What did you accomplish today?

Those are some pretty solid ideas. I don't think I could slang enough chillies to cover the electric bill though. The market for chillies has kinda bottomed out here.
People out here make a killing selling flower arrangements. Maybe make an deal to be a supplier for local florists?
And there's always tomatoes. When they're out of season, grocery store tomatoes are overpriced and have zero flavor. Organic produce sells for a premium.
Serious chefs will also pay big bucks for quality produce. High brix sells itself.
Northeast outdoor AKA glorified mids.

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Gave a couple small jars away yesterday to a couple guys for testing.

When it dries more, I'll press out some buds with a hair straightener.

That's a pretty damn good test. Indoor just oozes out around the edges. Outdoor not so much, I found out last year.

I may be making some canabutter. I love brownies.
Edibles are where it's at!
I use cannabis for arthritis pain relief, and a small brownie in the morning and one at night is all I need to avoid taking pills. (My butter is *ultra* strength.)
I'm beginning to think some strains perform better outdoors than others. I've got a reveg plushberry that has been completely neglected and is kicking some serious butt. Apparently a billion popcorn buds are less susceptible to rot than big colas. I have no idea how I'm going to trim that fucker. Probably just give it a "rough cut"...
Sativas like as much light as they can get, provided the nutrients and fresh air (or bottled CO2) is there.
Yeah, I've got a couple of sativa doms outside that are fluffy and it's pissing me off. I'm sure it's from not having enough light. It's also cold & humid at night.
After my grow space modifications are done, I'm going to try to finish them indoors. Might have to get creative because they're 6 footers.
Probably got at least two weeks left.
They don't have much yellowing either, which is weird. All four of my other strains faded like crazy -- and they all got the same food. Hmm
Earlier I went to grab a coffee for momma .....as I'm walking out to the car a homeless man asked a question that sounded like ...do you have a smoke? .....I figured he must have seen me take my final drag when I arrived ......so I get my pack out and pull one out for him....he looked kinda puzzled and took the cigarette ....I said have a good day and started to leave ......he said ....Oh no, do you smoke ....I said ...what Bud? ....he said yeah man I got some sheefs....I said ...you have what now .......he said Sheefs ......o_O

Thinking this was some new STD I wasn't hip to .....I started to wonder WTF he was trying to say .....so he does the quick cop scan around the parking lot and I think ((OH BOY))...here we go ....it's da meff .......homie pulls out a bag of finely chopped fan leafs .....then proceeds to explain he's got sheef for sale ...20$ for the bag .....lol ....I actually felt kinda bad honestly ....he wasnt much older than me and obviously down on his luck ......I said no thank you I don't smoke .....even though I could have probably took my left shoe off and matched his bag ..lol......He ended up offering to wash my windshield or wheels ....again I said no thanks man .......I said are you trying to get money for food ....he said yeah ...I told him I wont give you cash but il buy you some breakfast ....so we walked back in the store and I bought him a hot breakfast sammich and a coffee ....

Then I'm cruising through forums on here about 10 minutes ago and a guy is talking about smoking leafs as a kid ....what are the odds ...lol

Just relaxing today .....tomorrow il be back to chopping my plant

Oh man did you ever miss out!

To the American ear (Le) Chiffre sounds just like someone with a harelip saying "sheef". However le Chiffre means Zero in French, and denotes their most secret grower. His strain is so rare and amazing an average sample is 128 per cent THC, and samples exceeding 150 per cent have been tested and verifried. You probably lost an amazing opportunity there.
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Wish you guys could smell this stuff ....delicious heavy tire fire dank ....and buger sticky.
I feel like a dick head because I actually meant to reply to this thread with "looks amazing."

600 dollars worth of grocery shopping with momma .....she got me with the old ...(( let's just stop and grab a few things Hun)) ....I hate shopping ......3 carts 2 little boys and momma ....it was so much Fun .......lol

I knew I owed her for the early morning sex and the BJ out on the porch last night...well worth it

I'd push one more cart and another kid for those kinda deals ........wait, that's just me trying to act cool now.

Nevermind, scratch that last part...
Took the Mrs. to a new restaurant for lunch today as an appeasement.

The new restaurant is in an upscale part of town near the hospital and teaching campus.

Fancy named drinks - $9 and up
Fancy named eggs - $2 ea
Fancy named duck paste - $8
Fancy named french toast - $12
Fancy named cheese bread - $8
Fancy named cheese burger - $13
Various other fare but all way over priced.

Seating was less than convenient and uncomfortable. Service was slow and the serving waitress
talked too much. The Mrs. said she liked the Bloody Mary as they were made fresh and not from a mix. But for $9 I think it should have been a JUMBO.

The best part of the lunch was seeing a very healthy woman wearing a thin summer dress walk by sans underwear. It was quite obvious that she was happy to see me.

They need not wait for my return to close the place as I will not be back there again.

Cost me $50 before we left.
I'm no cheapskate, I have paid more than that else where and enjoyed the entire experience.

All in all my ploy worked, the Mrs. started talking to me again.

Next time I'll not let her see me feed breakfast to the dogs.:lol: