DIY 4x12 3500K/5000k lm561c two channel board


Well-Known Member
HLG-48A when turned up output 220W and inputs ~240W

F ***, I should have written "from ...w to ...w" for the overcorrect ones, Lol!
But the result remains the same...
no 50% gap in power draw between two different HLG-185's, even with CV/CC vs CC version.
No manufacturer would sell such drivers and call it 200w.


Well-Known Member
I had to put a bunch of people on ignore because they lack understanding. One in particular has gotten my private email address and attempting to fight with me via my private email, address claiming some higher standard while lying to get that said email address. This is the quality of people on this web site promoting the major sellers here.
sometimes simply admitting you are wrong, apologising and moving on is the best course of action instead of digging the hole deeper.


Well-Known Member
What baffles me is that one would turn to such foo foo science as observing power company bills vs take the real world measurements at the actual load.

2 measurements, one power, easy
do it again


Well-Known Member
sometimes simply admitting you are wrong, apologising and moving on is the best course of action instead of digging the hole deeper.
True, but he really doesn't seem to understand that he's in the wrong again.

OMG it's even worse, he started another thread on the subject trying to prove himself right. Guess that's the problem with his being an instant guru on everything he spent 5 minutes on. He knows everything right away.

@Randomblame Initially he claimed to have been in construction for decades and somehow that transformed into pretending being an engineer in the fields of electronics and lighting.
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Well-Known Member
True, but he really doesn't seem to understand that he's in the wrong again.

OMG it's even worse, he started another thread on the subject trying to prove himself right. Guess that's the problem with his being an instant guru on everything he spent 5 minutes on. He knows everything right away.

@Randomblame Initially he claimed to have been in construction for decades and somehow that transformed into pretending being an engineer in the fields of electronics and lighting.
I have also reached my engineering maturity ... in consuming drugs of all kinds over the past 40 years. I've so often imagined what I could be if I were not sitting in my little yellow submarine....
In fact, I could be anything I want if I only stronly believe in it, Lol! You not...¿?


Well-Known Member
I guess not many, but then you don't need a certificate to understand basics like that lowering the amps is not going to lower your power bill if the wattage remains the same. Or to understand the difference between a high-side and low-side switch etc etc etc.

Also, I doubt many without certificates would over and over pretend to know the answers to questions they don't actually know the answer for. Or at least indicate that they have some uncertainty about their answer and/or offer a link explaining the answer they just Googled. Let alone get upset when someone dares question the validity of said answer. Or even worse ... when someone proposes an opposite answer *shudder*


Well-Known Member
This is just beyond hilarious. It's the same "high side switch" drama all over again. Then he too got livid that we were all wrong and annoying. Or when he insisted that dimming a 10V PWM driver would never work without an extra 12V source.

It's baffling why some people feel the need to pretend they are guru's at something when it's so overly clear that it's something they just started with. Probably because his aim has always been to sell ... ehm sorry ... "DIY CO-OP" stuff to people. Better not let on that you're really a noob then.
I'll just leave this right here...


Well-Known Member
Just wondering where 212w comes from in your calculation?

No. it does not. A 200W (four 36V cobs) setup on a 1400mA driver draws 1400Ma @ 144V from the driver, and with a properly matched Meanwell 200W driver, the efficiency will be ~93% and the current draw at 120V AC will be (212W/115V = 1.84A, not 3A. The Meanwell spec sheet for the HLG-185 series lists the exact same wall current draw (~2A @115VAC) for all four versions - 500 mA, 700 mA, 1050 mA and 1400 mA.

Please stop lying.

Same amps - 2 amps for both.

Same amps at the wall. Same power out. Same efficiency. Its right there on the spec sheet. If yours was drawing more than two amps from the wall, but only delivering 200W then ITS BROKEN.

They use more amps because they deliver MORE POWER.

All have the EXACT SAME EFFICIENCY when running at full rated power. Output current is not relevant to their efficiency.

Stop lying.

No, they do not. Read the spec sheet.

Stop lying.

Amps are MEASURED but you are billed by the kW/h.

Neither current is on "120 or 240" the 1400 mA is at 143VDC, and the 1050 is at 190VDC. READ THE SPEC SHEET. Both pull 2 amps at 115VAC or 1 amp at 230VAC or 0.85A at 277VAC. Its right there on the spec sheet.

Are you drunk?