jones doesn't piss me off, he identifies idiots for me.

so who do you get your news from then?
alex jones doesn't piss me off, he identifies idiots for me.

so who do you get your news from then?

The internet. I type things into Bing and it comes back with a list of results. I read the results and then give it a low 50% chance of it being bullshit. I think for myself.
what a cowardly, simpering, pussified response.

which "news" websites on this internet do you visit to obtain your news, retard?

Drudge, Zero Hedge, What Really Happened, From the Trenches World Report,, Blacklisted News, Natural Health News, The Daily Sheeple. The Free Thought Project, and 12160.