bernie sanders: regressive

The generation that raised millenials? That generation is the most anti-intellectual and brainwashed by a large margin. Pretty much programmed to worship Reagan, yet they can't name one fact as to why. Ya, the only smart thing they did, a miracle really, was work to get their kids, millenials, the education they never received. Most of the ones I know voted for Trump or at least were fooled by his Reagan ripoff of a campaign. They are the generation that was most easily fooled and manipulated by predatory lenders, right-wing policy makers, Iraqi WMDs, cutting safety nets, bloating the military budget for no reason, etc.

Tell me what Obama and the Clintons did to stop the NeoCon wars and bloated military spending? The one millenial I know, his old man and mother, hate Trump.

Neither of you describe the millennials I know. Most are just schlubs that every generation has in terms of motivation and sense of self at the same age. Not saying millenials some new amazing talent at the threshold of taking the country to new heights. Also I don't see any more callow or unaware kids in that crowd compared to the one I was in. A few are downright brilliant and those few were given pretty good educations. In other words, they are still just kids. They won't begin to hit stride for another ten years or more.

The people I'm most down on are Baby Boomers. They are the ones who brought us Reagan and Bush jr., union busting and fake Christianity in the form of mega churches and evangelists. Also are just now beginning to realize the harm they did to the very safety nets that they need right now and will depend upon for another 30 years if it survives this latest round of regressive politics, which they voted for. The wealth of that generation is going to be spent on healthcare instead of helping the next one. All avoidable if not for their mania over a lifestyle that is unsustainable. The fuckers took out equity in their homes to finance a lifestyle that they couldn't pay for because they continued to support tax cuts for the wealthy and opposed single payer healthcare. Then cried and voted for Trump when things didn't get any better.

I could go on but then I'd sound like diogenes the talker.
Tell me what Obama and the Clintons did to stop the NeoCon wars and bloated military spending? The one millenial I know, his old man and mother, hate Trump.

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Exactly how were Obama and Clinton responsible for the invasion of Iraq? Nope. None of that can be laid at their feet. That's wholly owned by the Republican Congress and their President of the early 2000's.
Tell me what Obama and the Clintons did to stop the NeoCon wars and bloated military spending? The one millenial I know, his old man and mother, hate Trump.

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They didn't invade. Obama drew back, brought troops home. Clinton left with a balanced budget. Military budget didn't plummet under Obama but stagnated. Republicans did the opposite in the most extreme fashion and demonized Obama as a weak, feckless Commander in Chief for not increasing the budget and ramping up military operations around the world. Republicans campaigned on blaming Obama for "making us look weak to the world" , which is not even near true, but idiots ate that up.
They didn't invade. Obama drew back, brought troops home. Clinton left with a balanced budget. Military budget didn't plummet under Obama but stagnated. Republicans did the opposite in the most extreme fashion and demonized Obama as a weak, feckless Commander in Chief for not increasing the budget and ramping up military operations around the world. Republicans campaigned on blaming Obama for "making us look weak to the world" , which is not even near true, but idiots ate that up.
Amazing revisionist history in MMJ-bot's post, wasn't it? Those fascists continually accuse Democratic leaders of doing what Republicans are guilty of. They must be getting hoarse trying to justify Republican boners.
They didn't invade. Obama drew back, brought troops home. Clinton left with a balanced budget. Military budget didn't plummet under Obama but stagnated. Republicans did the opposite in the most extreme fashion and demonized Obama as a weak, feckless Commander in Chief for not increasing the budget and ramping up military operations around the world. Republicans campaigned on blaming Obama for "making us look weak to the world" , which is not even near true, but idiots ate that up.
It's interesting that Republicans call Obama weak (when he was the king of drone strikes) but think Trump is so tough when with $100mill of missiles he could only do enough damage to be cleaned up by the janitor with a sweeping brush.
Neither of you describe the millennials I know. Most are just schlubs that every generation has in terms of motivation and sense of self at the same age. Not saying millenials some new amazing talent at the threshold of taking the country to new heights. Also I don't see any more callow or unaware kids in that crowd compared to the one I was in. A few are downright brilliant and those few were given pretty good educations. In other words, they are still just kids. They won't begin to hit stride for another ten years or more.

The people I'm most down on are Baby Boomers. They are the ones who brought us Reagan and Bush jr., union busting and fake Christianity in the form of mega churches and evangelists. Also are just now beginning to realize the harm they did to the very safety nets that they need right now and will depend upon for another 30 years if it survives this latest round of regressive politics, which they voted for. The wealth of that generation is going to be spent on healthcare instead of helping the next one. All avoidable if not for their mania over a lifestyle that is unsustainable. The fuckers took out equity in their homes to finance a lifestyle that they couldn't pay for because they continued to support tax cuts for the wealthy and opposed single payer healthcare. Then cried and voted for Trump when things didn't get any better.

I could go on but then I'd sound like diogenes the talker.
I actually saw a commercial for an evangelical church a few weeks ago and their pitch was if you cut a check to them then God will give you back 10x more.

With testimonials from people who "made their fortune" from same...

Sometimes I think we need to just burn it all down.
I actually saw a commercial for an evangelical church a few weeks ago and their pitch was if you cut a check to them then God will give you back 10x more.

With testimonials from people who "made their fortune" from same...

