12 Democratic Senators sign on to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

Putin owned thr0wavote. I wonder if he deleted his Facebook account yet?

Facebook Gave Special Counsel Robert Mueller More Details on Russian Ad Buys Than Congress
Wall Street Journal - 17 hours ago


'We're Still At The Tip Of The Iceberg' With Facebook On Russian Election Meddling, Senator Says
Huffington Post - 2 days ago

I don't think Putin owned him. st0 is a useful idiot who furthered Putin's cause all by himself.
then maybe it time to vote in new, he works for YOU and he can't be bothered? perhaps a reminder?
Merkely co-sponsored the bill. Why should I vote him out just because he didn't return my call. The call wasn't to have a conversation anyway, it was to register support for universal access to health care.
Merkely co-sponsored the bill. Why should I vote him out just because he didn't return my call. The call wasn't to have a conversation anyway, it was to register support for universal access to health care.

you just said there's no funding..get rid of him then! ask him to explain why he's wasting constituent time! time for accountability!
you just said there's no funding..get rid of him then! ask him to explain why he's wasting constituent time! time for accountability!
Merkley has been a good Senator for Oregon and I'm willing to watch and listen to learn if this tactic is a good one. I don't like the fact that the bill was released without a means to pay. Merkley was honest and said the bill has "no chance" and that it was meant to "further the conversation". I can get behind that objective. I do see the risk in this and will watch the scenario play itself out. I voted for Merkely to represent the best interests for me and my state, not to be a puppet to poll numbers and focus group analysis. He's doing what he thinks is right for Oregon. That said, I'll remember his decision when he runs for office in 2020.

Accountability will come if this backfires and Democrats lose seats because of this.
lol. You support Medicare for all, and yet you voted for someone who took 20+ million from the health insurance/pharma lobby this last election cycle....and I'm the useful idiot?

Yes. I voted for Sanders in the primary and Clinton in the general. My vote didn't help get Trump elected. I'm not saying you voted wrong, I'm just saying you are chicken shit for not owning the result.

Defensive about this, you are.
Yes. I voted for Sanders in the primary and Clinton in the general. My vote didn't help get Trump elected. I'm not saying you voted wrong, I'm just saying you are chicken shit for not owning the result.

Defensive about this, you are.

There's nothing to be defensive about. If I would have voted for Trump out of spite, I would own the result. I didn't though.

I was not aware that I was somehow obligated to vote for the dem candidate, no matter who it was. I wish they would have told me this during the naturalization process!
There's nothing to be defensive about. If I would have voted for Trump out of spite, I would own the result. I didn't though.

I was not aware that I was somehow obligated to vote for the dem candidate, no matter who it was. I wish they would have told me this during the naturalization process!
I never said you were obligated. I respect anybody's right to vote for whomever they please. Reading your back and forth with Justin, you talk as though your vote had no effect. I'm also not believing this idea that you thought the Green party's platform and your vote for Stein was for a president to push their objectives. I think it was a protest vote that backfired and you don't own that. Just calling BS.
I respect anybody's right to vote for whomever they please.

So, you just feel the need to add your commentary?

you talk as though your vote had no effect.

Of course my vote had an effect. Every vote does. They wouldn't tally them up if they didn't.

I'm also not believing this idea that you thought the Green party's platform and your vote for Stein was for a president to push their objectives.

Ok. I've already explained my reasoning for casting my vote the way I did...you're free to believe that or not. I'm not sure why you'd feel that I would go to such great lengths to mislead a bunch of strangers on a weed site, but believe what you wish.

I think it was a protest vote that backfired and you don't own that. Just calling BS.

I've lost track of how many times you've declared that it was up to Hillary to earn people's votes, just like it was up to Bernie to do the same in the primaries. You've also swallowed whole, without question, Bearkats reasoning for why he refused to vote for Hillary, but here you are playing armchair quarterback with me. You seem to talk in circles, and one can only conclude that you just like to hear yourself talk.
So, you just feel the need to add your commentary?

Of course my vote had an effect. Every vote does. They wouldn't tally them up if they didn't.

Ok. I've already explained my reasoning for casting my vote the way I did...you're free to believe that or not. I'm not sure why you'd feel that I would go to such great lengths to mislead a bunch of strangers on a weed site, but believe what you wish.

I've lost track of how many times you've declared that it was up to Hillary to earn people's votes, just like it was up to Bernie to do the same in the primaries. You've also swallowed whole, without question, Bearkats reasoning for why he refused to vote for Hillary, but here you are playing armchair quarterback with me. You seem to talk in circles, and one can only conclude that you just like to hear yourself talk.
I'm not the one talking in circles. I don't know why you would get so defensive about this. You didn't vote for Stein because you thought she would have made a good prez, you voted for her as a protest vote. Is this a false statement?
I'm not the one talking in circles. I don't know why you would get so defensive about this. You didn't vote for Stein because you thought she would have made a good prez, you voted for her as a protest vote. Is this a false statement?

I voted for her because:

a) Her platform best represented my views.

b) I don't like the two party system, and the only way to ensure that a third party makes it on to every ballot, and gets a seat on the debate stage is to support them in polling and with your vote.

c) She was not in the pocket of corporate America.

No, I did not fool myself in to thinking that she had a shot at winning, but my aforementioned reasons were important enough to me to vote for her anyway.

If I were casting a protest vote it would have been for Trump...the only other person on the ticket with a shot at beating Hillary. The thought never crossed my mind.