What did you accomplish today?

During this solemn and mournful interval, I shall maintain a severe discipline in honor of our fallen warrior of knitted footwear.

I will drink only domestic beer during this time.

@Bob Zmuda, you are remembered, honored, loved. Feel our support.
Somehow I think the only thing feeling support is the trout Bob is wrangling in the streams working on his fly fishing technique. This is a well deserved summer vacay for him. He may have even planned this. After all we have pretty high expectations of the Bob.


I've had 2 eye injuries in recent years. Both involving my daughter. Both 1 week before we got on an airplane to China for a month. The 1st was her fingernail scratching my fucking eyeball. The 2nd was her giving me a paper cut on my fucking eyeball. I went to urgent care both times and got those opthalmic drops. Both times they put some dye in my eye and were like yep that's pretty scratched you need a specialist. And both times I was like yeah I'm going to China in a week, I think I'm going to let the natural pollution cure me. Moral of the story is... Listen to Annie cuz I did and hallelujah praise Jesus it's a miracle I can see again.
Seeing all these Bob avatars brought a tear to my eye .....I say eye((Singular))because my injured eye has had tears in it since the explosion last night.

Guna go to the fuckin doctor....I'm getting the oh shit reaction from people who see it ....even momma was like ...Oh my God babe ....fuckin defective bottle rockets :wall:
Today I hung outside the window like tarazan and cut a tree down that was hugging my house. It was so huge if I just chopped it from the bottom it would of fucking crushed everything in it's path destroying my whole yard and maybe when snapping... snap my head off if i did it all at once like that, so I pulled a tarzan with the mini chainsaw home depot rental hanging out the window with my buddy holding my belt. that was fun. Mission accomplished. The roots go so deep fuckin up my main drain clogging it up. That tree was also a pathway for animals to climb the side of my house also.. fucking raccoons. My hands are so fucked now~!
Sharpened my axe and turned all the vines I ripped out yesterday into firewood sized pieces.
Now I can add blisters to the cuts and scrapes from yesterday. I much prefer working with my head.

Just get an eyepatch and tell people it was a penis accident. If they look at you funny reassure them that it was your own.
Up at 5, watered the veggies garden, watered the indoors shit, fed and played with the pussies, back in bed by 6, up at 8, showered, breakfast. Now I'm heading out on a relief mission. My friends are spending all week at the beach, i was supposed to go but didn't. They were counting on me bringing copious amounts of marijuana, now they're out. So I'm heading down with a bag of goodies to obliterate them and gonna see about working on propagating some skin cancer. Last time I went I came home with purple arms and shoulders... OUCH!

Good night guys/gals ....off to bed after a quick doobie on the porch ...which I'm consuming now

Should be easier to sleep since only one eye needs to close ....doctor tomorrow .....after I tend to my tomato patch and baby Gary of course.....priorities


Have a good night and morning.

Let me know what he says. I'm thinking of you.

Up at 5, watered the veggies garden, watered the indoors shit, fed and played with the pussies, back in bed by 6, up at 8, showered, breakfast. Now I'm heading out on a relief mission. My friends are spending all week at the beach, i was supposed to go but didn't. They were counting on me bringing copious amounts of marijuana, now they're out. So I'm heading down with a bag of goodies to obliterate them and gonna see about working on propagating some skin cancer. Last time I went I came home with purple arms and shoulders... OUCH!
I've had a few "pre-cancerous" things removed from my skin and don't fuck around when it comes to sunscreen.
Gotta be a minimum of SPF 30, but I prefer 50 -- w/no fragrance.