I posted that I grew up in the cultural, arts and educational center of the country and have posted multiple times the good and bad of the people and the environment I live with now
Of the 10 people I interacted with today all of them seemed happier and more open minded than you.
And only one was heavy. And she is a mother of 2.
Thanks for responding.
Of the 10 people I interacted with today 5 were overweight. The people seem happier because they dont know any better.
Open minded? Really? Tell that to the lady that came in and touched my black co-workers hair or the lady who was ranting against Catholics because Nuns have sex and have secret abortions. Or the dozens of people who confided in me they were glad Trump was building that wall because they assumed I was white (I am Latino) I shit you not.
I guess I am a unicorn because I get stares whereever I go.
Hey Michi are you White?