What did you accomplish today?

Anything for our babies ....I know

Luckily you stood cool and helped instead of freaking to the point of being paralyzed .....my wife is always amazed how calm I am in crazy situations.
I've been part of some crazy accidents. Seen a guy lose a hand and go running around screaming. Saw a bulldozer fall on another guys hand. Saw a couple fingers cut off.

One reason I got away from dangerous work. I guess what I do is still dangerous but nowhere near as bad.

It always amazed me at how some people get hurt and run around like a chicken with its head cut off.
I was outside working when my first child was about 3 months old. My wife comes out screaming that the baby was choking and dieing.

I came in and told her the last thing to do was panic. Our first one had problems with getting choked while eating on top of stuffy nose.

I grabbed the baby and held her in my left arm head down. I took my finger and cleared the puke from her mouth and then went to using the suction thing to clear her airways.

I guess about 3 minutes have went by and the situation is getting kind of serious. Long stringy snot was coming out and it wouldn't clear with the rubber thing.

Her mouth was clear but this phlem clear mucus stuff was stuck in that area where the nose meets the throat.

This has never been trained to me. I remembered something from infant CPR. Where you put your mouth over their nose and mouth. I modified it on the fly. I put my mouth over the babies nose. I then sucked the gunk out with my mouth. It cleared. I got her throat and nose clear.

I put the baby in the upright position then came the big gasp of air followed by some cries.
In their first few months of life infants are obligate nose breathers and most cardiac arrests in infants are due to a respiratory arrest. PALS was my most hated cert. Anyway thank you god for wall suction and Gomcos. Most of the pedi and nursery nurses carried these in their pockets. They were taped above cribs etc...

In their first few months of life infants are obligate nose breathers and most cardiac arrests in infants are due to a respiratory arrest. PALS was my most hated cert. Anyway thank you god for wall suction and Gomcos. Most of the pedi and nursery nurses carried these in their pockets. They were taped above cribs etc...

I kept one of those handy. For what ever reason it wasn't clearing. It just wouldn't clear.

I kept several of them actually. One or two in the diaper bag. One next to the crib. I think even in the glove box of the cars.

Those things have come in handy several times.

I still have them. I have ear wax problems. I use the drops then warm soapy water to remove the wax.

Is it impacted or compacted? I don't remember. First time happened in the military. I had the awefulest ear ache. Ear wax.
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I've been part of some crazy accidents. Seen a guy lose a hand and go running around screaming. Saw a bulldozer fall on another guys hand. Saw a couple fingers cut off.

One reason I got away from dangerous work. I guess what I do is still dangerous but nowhere near as bad.

It always amazed me at how some people get hurt and run around like a chicken with its head cut off.

When I was seventeen, working on a bridge over an interstate two guys fell to their deaths about two weeks apart. I have lost 6 cousins in ditch collapses, 4 at one time, 2 a year later. Was on a skyscraper and a gal fell 17 stories onto a electrical pad with conduits sticking up everywhere, and yeah they had to vacuum her from the pipes. I seen two thumbs and a few fingers lying on the floor and sawhorses. One of my uncle's stuck his hand on the table saw blade, blood and bits of meat on the walls, ceiling and floor. And so on, just can't be to careful.

Sorry for the gore . Accidents suck, the shit we do to each other on purpose is redickulous .
When I was seventeen, working on a bridge over an interstate two guys fell to their deaths about two weeks apart. I have lost 6 cousins in ditch collapses, 4 at one time, 2 a year later. Was on a skyscraper and a gal fell 17 stories onto a electrical pad with conduits sticking up everywhere, and yeah they had to vacuum her from the pipes. I seen two thumbs and a few fingers lying on the floor and sawhorses. One of my uncle's stuck his hand on the table saw blade, blood and bits of meat on the walls, ceiling and floor. And so on, just can't be to careful.

Sorry for the gore . Accidents suck, the shit we do to each other on purpose is redickulous .
So true. Never can be too careful. I don't don't do dangerous stuff high.
Thanks. I didn't have a choice. It was 30 or more minutes to the hospital and would taken at least that long for an ambulance.

Got to do what you got to do.
When I was seventeen, working on a bridge over an interstate two guys fell to their deaths about two weeks apart. I have lost 6 cousins in ditch collapses, 4 at one time, 2 a year later. Was on a skyscraper and a gal fell 17 stories onto a electrical pad with conduits sticking up everywhere, and yeah they had to vacuum her from the pipes. I seen two thumbs and a few fingers lying on the floor and sawhorses. One of my uncle's stuck his hand on the table saw blade, blood and bits of meat on the walls, ceiling and floor. And so on, just can't be to careful.

Sorry for the gore . Accidents suck, the shit we do to each other on purpose is redickulous .
Damn bro, sorry to hear that.. crazy shit..
We where burying pipe in Valdosta and a dude got bit by a rattle snake, we never went to get pipe again with out the shotgun . He survived but barely.
My son was doing tree work and he had been working this same pile all morning, grabbed a log and a huge rattle snake was under it. He dropped the log and bailed out.. one of his coworkers shot it, it was well over 6’ long.. luckily it didn’t strike cuz he was in range.. he was done with the pile, needless to say. He said they must have worked all around him for hours until they got to that log. Scary af..
Opiates are actually pretty poor for any type of headache relief and out of all the opiates the 'codone group are some of the poorest performers.

I always wondered about that.

I get migraines. They give me Imitrex nasal spray. Usually works.

I've also taken a Percocet once in a while if it's bad.

It reduces the pain but as soon as it wears off, the pain bounces right back exactly the same as it was.

Imitrex works better, but they only give you 6 a month. I can go 6 months without a headache and then go through a whole script in a few days, run out and be stuck with Percs that don't work right.

Picked up deer in 2 counties this morning then went up to the rental and started cleaning that out. Found a few things worth keeping but most is getting tossed. Dumpster gets delivered thur or fri.
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Came home and made a quick dinner.
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Reckon what happened to the shingles on the dog house, do you think the dog eat them ?