bernie sanders: regressive

... And admitted my mistake immediately.

When is the last time you had the balls to admit your mistakes?

when was the last time i made a mistake?

oh, i think i said there wasn't coal sands in the moab and i was wrong. can you name any other time i've been wrong about anything?

i like to post facts whenevr possible, but i invite you to call me out. so please do.
when was the last time i made a mistake?

oh, i think i said there wasn't coal sands in the moab and i was wrong. can you name any other time i've been wrong about anything?

i like to post facts whenevr possible, but i invite you to call me out. so please do.
For openers, you're wrong about your assertion that the Democrats want to enact single payer health insurance.
For openers, you're wrong about your assertion that the Democrats want to enact single payer health insurance.

when did i even claim that they wanted to?

i've said they are more likely to, and that i along with many democrats support the progressive position that hillary took, which is to get a public option and expand medicare to 55+.

but you and pada are silent on that progressive step forward.

say, speaking of enacting single payer, did you knock on a single door for yes on 69 last year?

pls advise
clinton will be back to the ~65% popularity number she's been at for decades very shortly.


bernie will have his 60% favorability rating for about a year, tops. then he will fade into obscurity, possibly prison for his bank fraud.

hillary clinton has been the most popular politician in america for decades.
Nice conspiracy theory
All totally smear campaigns!
Totally Russia!
Tutally sexism!
Totally Racisms!
Totally a bad campaign tho!
Totally just I mean, c'mon.. !
Totally not hur turn!
Totally again tho, racism and sexisms!


did you know hillary clinton rips babies from the womb and has a body double?
robert mueller is hiring all star prosecutors because the russia thing is just a witch hunt and conspiracy.

also, hillary clinton runs a satanic pedophile sex ring out of the basement of a DC pizza parlor.
These Justice Democrats are so full of bullshit, you ask a simple question with a quantative answer and they can't provide it...

But they'll sit here all day in their circle-jerk back-tapping each other about how progressive they are and how even hard right Republicans support Sanders.

Republicans are wrong 99% of the time but at least honest about their objectives, these Burnouts are just Bullshit Outflow Pipes.
These Justice Democrats are so full of bullshit, you ask a simple question with a quantative answer and they can't provide it...

But they'll sit here all day in their circle-jerk back-tapping each other about how progressive they are and how even hard right Republicans support Sanders.

Republicans are wrong 99% of the time but at least honest about their objectives, these Burnouts are just Bullshit Outflow Pipes.

dude, if we just give people free health care and college then pieces of shit like nutes and nugs will stop following hispanic people around the grocery store.
All totally smear campaigns!
Totally Russia!
Tutally sexism!
Totally Racisms!
Totally a bad campaign tho!
Totally just I mean, c'mon.. !
Totally not hur turn!
Totally again tho, racism and sexisms!

Like, totally dude!

It's totally not about her completely vacuous campaign, utterly devoid of anything middle class constituents might be interested in.

Totally so out of touch that she lost to a washed up lying reality TV show host.
dude, if we just give people free health care and college then pieces of shit like nutes and nugs will stop following hispanic people around the grocery store.
Hey, we might accidentally have a prosperous country again, too.

Like the rest of the developed world.

But, yanno, can't have that here. Big corps and the rich who own them will get upset.

I think your sense of ethics is broken.
Like, totally dude!

It's totally not about her completely vacuous campaign, utterly devoid of anything middle class constituents might be interested in.

Totally so out of touch that she lost to a washed up lying reality TV show host.
Just a little dose of the reality you no longer appear to live in:

Hillary won the vote.
Bernie lost in a Landslide.
Hillary won the vote.
Bernie lost in a Landslide.
Hillary won the vote.
Bernie lost in a Landslide.
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