What did you accomplish today?

Got the bushes I cut down uprooted, finally. Dug the wall trench, brought in the block, raised area with excavated dirt. Hope start tomorrow or the next day.
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Back patio coming along, but lots of rain days lately and deceptive radar maps too. Sent everyone home twice in the last week for brief storms that lasted 40 minutes, but on radar they looked massive.

Nobody can work tomorrow for a variety of reasons, and I have to get a car inspected so it will be an 'all me slow day' tomorrow. I'll get something done.

Had some work at my daughter's place today. Noticed a strange looking weed between the peppers.
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I've been known for growing tiny plants in unusual locations just because I'm not a seed waster. I had one yield 3 whole joints last year. Very stealth, nobody even noticed. Lol.
I had to figure out how to install new ignition leads the other day. Never done that before. Nor much else with cars for that matter.

Runs smoother now. No more lumpy idle. No more jerky gear shifts. Almost fully functional. Now I just gotta figure out why the dash lights have gone out. And to get the squeaky belts swapped out. Then she'll be road ready... Hopefully.

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I had to figure out how to install new ignition leads the other day. Never done that before. Nor much else with cars for that matter.

Runs smoother now. No more lumpy idle. No more jerky gear shifts. Almost fully functional. Now I just gotta figure out why the dash lights have gone out. And to get the squeaky belts swapped out. Then she'll be road ready... Hopefully.

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NGK wires come with a lifetime warranty.
Got the bushes I cut down uprooted, finally. Dug the wall trench, brought in the block, raised area with excavated dirt. Hope start tomorrow or the next day.
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Back patio coming along, but lots of rain days lately and deceptive radar maps too. Sent everyone home twice in the last week for brief storms that lasted 40 minutes, but on radar they looked massive.

Nobody can work tomorrow for a variety of reasons, and I have to get a car inspected so it will be an 'all me slow day' tomorrow. I'll get something done.

Had some work at my daughter's place today. Noticed a strange looking weed between the peppers.
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I've been known for growing tiny plants in unusual locations just because I'm not a seed waster. I had one yield 3 whole joints last year. Very stealth, nobody even noticed. Lol.

Lol....I'm starting to think you were the mail man when I was conceived,
I always stick a seed super late in the year behind the shed .....were so stealthy Tang
Lol....I'm starting to think you were the mail man when I was conceived,
I always stick a seed super late in the year behind the shed .....were so stealthy Tang
I fling a bunch of seeds out about this time. They get a foot or two tall. Not much but easy to conceal.

Ole lady was looking at satellite pics last night of the house. They are old but you can actually see the garden and property. Kind of has be bugged a little bit.
I fling a bunch of seeds out about this time. They get a foot or two tall. Not much but easy to conceal.

Ole lady was looking at satellite pics last night of the house. They are old but you can actually see the garden and property. Kind of has be bugged a little bit.

When I use to grow only full outs. I would go on and look at my handy work as well. I'm glad I always did that after harvest, keep in mind growing was fully illegal then. I'd just look at it and think. I'm a fuckin idiot lol.....we think were all stealthy from the ground ....but that birds eye view Says otherwise lol.

But I can't ever seem to find live satellite views or even current ones. I'm always looking at previous grows,a year or two back ....I still go on and look at all the pot being grown in my area each year......but I'd like to see current images.

One year I was removing seeds from some pollinated plants we did, I had several babies start popping up around where I turn on my garden hose and also my fish pond Lol......I was guna just murder them off, but unbelievably my buddy carefully dug up as many as he could and ended up filling up a whole corner of his lot with those strays.......I was sitting on my deck between the hose Bib and my pond separating seeds...That's how that happen.....still have some of those beans actually.

So out of the handfuls of seeds you toss out like that. Do you get a lot that sprout?
When I use to grow only full outs. I would go on and look at my handy work as well. I'm glad I always did that after harvest, keep in mind growing was fully illegal then. I'd just look at it and think. I'm a fuckin idiot lol.....we think were all stealthy from the ground ....but that birds eye view Says otherwise lol.

But I can't ever seem to find live satellite views or even current ones. I'm always looking at previous grows,a year or two back ....I still go on and look at all the pot being grown in my area each year......but I'd like to see current images.

One year I was removing seeds from some pollinated plants we did, I had several babies start popping up around where I turn on my garden hose and also my fish pond Lol......I was guna just murder them off, but unbelievably my buddy carefully dug up as many as he could and ended up filling up a whole corner of his lot with those strays.......I was sitting on my deck between the hose Bib and my pond separating seeds...That's how that happen.....still have some of those beans actually.

So out of the handfuls of seeds you toss out like that. Do you get a lot that sprout?
Yea they were old pics. It was from a couple summers ago. Still bugs me a bit.

I mean its still illegal here. I'm going to keep doing what I do though.
Yea they were old pics. It was from a couple summers ago. Still bugs me a bit.

