Well-Known Member
Well the Sanders boyz don't have a finger on the pulse of the nation either.We the People are not obligated to vote for either major party. This is even more true if they stubbornly refuse to represent our needs.
What's happening on the Left today is a struggle between Progressives who want to see change in taxes, corporate governance and healthcare and an establishment Democratic Party that likes the status quo and sees no need to change things- even if they keep losing.
I know this post to you is just another fart in the wind. But I have to fart and might as well do it your way. Look at your and pad's reaction to all of this.
The smear if that's what it is was instigated and now promulgated by Republicans. Bernie's babies are angry that other Democrats are laughing and telling them "I told you so", when we predicted that Bernie would be roasted by fake news propaganda ginned up by Republicans. Pad's answer is: We'll take Democrats down then. We saw the same happen to Hillary and you guys just sucked the right wing propaganda up. Meanwhile Democrats are putting most of their time and effort at stopping the completely odious, lethal and gift to the 1% called Trumpcare. No surprise that Republicans who have no answer to that are revving up the propaganda organ for another round of fake news and smear campaigns, if that's what it is regarding Bernie.
Don't you see that the media hoo-haw over an investigation that by all rights shouldn't have been in the public eye until it was complete is all part of the Republican propaganda machine? They did exactly the same to Clinton(s), Obama, every other Democratic party leader and a few Republican ones too. They have Fox News and the right wing radio empires that pump this shit out 7/24.
And the Republican's smear (maybe) of Bernie is making you angry at Democrats? A win for Trump. Bernie's babies -- not Bernie -- are giving them the win.
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