What did you accomplish today?

I'm out in the country at my moms today. Hot as fuck over here. But it's still going down. I'm gonna make a shit load of steaks for my steps dads birthday. He turns old as dirty today lol.

They have chickens and goats and horses. My baby boy is loving it. He ran under a horse and scared the fuck outta us! I ran and grabbed him. So yea, he's not allowed around them anymore lol crazy ass kid.
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I'm out in the country at my moms today. Hot as fuck over here. But it's still going down. I'm gonna make a shit load of steaks for my steps dads birthday. He turns old as dirty today lol.

They have chickens and goats and horses. My baby boy is loving it. He ran under a horse and scared the fuck outta us! I ran and grabbed him. So yea, he's not allowed around them anymore lol crazy ass kid.
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Those are Texan horses?
I went from Ga to TX in one day ... this was 2003, late August.
GA didn't serve me the heat that TX did.

I remember spending an hour at a diner type place, drinking much diet Coke before climbing back onto the hog'o'burden.

Irony is I grew up back east where 100 degrees and 80% were known occurrences. Tht combined experience taught me to value brief breaks in a cooler spot.
I hated Texas also. In basic training one day it would be a black flag (no exercise) due to heat and the next day it would be in the 30's and sleeting on you.
Mine, sitting upright after being on its side for years, started a little shimmy/vibrating, which was remedied by hanging a 5 lb weight from one side lol. Hey whatever works! It's out lasted 4 can 66 filters. I'll for sure buy another when this one shoots shit.
Lol. I mounted mine on rubber washer an inch thick.

The cheaper cookie cutter type fans are based on solid designs that have been around for years.

I'm going to order another for a backup. I'm sure I could rebuild one if I had to.
6000 acre brushfire 20 mi S, so much smoke can't see the sky, the good news is that it's blocking the sun so not likely to hit 115. Oh goody
That fire nearby here is 2000 acres(gotta be waaaay more now), as of this morning, 2% contained. Totally cut off from my other house, which btw, is getting dangerously close to there. My one buddy is evacuated. Fuck
We had the good rains, now time to burn all it grew, fuck. Alamo fire is now 19,000 acres 10% contained. The winds are just fanning it.
Damn dude!
Yeah, this fire isn't really that large as you know, very surprised calfire still has it at only 2000 acres tell you the truth.
Last year it was a 100' defensible space around your property, this year it's supposed to be 150'. And you do get visited by the FD. I bet this has helped allot with the structures.
Fires nearby me and even up higher are usually way bigger. So, it could be worse.
When they were showing hellicopter footage last night, omg how many crops they showed