I mean its still illegal here. I'm going to keep doing what I do though.

Yeah live satellite images would be sick. We use to grow some nice sized gardens.....having access to ranches and farm land made my situation easier as far as places to do that .....way back in the hills etc etc ....The only time they'd get noticed is if there was a wild fire ...were talkin serious acres of private cattle ranches....that's when it was super illegal though .....But my biggest satellite OH FUCK image was done in the middle of an old orchard ....we bought some land and it had old walnut trees on it.....We planned on ripping them out and doing our own thing. But, at the time we bought the property we decided we'd wait until the next year to do that .....White Boy I laced that bitch with plants LOL...younger and dumber .....The grow did fantastic and they were Fucking monsters bro.....it was done in a clearing in the middle of that old orchard .....Yes I do have that satellite pic ....it will be on my office wall of Bud porn......By far the biggest and most amount of Ganja ever for me .....pretty sure you only needed very little zoom from space for that one.....the things we do when were young.....I'm actually laughing about it now, thinking about the truck loads at 3am to get the plants to the barn for processing ....how did we not get caught lol......

I wish I still grew Pot sometimes....as you all know I only have one plant in a smart pot this year .....maybe next year il have more time ......but I do have a nice tomato garden.

Keep doing what your doing buddy, and as always good luck to you WB.
Yeah live satellite images would be sick. We use to grow some nice sized gardens.....having access to ranches and farm land made my situation easier as far as places to do that .....way back in the hills etc etc ....The only time they'd get noticed is if there was a wild fire ...were talkin serious acres of private cattle ranches....that's when it was super illegal though .....But my biggest satellite OH FUCK image was done in the middle of an old orchard ....we bought some land and it had old walnut trees on it.....We planned on ripping them out and doing our own thing. But, at the time we bought the property we decided we'd wait until the next year to do that .....White Boy I laced that bitch with plants LOL...younger and dumber .....The grow did fantastic and they were Fucking monsters bro.....it was done in a clearing in the middle of that old orchard .....Yes I do have that satellite pic ....it will be on my office wall of Bud porn......By far the biggest and most amount of Ganja ever for me .....pretty sure you only needed very little zoom from space for that one.....the things we do when were young.....I'm actually laughing about it now, thinking about the truck loads at 3am to get the plants to the barn for processing ....how did we not get caught lol......

I wish I still grew Pot sometimes....as you all know I only have one plant in a smart pot this year .....maybe next year il have more time ......but I do have a nice tomato garden.

Keep doing what your doing buddy, and as always good luck to you WB.
I don't have nowhere near the balls I used to. We used to grow pure Mexican landrace that would hit 15-20 foot tall. No shit. Never took pics though. Worried about getting popped.

I still grow some in swamps and mountains. Its getting harder though. The summers are getting drier here and too hard to pack water.
Here's a pic of my custom darkroom.
A little wind wasn't a problem last night, which is a relief. Six smaller plants weigh down the face of the larger tarp, along with iron weights on the corners. Small "flap" tarp is connected to iron weights using bungee cords. Gap on the smaller tarp is by design for air flow. The deck boards have gaps so airflow is actually pretty good without a fan. (Might add one later if needed.)
The tarps aren't 100% opaque, but it's dark enough for flipping.
Should only need this monstrosity for a week or two. :cool:
I didn't install those blue leads. They were there when I got the car. No other documentation either.

I dont really know whats what in cars. All I care about is if they'll get me where I want to go.
I'm just surprised they failed. I paid well over a $100 just for the 4 NGK wires for my mazda.
I had to figure out how to install new ignition leads the other day. Never done that before. Nor much else with cars for that matter.

Runs smoother now. No more lumpy idle. No more jerky gear shifts. Almost fully functional. Now I just gotta figure out why the dash lights have gone out. And to get the squeaky belts swapped out. Then she'll be road ready... Hopefully.

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Sometimes fuckers will remove the dash light fuse to hide EngineLight on or other error light on the dash. Check fuses first thing, or actual dash was removed and light bulbs removed from behind to hide issue.

When installing new wires a little bit of grease in there will stop water/condensation from contaminating spark plug holes and for a better more consistent start in the mornings for older rides.
Lol. Im such a dumbass. I didnt realize I needed to turn on the headlamps to get interior dash lights going... guess im used to the newer cars that just do it automatically. Or they stay on. Could also be that im not used to cars in general.
Me and little Inda watch travel channel or natgeo at night while he falls asleep.....Tonight I asked him if he believes in Bigfoot....He said umb ya I think so ......I asked him what he thought Biggoot was....He said I know what it is dad .....It's a Big Harry monster, that has giant pink feet and athletes foot......

LMAO....I wasn't expecting that explanation whatsoever. That's my boy LOL....of course I agreed 100% and said I thought the same thing.

Good Night guys/gals.