Well-Known Member
Just so you know glad you labeled me before you know me. I've tried to explain to you that if you constantly tell yourself you are a victim well..... I'm done. I totally understand racism exists and honestly I've asked for real common sense solutions to fix the problems. No affirmative action won't stop police from profiling will it. If you look at statistics which you seem to enjoy look up the chances of anyone regardless of race making it into the top 1% coming from a single parent home that lived below the poverty line...... I guess I should be and am fucked. I'm just going to give up now..... No point in trying.... Or wait like I've said work twice as hard as you feel is fair save your money invest it wisely (put it back into your business ect) and see what happens. I've never worked for anyone in my adult life. I promise you if you do the same and put 110% and every waking moment into wanting to succeed you will.
No matter the situation if you tell yourself you can't do something because of X excuse you are 100% going to fail.
I'm out.
so cops will stop being racist if black people just work harder?
how fucking dumb and racist are you?