Sometimes I think we need to just burn it all down.*

Evangelist Congress on Global warming: "God will step in and save us if I'm wrong about this"

U.S. Representative Tim Walberg

In a town hall meeting last week (good on Walberg for even having one, I guess,) a constituent asked Walberg about climate change. Walberg said he believed that climate change is real and that mankind is contributing to it, but that mankind cannot “change the entire universe.”

“Why do I believe that?” Walberg, a Republican from Michigan, said. “Well, as a Christian, I believe that there is a creator in God who is much bigger than us. And I’m confident that, if there’s a real problem, he can take care of it.”

In other words, it doesn’t matter if he repeatedly votes down environmental legislation because God will save us from his inaction!

U.S. Representative John Shimkus

Shimkus, a Republican who has served the state of Illinois since 1997, tried to convince constituents not to worry about climate change wrecking the planet since God promised he wouldn’t.

In a congressional hearing, Shimkus read a passage from the Genesis about God vowing to “never again… destroy all living creatures.”

Shimkus then declared, “I believe that’s the infallible word of God, and that’s the way it’s going to be for his creation. The Earth will end only when God declares it’s time to be over. Man will not destroy this Earth.”

God will save us from you too.

Nobody is going to hurt his creation. God said so. Or men said it because god told them this. Or that's what is believed. Or some such. We can fuck up. We can ignore the facts around us and continue to change the environment in ways that will put an end to this civilization. We can put a nail in our eye. We can launch "nukular" missiles. Then a supernatural power will step in and stop it all because we were early on that end of time thing.

boomer evangelists. God love them because I can't.
Evangelist Congress on Global warming: "God will step in and save us if I'm wrong about this"

U.S. Representative Tim Walberg

In a town hall meeting last week (good on Walberg for even having one, I guess,) a constituent asked Walberg about climate change. Walberg said he believed that climate change is real and that mankind is contributing to it, but that mankind cannot “change the entire universe.”

“Why do I believe that?” Walberg, a Republican from Michigan, said. “Well, as a Christian, I believe that there is a creator in God who is much bigger than us. And I’m confident that, if there’s a real problem, he can take care of it.”

In other words, it doesn’t matter if he repeatedly votes down environmental legislation because God will save us from his inaction!

U.S. Representative John Shimkus

Shimkus, a Republican who has served the state of Illinois since 1997, tried to convince constituents not to worry about climate change wrecking the planet since God promised he wouldn’t.

In a congressional hearing, Shimkus read a passage from the Genesis about God vowing to “never again… destroy all living creatures.”

Shimkus then declared, “I believe that’s the infallible word of God, and that’s the way it’s going to be for his creation. The Earth will end only when God declares it’s time to be over. Man will not destroy this Earth.”

God will save us from you too.

Nobody is going to hurt his creation. God said so. Or men said it because god told them this. Or that's what is believed. Or some such. We can fuck up. We can ignore the facts around us and continue to change the environment in ways that will put an end to this civilization. We can put a nail in our eye. We can launch "nukular" missiles. Then a supernatural power will step in and stop it all because we were early on that end of time thing.

boomer evangelists. God love them because I can't.

This goes in the same bin as 'rape won't get the woman pregnant'.

Why don't these people drive into brick walls while saying God will save them from themselves?

Because while they'll happily let US suffer the consequences if they're wrong, THEY won't risk it.
Remember, the basic tenet of most religions is that whenever you "sin," you just have to ask for forgiveness, and everything is dandy.

Their rules say don't do it, but if you do, it's OK. :lol:

I hear your sarcasm, but that kind of thinking wrecks entire civilisations. Ours is not immune.
Remember, the basic tenet of most religions is that whenever you "sin," you just have to ask for forgiveness, and everything is dandy.

Their rules say don't do it, but if you do, it's OK. :lol:

Is that true for Buddhism? I thought that when you did wrong in that ideology, you wear it into the next life and maybe if you account for past sins you can rise above it. I don't know much about that stuff, I wasted my time studying math and science.
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Is that true for Buddhism? I thought that when you did wrong in that ideology, you wear it into the next life and maybe if you account for past sins you can rise above it. I don't know much about that stuff, I wasted my time studying math and science.
Karmic debts. I don't know much about it either, I just try to live well and right and attempt to leave the world a better place than I found it.
VIDEO: Maxine Waters short circuits during live TV interview
JULY 14, 2017
Liberal rock star Maxine Waters suffered an awkward moment during a live interview on Friday when she appeared to short circuit mid-sentence.

Waters was speaking to MSNBC’s Katy Tur when she had a verbal malfunction.

Waters was once again slamming President Trump and spinning her Russia conspiracy theories when she questioned the patriotism of Trump supporters and said, “I just don’t understand why they don’t call it like it is and recognize that evidence is pouring in and it’s growing, or what— is matt— what, what is wrong with them, I just don’t quite understand,” she struggled to say.

In April, the 78-year-old congresswoman suffered a brain freeze during another interview.

Speaking with Yahoo News, Waters was talking about China’s role in containing North Korea, and momentarily appeared confused about what she was discussing.

“Those in China have a great trading relationship, they sell an awful lot of stuff to North Korea,” she said.

“And so (the Chinese) president is warning Trump, ‘okay, don’t start talking about preemptive strikes. We want a diplomatic solution,'” Waters said, speculating about China’s conversations with Trump.

The 78-year-old continued, “‘We do not want war in, uh, uh, uh, North Korea — North, uh, um, um, Korea at all,'” struggling to complete her thought.