bernie sanders: regressive

Boring. Nothing funny about the question, whatever the context of her laughing it is unrelates to North Korea.
Just more partisan drivel. It's not like the right wing is perfect, relevant or selfless.

We've got to look past the Left/Right false paradigm and see the Class Warfare running the show behind the scenes for what it is; an emerging Aristocracy bent on running our country for its own benefit, the needs of the lesser 99% be damned.
North Korea does not pose a serious threat to the United States
I agree.

Their desperate race to build a nuclear capable ICBM is all about DEFENSE.

Between Economic Hitmen, CIA jackals and the brute force of the American Military Industrial Complex, it is clear to the leader of any county in the world that does not want to play ball with America by America's rules that it must have a big deterrent.

America is THE major modern imperial power in the world today. Why else would we have a military budget the size of the next dozen largest, combined? Why else would we have 800 military bases, scattered around the world? Why else would we assert our 'right' to be 'world cop' if not to subvert, subjugate or subsume every other nation on Earth?

The average American citizen is blissfully unaware of what's being done in their name to innocents all over the world on a daily basis. Since when did we have the right to meddle in the affairs of other nations that pose no threat to us?

Kim Jung Il went to school in Switzerland. He's well aware of America's foreign policy tactics.

Viewed in this context, his obsession with building a nuclear capability makes a great deal of sense. It's all about the Defense. He knows very well that using one in a first strike would invite instant and utterly destructive retaliation.
North Korea does not pose a serious threat to the United States
i actually agree with you on something.

the far left has plenty of time to read articles from questionable sources and literally no time to ever read the goddamn platform.

it's pathetic.
To be fair, the far left is not the Bernard worshippers. The Berners are just democrats without pragmatism who want to break with the party but not so much its policies. They're almost leftwing but the actual far left thinks berners are even more unpalatable than the DNC. If you listen to a Berner long enough you find they want to call themselves socialists, but despise socialism. They swear their policies differ from democrats but it turns out that democrats have been trying to enact those policies for ages.
To be fair, the far left is not the Bernard worshippers. The Berners are just democrats without pragmatism who want to break with the party but not so much its policies. They're almost leftwing but the actual far left thinks berners are even more unpalatable than the DNC. If you listen to a Berner long enough you find they want to call themselves socialists, but despise socialism. They swear their policies differ from democrats but it turns out that democrats have been trying to enact those policies for ages.
What policies, exactly? Who are the Berbers you're referring to? How are they not more left than the centrist democrats?
the working class and middle class chose hillary though, by about 10 points.

LOL! Sure they did. Bushes, Clintons, Obama all corporate war mongering stooges. Trump appears to be less war mongering but Deep State and the NeoCons and LibCons want endless war.

JFK and Ike warned us about the military industrial complex (MIC). JFK paid with his life.
What policies, exactly?
I'll answer this question, but the other two questions you asked are not germane to anything I mentioned. Examples of policies that Berners hold which turn out to be no different or nearly indistinguishable from that of many that have been pushed for a long time by the DNC would be: ending CU, increasing infrastructure investments, being liberal (centrist) while trying to appeal to leftists, generally being aligned with new-deal policies...

I wouldn't really say Bernard is much more progressive than his peers who are also subordinate to the DNC.

Then there's the fact that he campaigned for months in support of Hillary Clinton's candidacy.
Hillary got much of the old people's vote. Old fux who believe everything they see on TV.

Bernie got young people but mainly Millenials who want free shit. They want people to grow them free weed.

Generation Z who are younger than Millenials are the smarter ones and they are more self reliant. . They think TV is shit and all politciians are liars. Most did not vote and a few voted for Trump.

But old fux and corporatist and war mongers love Hillary.
Hillary got much of the old people's vote. Old fux who believe everything they see on TV.

Bernie got young people but mainly Millenials who want free shit. They want people to grow them free weed.

Generation Z who are younger than Millenials are the smarter ones and they are more self reliant. . They think TV is shit and all politciians are liars. Most did not vote and a few voted for Trump.

But old fux and corporatist and war mongers love Hillary.
You sure seem to believe in the magic perception of generation Z. You haven't mentioned how or why they'll be much different than the millennials or those who came before, other then their social media savvy.
Hillary got much of the old people's vote. Old fux who believe everything they see on TV.

Bernie got young people but mainly Millenials who want free shit. They want people to grow them free weed.

Generation Z who are younger than Millenials are the smarter ones and they are more self reliant. . They think TV is shit and all politciians are liars. Most did not vote and a few voted for Trump.

But old fux and corporatist and war mongers love Hillary.

The generation that raised millenials? That generation is the most anti-intellectual and brainwashed by a large margin. Pretty much programmed to worship Reagan, yet they can't name one fact as to why. Ya, the only smart thing they did, a miracle really, was work to get their kids, millenials, the education they never received. Most of the ones I know voted for Trump or at least were fooled by his Reagan ripoff of a campaign. They are the generation that was most easily fooled and manipulated by predatory lenders, right-wing policy makers, Iraqi WMDs, cutting safety nets, bloating the military budget for no reason, etc.