What did you accomplish today?

PS: You've got spider mites. :shock:
I do too. It's the curse of outdoor growing. Definitely wanna give em a rinse when you chop.

Those are just sitting behind a house I rent to my brother...just a few extras I didn't wana kill so I gave them to him.......my hands are full with my G houses and work .....He recently ate a live Blue Belly lizard for 100$ ....pretty sure he's not guna rinse anything LOL.
Damn man that sucks, atleast you weren't around if it was Leo
Had to leo. They been flying hot and heavy this year. I've watched them lower guys into several patches.

They would have left sign if they went in by foot.

Crazy. I guess I'm glad about not being there.

I had law enforcement come in on a patch one year as I was chopping plants.

I grabbed a arm full of bud and took off. I barley made it to the edge of the patch as guys in military gear came over the hill and repelled from the chopper.

I'm looking left and right almost in a panic. I laid down a slide underneath a big log that was half rotted.

I raked leaves over me and the big bundle of pot I got with me. As the chopper is hovering its blowing leaves off me.

I start breaking limbs and bark off and covering myself up and wedging myself deeper under this log.

Couple guys walked up and were within 20 foot of me.

I laid there about an hour as they finish up. They hooked a big bundle of plants to a rope and head out. The guys on foot head out. I laid there another hour before I decided to move.
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I buried my cat this morning that was killed by a coyote last night, that had been hanging around my yard for the last two weeks
Going to adopt 2 kittens from a local shelter tomorrow, (already put a hold on the brother and sister), set up bait for the coyote, and got out my .22 rifle and will kill that motherfucker tonight.
That is what I have done today, and will do tonight.
Just venting, sorry
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This is what's hot right now
Almost got it down.
I thought i finally scored some good cartridges for my shit. Rosin + terps. But one out of every 6 or so of these Chinese piece of shit cartridges leaks. Go figure right. Sucks. Got another big shipment coming in soon of what I hope are better, non-leaking ones.
There's a reason that you have to spend some money figuring it out. Good thing imo.
These cartridges make huge clouds. Biggest from a cartridge I've ever seen. Can't wait to get it down!