What did you accomplish today?

Just arrived to water Baby G and things are in reach for the stars mode here in Cali .....Decided to give a lil extra love in her last watering and it looks like she appreciated that .....nice fat and round .....if I had other plants I would have had to break out the 6ft ladder to do some tying yesterday evening....But Baby G is my only plant as you all know .....for my first go at recycled soil I'm quite pleased ....let's say I had lots of other plants in fresh FFOF like normal ....The side by side comparison has me leaning towards recycling for sure......The plants are bigger ...I mean they would be bigger...and I haven't had to feed anything until now ....I mean I wouldn't have to add anything until now.....My Green houses would be packed full of healthy fat girls with no visual difference .....Except the cost of some has literally been $0 as far as food ....minus the cost of amendments of course ...which was cheap in comparison to buying fresh ffof plus nutes to achieve the same result....a few more years of good results and I won't be purchasing new soil ....but since I only have one plant ....that all makes no sense.
He actually died of Cancer in one of the horns - I forget whom, but some company (?) purchased the body for a full mount.

Sickos.....what kind of pervert would wana mount a dead animal .....I personally think it should of went to a taxidermist......that's life I guess

Just to think someone's mounting that majestic beasts corpse for thrills.....makes me laugh really hard at first ............. But then I SMH in discussed.
