Rural America.

I posted that I grew up in the cultural, arts and educational center of the country and have posted multiple times the good and bad of the people and the environment I live with now

Of the 10 people I interacted with today all of them seemed happier and more open minded than you.

And only one was heavy. And she is a mother of 2.

Thanks for responding.

Of the 10 people I interacted with today 5 were overweight. The people seem happier because they dont know any better.
Open minded? Really? Tell that to the lady that came in and touched my black co-workers hair or the lady who was ranting against Catholics because Nuns have sex and have secret abortions. Or the dozens of people who confided in me they were glad Trump was building that wall because they assumed I was white (I am Latino) I shit you not.

I guess I am a unicorn because I get stares whereever I go.

Hey Michi are you White?
At least in NYC I can tell a racist to go fuck off and ban them from the business. This being a right to work state and there being lynch mobs and Klan rallies here I bite my tongue. Not to say parts of Long Island and the boroughs aren't full of racist pricks but at least you can get revenge there.
Of the 10 people I interacted with today 5 were overweight. The people seem happier because they dont know any better.
Open minded? Really? Tell that to the lady that came in and touched my black co-workers hair or the lady who was ranting against Catholics because Nuns have sex and have secret abortions. Or the dozens of people who confided in me they were glad Trump was building that wall because they assumed I was white (I am Latino) I shit you not.

I guess I am a unicorn because I get stares whereever I go.

Hey Michi are you White?

I will decline to answer your question about my race.

My point is that not all people fit into your blanket description.

And in my experience it is mixed this way everywhere. Whether you want to see or not.

I have many acquaintances and a only a few true friends. There is good reason for that. I don't have to agree with everyone and they don't have to agree with me.

And this is still America. Move if you don't like your surroundings. I haven't been able to work in my career for a decade from illness and I figured out something.
I will decline to answer your question about my race.

My point is that not all people fit into your blanket description.

And in my experience it is mixed this way everywhere. Whether you want to see or not.

I have many acquaintances and a only a few true friends. There is good reason for that. I don't have to agree with everyone and they don't have to agree with me.

And this is still America. Move if you don't like your surroundings. I haven't been able to work in my career for a decade from illness and I figured out something.
Which reminds me. Rural america is packed with people on disability. Way more people on disability than in urban areas. Is something in the air or water?
Which reminds me. Rural america is packed with people on disability. Way more people on disability than in urban areas. Is something in the air or water?

Actually there is quite a bit proven to be from the ground water but what the hell do I know? I was born with my illnesses.

Also labor jobs cause more injuries. You are all very one sided sounding all the time.
I posted that I grew up in the cultural, arts and educational center of the country and have posted multiple times the good and bad of the people and the environment I live with now.

Of the 10 people I interacted with today all of them seemed happier and more open minded than you.

And only one was heavy. And she is a mother of 2.

Thanks for responding.
I stopped at the Wallmer today as it is one of only two places to buy groceries and the price for staples is far, far below the other.

Dude, I can't even tell you how many morbidly obese people live here. It is astounding. And it's not just the Wallmer - I see it everywhere I go here. Of those that are not, about a third of them are skinny in the sort of way that meth using trailer park dwellers are. There are a fuckload of them here. I know because I visited most of them while canvassing last fall.

To be fair, the other grocery store has a much more normal distribution of fatties to non-fatties. This suggests to me an inverse income/obesity relationship.
I stopped at the Wallmer today as it is one of only two places to buy groceries and the price for staples is far, far below the other.

Dude, I can't even tell you how many morbidly obese people live here. It is astounding. And it's not just the Wallmer - I see it everywhere I go here. Of those that are not, about a third of them are skinny in the sort of way that meth using trailer park dwellers are. There are a fuckload of them here. I know because I visited most of them while canvassing last fall.

To be fair, the other grocery store has a much more normal distribution of fatties to non-fatties. This suggests to me an inverse income/obesity relationship.

The ratio is more like the east coast here but I have to agree with you on the relationship.

The wal mart in central Florida when I lived near Orlando looked like the funny videos and the one here is actually a nice store with a normal ratio.
I stopped at the Wallmer today as it is one of only two places to buy groceries and the price for staples is far, far below the other.

Dude, I can't even tell you how many morbidly obese people live here. It is astounding. And it's not just the Wallmer - I see it everywhere I go here. Of those that are not, about a third of them are skinny in the sort of way that meth using trailer park dwellers are. There are a fuckload of them here. I know because I visited most of them while canvassing last fall.

To be fair, the other grocery store has a much more normal distribution of fatties to non-fatties. This suggests to me an inverse income/obesity relationship.
Obesity is a product of poor nutrition.
Oh, I left something out. They are fucking miserable. Wage slaves. Typical hobbies: drinking.

Bud Light, you betcha. Maybe some Coors light.

My neighbor comes home with a twelve pack of Coors Light every single day. When I am out reading I can hear him open every one of them while he stares out into space without ever seeing a star.

I have some neighbors like Earl
If you don't like rural America then move. Who the F are you to judge other people? You sound like an elitist and a bigot. I have lived more urban and rural and I like rural better. I have lived across the street from $5 million houses and rural working people. I would trust the rural people more. Rural has far less crime and less hate than urban areas. There is more hate in urban areas. Really - just stop the hating.

PS: I probably have visted more countries than you ever have or ever will. Europe used to be nice but much of it has been ruined thanks to progressive, elite, Deep State open borders and the fascist EU.

lol, at least as much hate coming from rural areas.

gays, muslims, blacks, mexicans....

need i go on? i get tired of seeing confederate flags, maybe we should burn the motherfuckers !~!!!