"Using smart grid for surveillance to catch indoor pot farmers is not new. We found references to this going back to 2005 see: "NeverGetBusted" document "fishing for pot" and the Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog reported on "Texas warrantless surveillance program" in which Austin Energy provides police with "customer usage information" to find grow houses"
"In central Ohio, law enforcement officials file as many as 60 subpoenas each month for energy use records of people suspected in indoor marijuana growing operations. It seems that most of the residences with indoor pot growing operations are in quiet neighborhoods without much traffic."
KXAN has picked up on Austin Energy/Austin Police warrant less surveillance program. It’s good to see the mainstream press involved. I hope they keep pressing until they get answers.
Next time an Austin Cop questions you, ask for a lawyer. That is what Austin PD did when asked about their Austin Energy customer data mining program. Here is the quote from KXAN
An APD representative agreed to talk to KXAN Austin News about using energy
usage information, but just before the interview, the agency got a call from its
attorneys, advising to refrain from commenting on the issue.
Disgraceful, yet sadly typical. Government always chooses the path of least disclosure. Austin PD is not different. Even more disturbing is the quote from Austin Energy.
“State law allows us to share information with other governmental entities, and
APD is, of course, a city department,” said Ed Clark of Austin Energy. ” And so,
really and truly, we wouldn’t have a basis on which to deny information to them,
and on the other hand, we are interested in assisting them.”
"I can now confirm that Austin Police have access to Austin Energy customer usage information. The City of Austin, in response to my open records request, turned over an agreement titled “Utility Database Confidentiality Agreement.” This agreement gives Austin PD the right to search Austin Energy customer information without a warrant.
before 2008 I raised tilapia year round indoors. My electric bill for that portion was 3x my marijuana growing costs for years with no questions. I was running over 1k bills monthly in the winter and 800 in summer months. they dont give a phuck...until an angry girlfriend calls them, they take a peak, look at consumption, then wham. loose lips sink ships