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Manuka honey will make sure that shit heals perfect with no infection, and give the little guy a boost, through absorption in the skin.. It's a thing really knowledgable vets actually use, not just me talkin some shit. Ask your vet of course first, but I recomend you for the little guy. It's really somethin special for healing wounds, and stopping any and all infections. Nothing can move in the honey, the concentrated sugars actually halt all bacteria growth, like molasses, nothing can grow inside jar of molasses even though so much sugar. it's packed with vits n minerals for healing. and has a H202 hydrogen peroxide effect..

let me tell 1 reason why I'm telling you this and something I'll never forget...

on a vet show, this already 3legged dog, hurt his other legs, was in really bad shape legs hanging off at the bone crazy... the vet put him back together with several operations.. but infection took hold.. it was big trouble.. vet tried all antibiotics and everything at his disposal.. nothing was working.. in the end, he drizzled manuka honey all over the wound and dressed it.... changed the dressing and new honey everyday... and the infection gangreen shit was gone, the dog healed and runs around on one of those dog bicylces..

Me knowing about manuka honey previously... when i saw this.. this was another level of complete belief triggered in me.. that dog's legs were hanging off showing bone!! ..i would never doubt it.. because I know how it works.. and this vet knew his shit, and didn't care on national television to do something so out of the norm and against what any doctor would do.. but it worked.. you can find this show.. one of those supervet shows from a few years ago..

I know some people will think some shit on me.... ''Mr. Manuka Honey''... but I don't care. It's some serious good shit.
from crisp clean valleys of new zealand the manuka bush gets it's air from the antarctic rushing up through the valleys.. cleanest no polution crisp air bees feeding off the ancient manuka bush nectar medicine.

Godbless the little guy.
-take care man I hope everything works out.. I recommend you put manuka honey dabbed with your finger all on the wound and cover it up.. and do this just a few times changing it everyday.. the shit will heal twice as fast.. I am absolutely confident.. and the manuka will get all inside absorb.. destroy any infection absolutely i know it. as cells are created, those cells are made up of what is in the body. If the wound is slathered in manuka, as cells rebuild they will build healthy cells packed with vits minerals and no deformation or cell dna retardation causing cancerous cell, the new cell/s will be built perfect, due to the presence of such high vits minerals and thousands of compounds the manuka contains that are super healthy..... the manuka also has a peroxide effect oxygenating the area/the bloodstream. All cells get replaced in the body, eventually, it is programmed in the dna, .. what is in the body at the time is what the new cell will contain... potato chip oil shit.... or manuka honey compounds.. so i would get that shit deep in his wound now..

I hope you dont take this the wrong way, I am no doctor, and talk to your vet before doing anything.. i must say.. I just hate seeing this type of shit.. and anything i have in me i wnt to share.. I wouldn't even think twice about using it.
Manuka honey will make sure that shit heals perfect with no infection, and give the little guy a boost, through absorption in the skin.. It's a thing really knowledgable vets actually use, not just me talkin some shit. Ask your vet of course first, but I recomend you for the little guy. It's really somethin special for healing wounds, and stopping any and all infections. Nothing can move in the honey, the concentrated sugars actually halt all bacteria growth, like molasses, nothing can grow inside jar of molasses even though so much sugar. it's packed with vits n minerals for healing. and has a H202 hydrogen peroxide effect..

let me tell 1 reason why I'm telling you this and something I'll never forget...

on a vet show, this already 3legged dog, hurt his other legs, was in really bad shape legs hanging off at the bone crazy... the vet put him back together with several operations.. but infection took hold.. it was big trouble.. vet tried all antibiotics and everything at his disposal.. nothing was working.. in the end, he drizzled manuka honey all over the wound and dressed it.... changed the dressing and new honey everyday... and the infection gangreen shit was gone, the dog healed and runs around on one of those dog bicylces..

Me knowing about manuka honey previously... when i saw this.. this was another level of complete belief triggered in me.. that dog's legs were hanging off showing bone!! ..i would never doubt it.. because I know how it works.. and this vet knew his shit, and didn't care on national television to do something so out of the norm and against what any doctor would do.. but it worked.. you can find this show.. one of those supervet shows from a few years ago..

I know some people will think some shit on me.... ''Mr. Manuka Honey''... but I don't care. It's some serious good shit.
from crisp clean valleys of new zealand the manuka bush gets it's air from the antarctic rushing up through the valleys.. cleanest no polution crisp air bees feeding off the ancient manuka bush nectar medicine.

Godbless the little guy.
-take care man I hope everything works out.. I recommend you put manuka honey dabbed with your finger all on the wound and cover it up.. and do this just a few times changing it everyday.. the shit will heal twice as fast.. I am absolutely confident.. and the manuka will get all inside absorb.. destroy any infection absolutely i know it. as cells are created, those cells are made up of what is in the body. If the wound is slathered in manuka, as cells rebuild they will build healthy cells packed with vits minerals and no deformation or cell dna retardation causing cancerous cell, the new cell/s will be built perfect, due to the presence of such high vits minerals and thousands of compounds the manuka contains that are super healthy..... the manuka also has a peroxide effect oxygenating the area/the bloodstream. All cells get replaced in the body, eventually, it is programmed in the dna, .. what is in the body at the time is what the new cell will contain... potato chip oil shit.... or manuka honey compounds.. so i would get that shit deep in his wound now..

I hope you dont take this the wrong way, I am no doctor, and talk to your vet before doing anything.. i must say.. I just hate seeing this type of shit.. and anything i have in me i wnt to share.. I wouldn't even think twice about using it.
I appreciate the advice dude. Dogs are pretty resilient. And by saying that by no way do i mean i don't take care of them. I'm more worried about the long term right now though. My vet is such a badass. Just hoping it wasn't a bad tumor here.
I cut the holes in mini cab's scrog screen larger. Added some small chains to my light so I could get the plant in the optimal light zone.

And I made another attempt at reading the drivers handbook again. I have a car now. So I may as well learn to drive the thing.


I feel like getting some herbage from a mate too. I haven't had any in about a month. I know its been a while because I can hardly fucken sleep at night. Instead. I get to listen to beats and stare at my eyelids...