No shit.Fucking dangerous shit bro!
I got a story of my buddy dying from a buzzbox on a jobsite. On a fucking hospital no less! Long story, but involves knicks in the lead. Wetter than shit. And must have been a bad gfi temp box.
My one buddy was welding stickers in front of my other buddy(plasterer)waiting so he can start spraying his fireproofing. Next thing you know my buddy up on the scaffolding welding stuck his rod. He lifted his hood and our buddy was bouncing on the ground. He grabbed the ground clamp standing in water with knicks in the lead and a bad temp box.
Just absolutely horrible man. They found speed in his blood. Totally nullified any kind of lawsuit. His wife got 1000 dollars from their union. I hate thinking about that shit.
Good vibes sent my friend. Hope everything is ok.Progress is being made on the first wave of ladies ....I'm usually super excited around this time, except for the trimming ....fuck I hate trimming..and the people who trim for me are awesome ...they tell me not to worry about it and I don't have to be there ...I completely trust them obviously, but I feel bad if I'm not doing my part to help .....but today I had to rush away from the farm and pick up lil Inda from school early ...he's been dealing with chest pains for a while now ....he's had tests done and a few trips to the hospital because of this tomorrow the children's hospital got him rite in for a cardiology app ....any prayers and or good vibes would be awesome guys ....hopefully we can get to the bottom of all this.
Long drive ahead of us tomorrow to take the little guy to the hospital time to burn one and go to bed.
At least when it is ferrous you can try a magnet to pull crap out of your eyes.You know when you drill soft metals you get long squirel tails?
I was using a pneumatic drill and one of those pieces of aluminum made it past safety glasses and a face shield.
Its hard not to move an eye on the way to the ER.
Progress is being made on the first wave of ladies ....I'm usually super excited around this time, except for the trimming ....fuck I hate trimming..and the people who trim for me are awesome ...they tell me not to worry about it and I don't have to be there ...I completely trust them obviously, but I feel bad if I'm not doing my part to help .....but today I had to rush away from the farm and pick up lil Inda from school early ...he's been dealing with chest pains for a while now ....he's had tests done and a few trips to the hospital because of this tomorrow the children's hospital got him rite in for a cardiology app ....any prayers and or good vibes would be awesome guys ....hopefully we can get to the bottom of all this.
Long drive ahead of us tomorrow to take the little guy to the hospital time to burn one and go to bed.
old hyd brake/clutch systems are a real PITA to work onI've been working on this POS S10 Blazer i got stuck with, for 3 days now. Had to replace the wiper/ high beam/ directional switch. Everything in this truck is wired thorough that damn thing. High beams didn't work, emergency flashers didn't work but it was clicking all the time, brake lights were on all the time, horn didn't work unless you hit the directional lever..Fucked up design. Then I had to fix the hvac flapper that the actuator arm broke off of. Everything i read said the dash needed to come out, they were wrong. A hooked pick and long screwdriver pried the arm off, I epoxied it back together, smoked a bowl while it dried, then was able to maneuver it into position and clip it back on with some long needle nose pliers.
Went to pull it out and clean it yesterday and popped the main brake line to the rear,. Bent up a new line, got it installed and couldn't get any pressure to the rear. WTF? Found a cracked fitting that was leaking, replaced it ands still no rear brakes. After hours trying to bleed it, I pulled the master cylinder thinking it was bad, even though it was dry. I flushed the reservoir, which was filthy, pulled the piston out of it and other than being a little dirty, it's fine. Then I hit the drain pan I was working in, flipped it over and covered myself in used brake fluid...
So now I'm smoking another bowl, then I'm going to go put it back together, bench bleed the master, then work my way through bleeding the system again and hope I get brakes. I need to move this thing and make a few bucks, but all this BS work is eating my profit.
Haha no way!!Rough start for us, but we held in there for the win!
View attachment 4016960
Good luck xProgress is being made on the first wave of ladies ....I'm usually super excited around this time, except for the trimming ....fuck I hate trimming..and the people who trim for me are awesome ...they tell me not to worry about it and I don't have to be there ...I completely trust them obviously, but I feel bad if I'm not doing my part to help .....but today I had to rush away from the farm and pick up lil Inda from school early ...he's been dealing with chest pains for a while now ....he's had tests done and a few trips to the hospital because of this tomorrow the children's hospital got him rite in for a cardiology app ....any prayers and or good vibes would be awesome guys ....hopefully we can get to the bottom of all this.
Long drive ahead of us tomorrow to take the little guy to the hospital time to burn one and go to bed.
old hyd brake/clutch systems are a real PITA to work on![]()
Fucking dangerous shit bro!
I got a story of my buddy dying from a buzzbox on a jobsite. On a fucking hospital no less! Long story, but involves knicks in the leed. Wetter than shit. And must have been a bad gfi temp box.
My one buddy was welding stickers in front of my other buddy(plasterer)waiting so he can start spraying his fireproofing. Next thing you know my buddy up on the scaffolding welding stuck his rod. He lifted his hood and our buddy was bouncing on the ground. He grabbed the ground clamp standing in water with knicks in the leed and a bad temp box.
Just absolutely horrible man. They found speed in his blood. Totally nullified any kind of lawsuit. His wife got 1000 dollars from their union. I hate thinking about that shit.
Let me be the first with the congrats!
Praying for little Inda, big Inda and Mrs Inda.Progress is being made on the first wave of ladies ....I'm usually super excited around this time, except for the trimming ....fuck I hate trimming..and the people who trim for me are awesome ...they tell me not to worry about it and I don't have to be there ...I completely trust them obviously, but I feel bad if I'm not doing my part to help .....but today I had to rush away from the farm and pick up lil Inda from school early ...he's been dealing with chest pains for a while now ....he's had tests done and a few trips to the hospital because of this tomorrow the children's hospital got him rite in for a cardiology app ....any prayers and or good vibes would be awesome guys ....hopefully we can get to the bottom of all this.
Long drive ahead of us tomorrow to take the little guy to the hospital time to burn one and go to bed.
Your wife is beautiful (oh and you'll pass) lol.
Good vibes sent my friend. Hope everything is ok.
Praying for little Inda, big Inda and Mrs Inda.
I hope it is not serious .
Good luck x
Innocent little kids in pain. It makes no sense to me and I think it's the main reason I don't believe in a god. Best of luck to you and the little guy, keep us updated...
Congratulations .
awww, is that lil' Muffin 2? Congrats!!View attachment 4017082 View attachment 4017081 My newest baby girl... omg she's just so darn cute!! Hope everyone is doing well !!