Well-Known Member
Earlier I went to grab a coffee for momma I'm walking out to the car a homeless man asked a question that sounded like you have a smoke? .....I figured he must have seen me take my final drag when I arrived I get my pack out and pull one out for him....he looked kinda puzzled and took the cigarette ....I said have a good day and started to leave ......he said ....Oh no, do you smoke ....I said ...what Bud? ....he said yeah man I got some sheefs....I said have what now .......he said Sheefs ......
Thinking this was some new STD I wasn't hip to .....I started to wonder WTF he was trying to say he does the quick cop scan around the parking lot and I think ((OH BOY)) we go's da meff .......homie pulls out a bag of finely chopped fan leafs .....then proceeds to explain he's got sheef for sale ...20$ for the bag ....I actually felt kinda bad honestly ....he wasnt much older than me and obviously down on his luck ......I said no thank you I don't smoke .....even though I could have probably took my left shoe off and matched his bag ended up offering to wash my windshield or wheels ....again I said no thanks man .......I said are you trying to get money for food ....he said yeah ...I told him I wont give you cash but il buy you some breakfast we walked back in the store and I bought him a hot breakfast sammich and a coffee ....
Then I'm cruising through forums on here about 10 minutes ago and a guy is talking about smoking leafs as a kid ....what are the odds
Just relaxing today .....tomorrow il be back to chopping my plant

Thinking this was some new STD I wasn't hip to .....I started to wonder WTF he was trying to say he does the quick cop scan around the parking lot and I think ((OH BOY)) we go's da meff .......homie pulls out a bag of finely chopped fan leafs .....then proceeds to explain he's got sheef for sale ...20$ for the bag ....I actually felt kinda bad honestly ....he wasnt much older than me and obviously down on his luck ......I said no thank you I don't smoke .....even though I could have probably took my left shoe off and matched his bag ended up offering to wash my windshield or wheels ....again I said no thanks man .......I said are you trying to get money for food ....he said yeah ...I told him I wont give you cash but il buy you some breakfast we walked back in the store and I bought him a hot breakfast sammich and a coffee ....
Then I'm cruising through forums on here about 10 minutes ago and a guy is talking about smoking leafs as a kid ....what are the odds
Just relaxing today .....tomorrow il be back to chopping my plant